13 Changes: Part 5 (1/2)


”Oh! I'm so sorry!Are you alright?” I exclaimed while getting hold of myself.

”I'm more than alright,” he replied with the brightest smile that I had seen that day & that smile was nobody eles's other than Jake's.

”Jake! It's you! In here!”

I couldn't help but smile back at his smiling face & it also felt great to see a familiar face among all those new people.

”I understood the first day, when I met you that you are a nerd!”

”What?Of course not!” I pouted.

”At the first day of university,students don't visit the library miss! Only nerds do!” He started laughing.

”Yeah right.Great imagination,” I laughed too.

”It's experience!” He exclaimed.

”Says a nerd himself,” We both laughed.

”So what are you doing here in class hours huh!Skipping classes?” He raised an eye brow.

”What of course not! I have an off period that's why I thought I should check out the library.Besides I'm gonna help here,” I replied proving my innocence.

”Hahaha! Yeah I get you.I'm really happy you chose to help in the library because I'm working here too.I'll be looking after you as your senior,” He smiled a devilish smile.

”Ok...um senior....” I was little surprised to know that he was my senior.He looked same age as mine so I thought we were in same year and I didn't have any idea we were in the same university.I don't know why but I was kind of happy to know that we were in the same university. It wouldn't be so bad to see a smiley face every morning.

”So were you searching for any book?” He asked.

”No it's fine! Nothing important,” I replied peeking a little behind me.But that boy who was sitting there before wasn't there anymore.He must have left the place while me & Jake were talking.

”Well then let's go!”

”What?Where?” I asked being surprised.

”Outside ofcourse! You are not planning to spent the whole day in university,are you?”