6 Falling : Part 2 (1/1)

In Love

Me falling in love was almost impossible,we it's just what I thought actually.

I don't know how he changed me so much.I was laughing now.Laughing for real reasons.Laughing from the heart. When I talked with him I was myself.I had nothing to hide,nothing to be ashamed of. It was like I'm standing in front of him & he was my mirror.He knew everything.My likes,dislikes, favorite food,my birthday, everything.We even had the same favorite colour~purple.

I didn't know how he came to know all that & to be honest I really didn't wanna know.It was like a dream to me & I didn't want that sweet dream to end until it became my nightmare.

From the day we both confessed he became more possessive of me.

I couldn't text anyone while I was texting him.He wanted my full attention.All of my time.He used to become upset if I replied even few seconds later. It was annoying sometimes but it was okay with me.I loved the way he cared & was possessive about me.

One day I saw that he started following some people in Instagram. Being curious I went to check them.What I saw really shocked me.

He was following each & every person that I followed in Instagram.I couldn't believe my eyes.I was upset thinking that maybe he didn't trust me,maybe he had doubts about me.It was upsetting for me because I trusted him fully.

I couldn't tell him that I saw he was following my friends.I was sad & the funny thing is he could read my mind.

When he finally asked I couldn't lie.

I asked why did you follow all of them? didn't u trust me? Did I ever do something wrong?Why did you do it!

”I followed them so that I can see who tags you.I need to see who you are talking to.I need to keep you safe and it's my duty.So stop complaining,”he said.

I didn't know what to say against him actually.Yes he had the right to check. We were in a ldr relationship.It was common for him to worry about me.I didn't argue with him for this reason. I loved the fact that he was serious about me.I was happy.

My birthday was coming soon then. He wanted to give me a present. So he kept asking for my address.I told him to hack it down.Though I was only joking but I didn't know he will take it seriously.

After our confession we never talked again only texted.On my birthday he wanted to call me because he had a surprise. I was waiting eagerly for my birthday because I wanted to hear his beautiful voice once again.....

At last the day came & I was sleeping till late because it was a holiday which I hardly get.

I heard a beeping from my phone. I knew it was him.I saw his message saying,

”Good Morning My Sunshine.Today is the most special day of my life because on this day you were born to be mine :) I love you so fucking much you have no damn idea baby.I promise to make this day memorable. I love You”

He always used these emojis.I really loved them.It looked too cute with his texts.It used to make me fall in love with him again and again.....

I didn't know I could love someone like this before I met him.