Chapter 16 (1/2)

第16話 情勢

Chapter 16 – State of Affairs

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

During the ti about sales, there was a parlia place at the central plaza

「Let us co lead」 (Adonis)

Of the Diet, any seated me It is custo to take lead

「I am sure everyone has already heard and knoe are here 2 weeks ago, Emperor Anders (エンダース) the 6th…… has died」 (Adonis)

Adonis hastens past the uninteresting topic The other parliament members aren’t too surprised as in Clarice, the City-State Union, the place is governed by powerful merchants As such, they are able to obtain information from various routes (sources)

「His majesty, Westoria (ウェストリア) the 8th prince, for the imperial throne…… no, Westoria the 1st will succeed the throne」 (Adonis)

The E them, the most influential are Pentax (ペンティクス) the 2nd prince and Westoria the 8th prince Pentax has the backing of the army and the aristocrats Westoria has the support of the middle class & powerful families from the provinces with the pleasants & fare the Kingdoe tribes that are located around the Empire Westoria’s policy is to create public financial stability, boost the econoap between those who are poor and needy

Fro Prince Westoria The time has come for their support to bear fruit

「What do you all think about the rebellion that took place in the Empire Could it be that Westoria-dono…… could his majesty be a talented military commander?」 (Adonis)

Wujek had said so about that before When the rebellion occurred, Prince Westoria and Prince Pentax joined hands to quell the rebellion If one were to consider Prince Pentax’s opinion, Prince Westori was rather quick to act in order to suppress the rebellion

To further the ency were the provincial nobles Of those nobles that were found guilty of being involved, 100 of them were punished As a result, Prince Pentax’s central support received n, Prince Westoria became well known and within the army support for Prince Westoria rose And thus, Prince Westoria obtained the imperial throne

「Business will iood news for us」 (Brunch)

Brunch showed a pleased sh the Empire is in decline, it is still a superpower If business in the Empire improves so will business in the City-States

「What about you Malthus-san? Will the number of ith the Empire decrease?」 (Adonis)

Showing a broad grin on his face, Adonis asked Wujek Without any changes in his facial expression, Wujek replies

「Huh? The Edom at their own discretion I see no probleto hear Besides, his majesty Westoria is a valued customer of mine 」 (Wujek)

Wujek has sold 3 desert people to Westoria The desert people are a warrior nation It is said that their strength is equal to 100 soldiers Because these people live in the great desert, out of Clarice’s headquarter, Wejuk is the only one who has dealt with the desert people

「The desert people I sold did participate in the rebellion By the way, Ainsworth, what about you? Were the provincial nobles that were punished not clients of yours?」 (Wujek)

Wujek said with a broad grin Brunch responded with a smile

「I’m not particularly troubled as the land itself was not lost I a people to sell wine to But anyhow, there are many other people (customers) to take their place」 (Brunch)

The 3 onize one another, desperately trying to assert dominance

「What about Alto (アルト)?」

Alto is the City-State Union’s oldest state It is the center of the Union’s politics with Clarice being the econo to the City-States’ central parliament

「They believe that we are not able to secure information sooner than them At the very less, a Union assembly would be held no earlier than in onebeing decided on」 (Adonis)

After all, the City-State Union is a disorderly bunch Unless there is a large scale invasion froreat crisis such as a plague that has decreased the population by 20 percent then they will not unite

「Well, we of Clarice have are our national power to ht」 (Brunch)

Brunch says with a soft smile

「Then, shall we bring theto a close?」 (Adonis)

The conversation has settled down and Adonis brings the assembly to a close

One month later, the news of the newly appointed Ehout the City-State Union

「Lora, what sort of person is Westoria?」 (Haruto)

Haruto and Lora are having lunch at Undine Having just recently kissed one another, they were both embarrassed and they silently ate their er and addressed Lora

「Eh!? His majesty Westoria! U his people His hly supported by the peasants from the provinces」 (Lora)