37 Immortality (1/2)

Hoemis waved his hand in front of him. ”Don't worry about it. It's his first time meditating and he'll probably meditate for a couple of hours, so I don't have to worry about him for now.”

Karl nodded. ”Since you're gonna be here for a while, do you want to watch an anime?”

”Yes, I've been wanting to continue the anime that we were watching.” Hoemis looked around. ”Where's Mutyx? Is he not watching with us?”

”Nope, he said he had to do something.” Karl pointed at the other couch. ”Go over there, I want to lay down.”

Hoemis nodded and laid down on the other couch. ”So what are we watching?”

”It's a different one about pirates,” Karl replied.

”Pirates? What are those?” Hoemis asked, wondering what pirates were.

”They're criminals at sea. It's better if I let the show explain it.” Karl turned on the T.V. and the first episode of the anime started.

As the two watched the anime, Mutyx was in the iron fortress of the dwarves. He had gotten inspiration from Hoemis and decided that he would also teach people about crafting.

Mutyx didn't have any money, so he made his own. Using magic, he made a bar of gold. Usually, anything created by magic would usually disappear, unless it was made by Divine Mana.

Using the bar of gold, Mutyx bought a plot of land near the middle of the city where it would gain a lot of exposure. There, he built himself a workshop where he can sell the weapons he made and teach any apprentices.

Mutyx named the workshop, 'The Eternal Flame'. It's named that because there's only one flame in the workshop. The flame is the hottest thing in the world, even surpassing the fire of a dragon.

It's a bright white and the only way for it to go out is if its creator wishes for it to.

Overall, the workshop looked luxurious and attracted quite a bit of customers. Due to this, Mutyx had been very busy. The average price he sold the swords he made was 1 gold and 10 silver.

Of course, it was just a plain iron sword. There wasn't anything special about it, except that it was good quality.

Some more wealthy customers asked him for a custom sword. These custom swords were either enchanted, made with better materials, or were just for looks. On average, these custom swords were sold for 10 gold.

Word spread around about Mutyx's workshop, 'The Eternal Flame'. It had good swords for a low price, at least compared to other workshops. Mutyx's business was booming and he had accumulated a lot of money.

Mutyx's main focus wasn't money, but he didn't mind it. What he really wanted was a student, but there was no one that wanted to be his student. It wasn't because they didn't want to be his student, but that they just assumed his requirements would be tough.

As Mutyx was cleaning up and preparing to close the workshop, a mysterious man with a cloak came in. Mutyx turned to him and motioned for him to leave. ”Go, I'm closing, ye can order whatever ye want tomorrow.”

”Please, it's very urgent. I'll pay whatever you want,” the cloaked man said with a scratchy voice.

Mutyx sighed. ”Fine, be quick.”