Chapter 10 (1/2)
Chapter 10 – Preparations
MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)
「Haruto-san, please wake up」 (Lora)
As Haruto opens his eyes, he expected to see a siht, Lora is hovering near him
「Ah, !!」 (Haruto)
Lora is nude Haruto’s eyes focus on her white skin
「Because yesterday, I was in ht perhaps Haruto-san is probably tired of seeingthe level」 (Lora)
Lora giggles Although she appears cal nude
「I wasn’t particularly tired or anything!! Just hurry up and put on some clothes!!」 (Haruto)
Haruto’s face warped as he shouted this He has never seen a woh Lora is 12 years old, still a child, she has quite a developed body that is fairly close enough
「Should you not say, 『I will never get tired of seeing your naked body』? Ohsaid out loud」 (Lora)
Lora blushes
「Whatever! Hurry! Go put some clothes on!!」 (Haruto)
Haruto yells again In a reluctant state, she begins to put on clothes
「Haruto-san?」 (Lora)
While dressed in her underwear, Lora calls out to Haruto
「What is it?」 (Haruto)
As he looked out the , Haruto replies to Lora
「Underwear or nude?」 (Lora)
Haruto feels her hands spreading across his back The s a reflection of Lora in her underwear In a panic, Haruto turns around and gets a coretful action
「Why only two options?」 (Haruto)
「Should you not be more embarrassed!? That……」 (Lora)
With a reddened face, showing a for troubled, Haruto gave a reply
「Well then, underwear」 (Haruto)
「I understand, Haruto-san I see, underwear isnude」 (Lora)
Chances are if he had said 『nude』, the outcoiven an appropriate answer, Haruto changes the topic
「Yup, it is erotic Now then, put on so to be busy」 (Haruto)
There is much to do today Yesterday, Haruto had placed an order for slaves froain down the price and bought 12 young boys for 10,000 & received 3 young girls as a freebie They are all healthy and none of them are over 10 years old Of course, Haruto is not ready to welcos have not advance pass the agreeet the factory & run-down building repaired and then decide his new place of residences Although Wujek suggested that the slaves get to ithout having any repairs made, Haruto isn’t that much of a fiend to let that happen
Onceorder As for the factory, all he really needs is a pot that can be used to boil things and a roof to keep out the rain On the other hand, Haruto does need to secure a large supply of olive oil, ash, and a few large pots
「You’re right My apologies Let us have the repairs coht away as it could take awhile」 (Lora)
Lora ested this to Haruto He was thinking the saan their search for a place to commission the needed repairs
「So, how much will it cost」 (Haruto)
Haruto asked the carpenter (man), Domoor (ドモール)
「Uhh, I can’t give you an esti it forwith, first You can drop by again in the evening I should be able to give an estimate by then By the ill it be used for? The plans can change depending on how it is going to be used」 (Domoor)
「For workers……housing for slaves For about, 15 people That is why it needs to be able to keep out the cold and rain Try to keep the cost as low as you can」 (Haruto)
Upon Haruto’s reply, Do
「I see, understood I will keep that in mind」 (Domoor)
Thehas been settled
「As for the factory, it also needs to be able to keep out the rain There is no need to do the flooring, just the roof Fire will be used, so, a structure that will let smoke out it necessary」 (Haruto)
「Understood Leave it to me」 (Domoor)
Domoor replies with a sh Haruto is glad that he chose to request the job from Domoor
「Thank you I will entrust the job to you」 (Haruto)
「Uet it done」 (Domoor)
Haruto leaves the shop along with Lora
「Well now, that part is done with Next up is securing the pot We can try checking out the blacksmith that Wujek recommended」 (Haruto)
The two of them head towards the blacksmith’s place After a short walk, they arrive at a sturdy stone building
When they opened the door, a hot gust of air blew in their face It was considerably hot
「Huh? Who are you, a customer?」 (???)
A boorish soundingair about him
「Are you Bacchus (バッカス)? I have a job for you」 (Haruto)
「I see, have a seat」 (Bacchus)
Haruto sat down in the specified chair As there wasn’t another chair, Lora had to re
「Well, what do you need made?」 (Bacchus)
While listening to Haruto, the s and sht about on this way over here
「I want 7 pots, each 1 meter tall」 (Haruto)
Six of the pots will be used forTo e pot is needed Haruto had taken into consideration that a child will be using the pot; therefore, a pot 1 meter tall would be suitable All-in-all, it was a necessary iteood if one of the slaves had cooking experience
「Hht and all, but what do you plan to use it for?」 (Bacchus)
「Manufacturing goods Please make it as solid as you can」 (Haruto)
Upon hearing Haruto’s request, Bacchus stands up
「Who do you think I am? I’m a craftsman I will do my job properly It will cost you 250,000 Come back in 3 months」 (Bacchus)
Despite his appearance, the person has the soul of a craftsman Haruto pays the 250,000 fee and they exited the shop
「Scary……」 (Lora)
Lorathe shop
「What are you afraid of?」 (Haruto)
Being frightened of Bacchus, she had curled herself up Anyhow, it is only natural to be afraid of Bacchus’s inti attitude
「Haruto-san, how is it you’re not afraid and are able to converse so fluently with someone you have just met?」 (Lora)
「Do you recall how I told you that bothraised by my relatives, so, I am used to such social differences」 (Haruto)
While his foster parents (father and mother) were kind, Haruto was rather reserved He didn’t treat his foster parents the sas into consideration Perhaps, his sudden disappear has caused them trouble
「Ah, I see……」 (Lora)
The air beca wary of the e the subject
「What now, there is still ti?」 (Lora)
「You’re right We haven’t secured a supply of olive oil, salt, or ash yet What to do?」 (Haruto)
Olive oil, salt, and ash are the ingredients needed forthe equipredients on-hand
「Umm, know any place where we can buy olive oil and salt in bulk? Although, securing ash will be a problem」 (Haruto)
「Why will securing ash be a problem?」 (Lora)
Ash is funda it is rather simple Lora couldn’t understand hoould be a problem
「It would be easy to collect ordinary ash but seaweed ash is a better material to use in soap If it was for personal use then ordinary ash would do but as this will be put on sale, I plan to use ash made from seaweed」 (Haruto)
Naturally, if he plans to use seaweed ash instead of ash froet into contact with a fisherman
「Seaweed……ould have to go to a fishi+ng village and h, it is already too late in the day It will have to wait until tomorrow」 (Lora)
「So, on’t be able to secure the ingredients today…… then, what should we do?」 (Haruto)
「The place (shop) that Wujek lent us could use a good cleaning We could clean up the parlor room and make it livable」 (Lora)
If they continue living at the inn, it would eventually become an unexpected expense However, if they clean up the parlor, Haruto and Lora could stay there starting tomorrow
「You’re right, that wouldn’t do Shall we spend the evening cleaning the place up?」 (Haruto)
The decision wasequipment, they head towards their shop
「It sure is dirty For now, today, ill be focusing on cleaning up the parlor room」 (Haruto)
「Yeah Cleaning up the warehouse today would take too et started」 (Lora)
With cleaning tools in hand, Haruto and Lora begin to sweep up the dust As there is no furniture, it was easy to sweep up the dust