v2 Chapter 354: Unlock the key that is comparable to the guess (1/2)

But his fame is not inferior to the Jacobi conjecture, and it is praised by the mathematics circle as the key to unlocking the Jacobi conjecture.

And now Song Ming actually wants to prove him!

This had to shock Ye Kang.

”Teacher Song, are you joking?” Ye Kang frowned and asked slowly.

Can this guy prove matrix theory?

It is impossible to think about Ye Kang.

He felt that the other party was mostly evading himself.

”Haha, I will give a report next. Professor Ye can listen carefully.” Ye Kang smiled and walked to the waiting area.

”The next speaker, Song Ming, a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Teacher Song...”

As the announcement came from the microphone, Song Ming adjusted his clothes and slowly walked to the report desk.

Song Ming tried the microphone, and then said loudly: ”The topic of my report today is, the reversibility of the Jacobian matrix...”

His voice was not loud, but everyone was struck by lightning.

No one would have thought that Song Ming’s topic was to prove the Jacobian matrix!

He wanted to mention the mathematical world to find the key.

Before everyone had time to recover from their shock, Song Ming turned and walked to the whiteboard, and started writing.

Soon line by line formula appeared on the whiteboard.


”F(z1, z2)=(z1-(z1+z2)³, z2-(z1+z2)³)……”


One line, two lines, three lines...