v10 Chapter 1840: Something bad (1/2)

Ever since Qin Luo was born, it seems that the whole academic world has never been calm again!

Just a few weeks ago, I just waved my wrists with the business community. After a long time, there was a struggle within the entire academic community.

I don't know why, every time he thinks of this, Deligne has the urge to strangle Qin Luo.

But whenever he wants to do it? He just went down again.

Although the appearance of Qin Luo has made the entire academic circle turbulent, the opposite is that in the past year, the academic circle has flourished.

Only in the year that Qin Luo turned out to be born, more than a dozen brand-new theorems have been born in academia.

Among them, Qin Luo alone contributed more than half.

Twin primes, Zhou's conjecture, Ge guess, Riemann conjecture...

And this is only a small part of Qin Luo's contribution.

Qin Luo is not only working **** his own, but also driving the development of the entire academic circle.

To put it bluntly, the academic world at this moment can be described as full of vigor and vitality.!

”Oh...” With a long sigh, Deligne felt helpless.

He loves and hates Qin Luo! Love is Qin Luo's ability, hate ears is also Qin Luo's ”ability”!


Of course, the same scene happened all over the world.

Just a few minutes after the Nobel Foundation made a declaration of war, the news has spread all over the world.

Everyone knows what Curie Hannah and Shefir Deschamps did!

For a while, many people were confused...