25 Mutyx (2/2)

”Nae, i dinna think i will.” Mutyx grabbed his hammer and held it in his right hand.

The thugs laughed again, but Mutyx wasn't laughing. Tightening his grip on his hammer, he swung it at the thug's jaw, breaking his jaw and sending him flying.

Mutyx laughed. ”Well? What's so funny now?”

The thugs looked at their boss before turning to Mutyx and swinging their fists at him. ”Ye were just lucky.”

”Was I? Well, I guess lady luck be helping me today.” Mutyx laughed again, before moving out of the way and dodging their fists.

Mutyx swung his hammer, striking one of the thugs' sides, making the thug groan in pain. The thug was sent flying, rolling on the ground and arriving at his boss, who was knocked out cold.

The other thug became pale as he saw his friend sent flying. He knelt on the ground in front of Mutyx. ”P-Please, dinna hurt me. It wasn't me idea.” His body shook from fear. Whoever this old man was, he wasn't normal.

”Wasn't your idea? It might nae be your idea, but ye went along with it, right?” Mutyx raised his hammer on top of the thug's head, ready to bring it down at any moment.

”A-Aye, but...” The thug looked up and saw Mutyx's hammer above his head. ”N-Nae, please dinna. I have money, I can give ye all o' mine. Please, I'm still so young.”

Mutyx laughed. He looked like a demon, holding his bright, shining hammer above the thug's head. ”Ye think I need money? Tha'ss'a nae good enough.” He swung the hammer downwards, aiming for the thug's head, but stopped at the last second when he heard someone shouting.

”Oi! What's happening here?!” yelled a dwarf guard, wearing iron armor and holding an iron sword.

”Wou' ye look at that, it seems yer pretty lucky yourself,” Mutyx told the thug. He turned towards the guard, placing his hammer on his back. ”Ah, guard. These thugs tried stealing me hammer. Can ye imagine that? They tried ta steal from an old man? Anyways, I beat them up for ye.”

The guard approached Mutyx, but made sure to keep a good distance, in case he was dangerous. ”I see.”

The guard didn't know if he should believe Mutyx. He looked behind Mutyx, seeing two dwarves unconscious and another dwarf kneeling down, a puddle of piss under the dwarf.

The guard took a closer look at the dwarves' faces and recognized them as wanted criminals. ”Sir, do ye know what ye just did?”

”Nae? what did I do?” Mutyx asked.

”These thugs ye be talking aboot, ain't just normal thugs. They're part o' an underground organization that has a base everywhere.” The guard bowed to Mutyx. ”If there's anything ye want, I'll try me best ta do it.”

”These guys be important?” Mutyx laughed again before calming himself down. ”A glass o' beer be all I need. This fight got me thirsty.”

”Beer? Tha'ss'a simple enough. Let me handle this an' I can lead ye ta a bar. Dinna worry, I'll pay.”