Chapter 13 (1/2)

Chapter 13: Goodnight Ruiseine

I recalled the words of Kurishi+o。

When her vitality started to disappear。

Ruiseine saved the teacher rather than her wounded self。

Is this really a necessary action for a Shrine maiden? Do they really need to care about other people’s lives more than their own? Is she a person that really had to save the teacher that willingly sacrificed himself to save her?

To the appearance of the Shrine maiden Ruiseine like that、I unintentionally shed tears。

「Why are you crying? Ernea has reat achieveo to a safe place with him」

The voice of Ruiseine has already become hoarse and frail。

Ruiseine doesn’t know about it huh。That the other re Demon blade users should have been already defeated by Ristia and his companions at this time。


I didn’t even take an active part in it。

「Ehehe、Ruiseine really didn’t know anything huh、really now」

To the words ofup with a smile、Ruiseine tilted her head。

She seemed like she would fall any second when she titled her head so I held her on my arms。

And I gently touched the wounds of Ruiseine。

Haa、her wounds are so deep that her internal organs are bursting out。

When I touched her wounds、Ruiseine ony。

「Ah、sorry。It hurts huh」

「N-、no。Such a thing……」

Ruiseine s for her。

However、her pupils were closed like she was going to instantly fall asleep & now Ruiseine has completely shut her eyes。


The tears from ym eyes didn’t stop to flow。


(TLN: The chapter title! WAT DA MEOW!)


Garan。(TLN: Sound effect)

In the interior of the passageway、the rocks froan to move。

When I turned e shi+eld started to stand up。

daon ki。

Though the Arrow of Dragon ki already had an a amount of power but it seeon ki。

I was astonished。

The Demon blade user started to push aside the pebbles while I was still in shock & he was very different from the other people。

Though I didn’t notice it when I desperately came here but I could now understand that he was different from the other Demon blade users。

The dee shi+eld rapped up in an armor of jet black darkness。

And a strong sinister aura is being let out of his body。

This fellow is different from the other Demon blade users。

My whole body eating。

The Dark armored Demon blade user slowly approached my direction。

Run away。My instincts cried out。

I ht of the Yorutenitosu kingdom as now a Demon blade user。

However, I couldn’t feel even a sainst this fellow that was in front of me。

In case of the usual me、then I would have run away now at fulls peed。However、the teacher that Ruiseine saved while risking her own life wasn’t conscious right now。

I couldn’t leave him here。

I took out the average sword once again & took a stance。

I closed up a bit of a distance between the two of us。

I deepened on pulse。

And then。

I th that I had & ran away from that place。

You’rewhile I wasan excuse for myself。

Two shi+ning things were there in front of the place where I was running into。

It was a pair of glaring but glittering pupils of blue color。

The thing with those glittering blue pupils shot off an astonishi+ng strong aura of thirst of blood as led and fell off。

The Dark armored Demon blade user calmly approached。

The person that was in front of me also approached。

The person as in front of me was nearer。

「He-、help me」

I cried out。

The person that had glittering blue eyes approached me。

That person pulled out the one handed lacquer black rod from its waist。

「Stay at that place」

The person with blue eyes passed over me。

It was Mistral-san。

To the terrifying aura of thirst for blood that Mistral-san was ee shi+eld。

Mistral-san didn’t have a look like she orried。

Both of the range。

At the moment when the Dark armored Demon blade user moved。

An explosive like metallic sound that resounded consecutively for six tie way of the ruins。

And thus、at the bottom of Mistral-san’s foot which was like a second just passed by was the lump of meat of the Dark armored Demon blade user。

「Fumu、I didn’t even need to use a technique attack」

(TLN: SCARY! You should be considering on calling her Mistral-sama or Mistral Onee-sama, MC-kun)

It was overwhel。It took only an instant for her six attacks。

It didn’t e shi+eld or his body was covered in a dark armor、the Demon blade user was brutally beaten to death by Mistral-san’s blunt weapon。


So this is the thing that they call a Dragon Princess。A person that could even injure an Ancient dragon type 。

I understood Mistral-san’s dreadfulness right now。

Speaking of Mistral-san、she shook off the blood on her one handed rod and returned to where I was。

Her aura of thirst for blood has already disappeared。

「Are you alright? Are you injured?」

「N-、o I’ht。Other than that、why are you in this place?」

Actually、I already noticed that Mistral-san was getting nearer when I felt the Dragon pulse a while ago。That’s why I ran away。

(TLN: That’s what you call TACTICAL RETREAT, bruh)

But the aura of thirst for blood of hers was really scary。

I just voicedthat Mistral-san is scary。

「Yes。The old on ki for even a short time。I hurriedly came here to oversee your situation」

I see、Old Sleigstar who is well versed in the Dragon pulse noticedit huh。

「Was that so。That was really helpful」

I becah as Mistral took out her water flash and took some as she handed it over to me。

I graciously accepted & drank it up at a dash。

「Since you have settled down then briefly explain this situation」

With Mistral-san’s urging、I told her about the things that have happened。

「Was that so。That was a very difficult happening huh」

Mistral-san looked at Ruiseine and the teacher ere laying down beside me when I said that。

「The teacher doesn’t seem to have any wounds and looks fine」

I said that and looked over Ruiseine as Mistral-san looked a bit sad。

「Ernea、you have did well。You have done a great thing within your lierous situation」

With Mistral-san who comforted me、The tears that stopped overflowed once more。

Mistral-san gently embraced me。

Mistral-san is really gentle and kind。

I depended on Mistral-san for a bit as I entrusted s to my tears。

Mistral-san rubbed radually settled down。

「First of all、it’s good that you’re alright」

「Yes、but if Mistral-san didn’t come then I would have been driven to a corner」

I soly embraced me。

「Don’t be too reckless。The old man and I would be worried」

「Oh、So Mistral-san orried about me huh」

To ave a wry smile。