Chapter 42 (2/2)
「Eehh Because the Roly influences the North On the other hand, Kirishi+an culture persists in the South」
「But thatto be a delay」
It’s the Empire that has the most advanced civilization in the West In particular, civil engineering and construction technology of the E incorporated makes it seem old-fashi+oned
「Well, South Kirishi+ans are hard-headed」
Roa straightforwardly said the bad things about
things about South Kirishi+ans Haruto and Aisha instinctively match their faces
「There it is It’s the real estate company For now, let’s ask」
The party headed to the real estate coated in advance
「hello Would youme see some properties? 」
「That’s alright What are you looking for? 」
When Haruto said his conditions, the clerk showed hih the materials, the clerk stared at Haruto’s face and said
「I don’t re you anywhere, where are you from? 」
「Clari-ouch! 」
Roa banged his head when he’s about to say Claris Haruto ansith a smile
「I came from the East」
「He~, perhaps your girlfriend is a desert citizen? 」
「Ehhh, she is」
Aisha bows her head with a smile Roa puffed out her cheeks and protested to Haruto in a loud voice
「Why are you confir it! 」
「If we say you’re from Claris; they may not sell it」
Haruto answers in a loud voice Claris is the first city that betrayed the City-State Union It’s a dirty word in Alto
「Well then, for the ti, can you show me this and this? 」
Haruto narrowed down the properties into two He wasn’t sure with just the materials, so he wanted to see it
「Alright Follow me」
Their party was guided to one property Haruto narrowed it down to one after being troubled
「Well then 80 million Doria, or 16 million Romano」
「Then this」
Haruto had Aisha give hiold coins in all The clerk se cash payold coins The 80 rip strength of Aisha who carried around 800 gold coins by hand
「Then sign this for me」
Haruto signs and then look at the clerk’s face There is no particular change He does not see of being relieved and then discouraged
「Thank you for your continued patronage」
The clerk sood since he made money
It is fourto Claris’ merchants
Right, they finished purchasing properties in Ringa earlier on, so the party headed for Reim
「All the men in Reim have trained their bodies Reiest in the West, and they’ve repelled the Kingdo deal, but their equip weapons support froa E Reim from the front, so he started from Claris」
「Why would the dauntless Reim easily surrender? 」
Aisha asked Roa Roa is packed with answers
「It’s probably because Claris surrendered And Reiainst the Eht until they’re sacrificed」
「Ah! So that’s why」
Roa swung her head up and down
「Now then, it seee country……what kind of country is it」
Haruto laughed
The guards who protected the gates were Kirishi+ans But it was a bit different from the Kirishi+ans Haruto knew about
The first is stature The average height of Kirishi+ans is roughly 165 cuard was 180 cm
Next is the muscle The upper arm is twice as thick as Haruto That doesn’t
「Ano……perhaps, are all thebody? 」
Roa asked fearfully The man shook his head Haruto and Roa patted their chests
「No, I’est men act asGermanis who turned thieves」
Haruto and Roa had eyes wide open If this is weak, what kind of body do the other Reims have?
「Are you here in Rei in particular……but anyway, have fun」
The hed with a loud voice Haruto made a bitter smile
「U~n, there’s a lot of hulking guys out there but the others are not so different from us」
「I agree Even so, Rei, even the women are」
Haruto and Roa look as if they’ve become accustomed to it, they’ve adapted relatively well On the other hand, one person has an unpleasant face It was Aisha
「What happened? 」
When Haruto called out, Aisha frowns
「……so like this town doesn’t smell of sweat? 」
Haruto and Roa do not s even if they’re told She can sense it since the sense of ss
「But there are a lot of shi+rtless guys It should
guys It should be ht? 」
「It’s a Aren’t they cold? 」
Perhaps because they’re wearing natural war fixtures naenerated is uneven
「There are rain」
「I heard that there was a terrible famine They can’t afford to starve them to death」
「For Edom is a bad loan」
Aisha gave a little sympathy to Emperor Westoria
「But isn’t it big that he obtained the Continental Road? With this, the sea route, and the land route has both becoet horses from Germanis? 」
In short, it depends on the way of governance
「For now, let’s search for properties I hope there’s a nice place」
Fortunately, a property was easily found The problem is the price
「Oi oi, 120it It’s sa is 150 a’s」
Haruto coued
「You can’t compare it with Alto after it fell But you should also be aware, of Claris and Ringa, Reim is the closest route to Vers And a merchant who can’t use a shi+p uses the Continental Road to go to the Capital That et to Claris So the land here right now is increasing in price Don’t complain」
Haruto cannot refute after being told so Because it’s exactly the same reason why Haruto chose Reim
「What to do? 」
Roa see at Haruto For Haruto, 120 million is chicken feed……it’s not an amount that can’t be paid But as far as they can see, this ive it up Rather, he’s scary
「I understand I’ll pay Hey, Aisha」
Aisha hands a bag full of 1,000 gold coins Thefroine a wo
「Gahhh! My shoulder!! 」
Haruto had his revenge so he’s happy
After returning to Claris, Haruto visited Dennis whom they’ve left the ith He had a lot of trouble, and there’s also theland
「I got back just noas the land? 」
「I bought it I bought it at the asking price since it was troublesole 800 million」
Dennis has a face like he’s doing it for revenge
「I see Well, I don’t want to ood decision」
When Haruto praised him, Dennis has a complicated face
「I’ll talk to the Governor froene Are you co with me? 」
「Iya, I’ll refrain」
Dennis obviously looked annoyed
「That’s why, please sell 」
「This is……so sudden」
Governor Gray laughed with a bitter smile
「Well, we’re also troubled with the disposal, so I don’t et? 」
「Could you tellprice first? 」
When Haruto say so, Governor Gray said while a little worried
「Well, it is well used The value as a hotel is already zero I guess about 800 million? 」
「I understand I’ll buy it for 800 million」
「Eh? 」
Governor Gray was puzzled He can sell it for 500 hfor the ease of use of the Governor Besides, the opponent is the merchant Haruto whoht that the other party would haggle so he quoted that price
「For the inforave us about the Samaras Shokai matter I asked you about The price is for this」
Haruto laughed
Haruto, after talking to the Governor, then headed for Eugene
「Recently, you’ve been doing well It seeht a lot of land I heard about it You seea, and Reim Iya, it’s really envious Aren’t you also friends with Governor Gray? 」
「Why the sudden sarcasm In any case, I’d like to buy slaves」
Haruto tells Eugene his purpose Eugene sfully
「The furnishi+ngs are good Since there are many aristocrats disposed of in the previous war, a lot of slaves that are belongings of those aristocrats are in the h It’s 300 thousand per person It’s because the opportunity for slavery is drastically reduced from now on So, how many people do you need? 」
「Two hundred people」
As Haruto say so Eugene smiles joyfully
「That’s easy Iya, the econoood Thanks to you, I can in it」
Thus, 200 slaves were obtained