23 Revealing Mystery: Part 5 (2/2)

I didn't have time to see the map in the lobby to find out the terrace.

I just wanted to find the stairs so that when I reach the top I would find the roof eventually... I was scared I didn't know what was waiting for me there...Was Helena even ok...What did this creep do to her even...

I was getting short on breath. I stopped for a second to breath properly and started running again...

When I finally reached the top floor I found the roof as well but the roof was totally empty. Nobody was there. I ran from one point to another it was totally empty. Is this a joke!

My phone beeped again.

:Welcome to the place where we shall meet in future :)

'Where is Helena!!! Where did you keep her??'

: Thr is a small red box on the corner go find it Bella :) U don't have much time.

What really now...this is definitely a joke I couldn't think anything else and I didn't have any choice. I started searching for the box and found it in a corner.

I opened and there was a key.

I texted back angrily,

'OK very funny! What to do with this key now? Will you tell me to eat it ?'

I regretted instantly after sending this. What if the creep asks me to do this but fortunately didn't....

: XD I love ur humor but this is the key to ur next task

'Which is?'

:Go to the first place where I texted you...I'll tell u then ;)

I ran again....

Ground floor,it had to be the ground floor.

The only thing which was going on in my mind was what's after this... After all this! Am I gonna die....Who is person...What's this creep's problem with me?

I came to our student's locker room and my phone beeped again.

:Open your locker XD

I was like WHAT!!! This was my locker's key!!! Now this is a joke no doubt. I opened the locker with the key because it perfectly fitted...

To my greatest surprise,

There was lying a bouquet of purple roses my favorite.....

My phone beeped again...


BEN!!!! I sat down on the floor holding the roses in my hands...

They looked pretty scattered on the dark colored floor...

He was back...in my life again....