Chapter 76 - Papa Legba Ⅱ (1/2)
A dark figure shadowy begins to form in the doorway as the blood on the floor seemingly seems to evaporate. In a strange, possibly, African accent, a male voice from the doorway says, ”Why have the children of the wand carriers come to see a priest of magics of old?”
The three Death Eater's share a look as Aeron steps forward and says, ”We seek answers and our kind knows them not.”
Papa Legba is silent for a moment, before laughing loudly causing the three men to stiffen. ”In that case, ask your questions, but be forewarned the price for an answer can be quite costly.”
”We understand the terms,” Aeron said as he cleared his throat. ”We seek the enemy of our Dark Lord. Precisely the ones who foiled our plans.”
Papa Legba is silent for a moment, before softly whispering as though speaking with another spirit. After a moment, Papa Legba unhappily says, ”Aye, we know who it is that you seek, however, they cannot be touched.”
”Excuse me?” Aeron said in surprise as even the Rain Man was in disbelief.
”The price for the said answer cannot be paid for even at the cost of all of your souls combined,” Papa Legba flatly answered. ”Our apologies as such this answer is free with no strings attached nor requires further nor future payment.”
Aeron bites his lips and carefully rephrases the answers, ”If you cannot give us the identity of our Dark Lord's enemy, then can we can confirm, who the third party is?”
”Yes,” Papa Legba drawled in pleasure. ”However, that will only cost the item which is in your pocket.”
”My pocket?” Aeron furrowed his brow as he reached inside to grasp a jeweled pendant. ”Is that all?” Aeron carefully asked.
”Yes, all we will require as payment is the pendant in your left pocket,” Papa Legba truthfully stated.
Aeron carefully holds out the pendant for the Rain Man to take, who then tosses into the doorway as a dark shadow easily catches it. ”It is the Auror's of your Ministry of Magic,” Papa Legba laughingly said.
”What impossible!” Seth growled. ”How?”
”Ah, ah, ah, one question, one answer, one price,” Papa Legba snickered.
”And what do we need to pay for such an answer?” Aeron hissed in fury.
”The time is up,” Papa Legba said as the last blood drop faded away and with a loudly, solemn creek the door slammed shut with a chilly breeze. The dark doorway suddenly faded away as the room brightens up as the candles begin to brightly glow again and the room returns to previous presence.
”Bring him back,” Seth growled as he took a step forward to only find the emerald snake pulling its self-up to match him in height. The emerald snake snaps it's jaws at him causing Seth to step back lest he be bitten by its venomous fangs.
”That cannot be done,” The Rain Man replied as he tiredly took a seat. ”Papa Legba can only open the doorway, and he will not hear my call if the one seeking answers does not come in person after the first time.”
”Our Dark Lord will never do so!” Seth snapped in anger.
”Then you need worry not,” The Rain Man curtly replied. ”Only those willing to pay the price may call upon him again.”
”Thank you for your aid,” Aeron stiffly said as Seth barely resists the urge to spit on the floor. However, Lestrange remains in place as Aeron says, ”Lestrange?”
”I wish for a simple card reading, both of you may go on ahead,” Rodolphus replied causing the two Death Eaters to glance at each other, before Aeron stiffly said, ”We will see you later then.”
The door shuts behind them as the Rain Man says, ”Please have a seat,” as he gestured for Lestrange to take a seat across from him. Lestrange takes a seat at the table as the cards seemingly begin to shuffle themselves, before neatly piling up before spreading back out in the form of a crescent moon. ”Select the cards that speak to you, but no more than six,” The Rain Man warningly said.
Lestrange having selected four cards, the rest of the deck neatly forms a pile as the Rain Man turns the first card representing the past, but it is upside down, the Marassa, the lover's card. ”Lovers not meant to be, your wife?” The Rain Man commented causing Rodolphus's face to darken.
A knowing look appears in the Rain Man's eyes, but he does not voice his inner thoughts. Turning the next card representing the present, his hand stills at seeing Courir Le Mardi Gras, the devil. ”Wizard, what manner of fiend have you intertwined yourself with?”
Lestrange's face darkens as if in confirmation as the Rain Man continues, ”The next two cards will represent your future, are you certain that that you wish for me to reveal the future?”
”Yes,” Rodolphus Lestrange growled with absolute certainty.