Chapter 38 - Mail Ⅲ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 32970K 2022-07-25

Time trickles by until it is time for dinner. With a happy sigh, Sirius says, ”It's getting late, we better head down for dinner or we won't get a bite to eat!”

”Yes!” Pettigrew gratefully said as he finally let go of his aching head, having learned more in one afternoon than an entire class period.

Lupin carefully packs up his things as do the rest until James says, ”Aren't you heading downstairs for dinner, Rowan?”

”No,” Rowan mumbled as she waved them off with one hand to go on and leave her be.

The four boys' glance at each other, before James importantly declared, ”Well, in that case, we'll come back after dinner.”

Rowan hand paused as she glances up at them with a resigned expression. ”If I head down to dinner with you, will the four of you me leave alone after this?”

”I can't promise anything,” James loftily said as the rest of the smirked over at her. Rowan groaned in reply, before reluctantly gathering her things and heads to the Great Hall with them lest they come up with more ways to bother her.

They politely wave goodbye to Madam Pince, who somewhat mollified nods her head at them. The moment they leave the library, Sirius stretches out and lets out a holler in relief. ”Uh, I thought I was going to suffocate in there!”

”Mm, it can be quite dull,” James agreed as Lupin ruefully shakes his head.

However, Pettigrew on the other hand unhappily glared at Rowan, who sneered back at with as if saying, ”The feelings mutual, buddy.”

Noticing the silent standoff, Sirius intervenes and wraps a playful arm around Pettigrew. ”C' mon, Pettigrew, where's your smile?” Pettigrew wrinkles his nose as Sirius drags Pettigrew a few feet away from them and pokes general fun at him. James laughs mischievously at Sirius's antics and follows suit as they mercilessly tease Pettigrew.

Rather than trailing after them, Lupin remains a step behind. ”By the way, thanks,” Lupin softly said.

”For what?” Rowan snorted in reply. Lupin grins knowingly at Rowan's attempt to feign innocence, before rushing off after his three friends. The four boys tease each other until they get to the Great Hall, where they hurriedly head over to their Gryffindor table.

Rowan takes a seat at the Slytherin table to find her roommates already at the table. Taking a seat, Rowan grabs a plate for herself as Silvia grins with a wide knowing smile at Rowan. ”What?” Rowan finally snapped unable to stand the smirk on Silvia Flint's face.

”Nothing,” Silvia ruefully said as her blue-gray eyes had a rather annoying familiar twinkle to them.

”Nu-uh!” Tiffany Topsy protested; her strawberry blond hair bobbed in protest as well. ”We were just talking about how Rowan entered the Great Hall with four boys!”

”Merely a coincidence of that I'm sure of,” Bethanie Fawley sternly interjected causing her freckles to twitch on her nose. Rowan gratefully stares at Bethanie, who gives her a nod as if saying, ”Girl, I've got your back.”

Tiffany shakes her head in disappointment causing her strawberry blond hair to bob all around. ”Aw, I finally thought I had some good gossip,” Tiffany lamented out loud.

”Oh, I don't know about that,” Silvia retorted with gleaming blue-gray eyes.

”Be quiet and eat already, you too,” Bethanie chided them in a maternal tone. The two girls obediently do as there are told as if unable to disobey Bethanie's command.

Rowan swallows a mouthful and sincerely says, ”If I were a boy, Bethanie, I would definitely marry you.”

”Wait, why not me? I'm the cutest!” Tiffany shrieked indignantly. ”Or Silvia, since she's got the most money out of all of us!”

”It's because Bethanie's the sweetest,” Rowan frankly said causing Tiffany to sputter indignantly and Silvia to pensively say, ”I have the feeling that Bethanie shan't lift a finger and that the boys will come to her like bees to honey.”

”I'll drink to that,” Rowan said holding up her goblet in the air for emphasis. The four girls burst out into laughter and continued to tease each other for the rest of the meal. It was so nice that Rowan decided to not head back to the library and take a break for the evening.
