23 Hoemis (1/2)

A lot has happened to the world of Tua in the last thousand years. For Karl, it only felt like a few seconds, but the inhabitants of the world lived those thousand years. In the last thousand years, the four main species met each other. The Ancient Ones, Lolleons, Samians, and Dwarves. At first, none of the races liked each other, but they eventually came together.

It wasn't rare to see a Lolleon sorcerer in the city of the Ancient Ones to practice magic. Most people were ok with the other races, but inevitably, other people thought they were better, superior.

The most reclusive race was the Samians. Not much is known about them, except that they were generally strong. Their king was a Samian called Sheridan. Sheridan could control the light, bending it to his own will. Through the use of mana, he lived a very long time, still alive even today.

The Samians weren't the only ones that had someone powerful. The Ancient Ones had the great four, Kigai, Kerym, Heath, and Dilya. These four are the strongest Ancient Ones.

Kerym is one of the strongest Ancient Ones, is the king and is still alive, but he is preparing to pass down his crown to his eldest son.

Kigai is mysterious, but everyone knows one thing about him. He founded the Assassination Guild and is ranked first on the leaderboard.

Heath is the commander of the king's army. He trains them in the case of war and is the strongest in the army, second only to Kerym.

Dilya is the wife of Kigai, but is also the strongest sorcerer of the Ancient Ones. Over the course of a thousand years, she dedicated her life to only two things, her family, and magic.

These four were the first group of people to reach the end of the dungeon. Reaching the end of a dungeon, they were each granted something they desired.

The dungeon was rich with exotic and valuable materials, making it a priority of all the races to secure their own.

One such material was something called Magnonite. It was a blue crystal that was slightly transparent and absorbed the mana around it. The mana it absorbed wasn't significant enough to be dangerous, but if enough mana was absorbed, it would start floating.

The Ancient Ones discovered that more mana equals more power. They have attached large pieces of Magnonite to their cities and are constantly giving it mana, making the city float.

None of the species used the resources of the dungeons better than the Dwarves. They were the world's best craftsmen. If one wanted a powerful sword, they would go to the dwarves, if one wanted to learn how to craft, they would go to the dwarves.

They built an iron fortress in the mountain, making their defense nearly impenetrable. Dwarves were also the first people to realize they could carve symbols into items, enchanting it with magic.

While the dwarves weren't that strong, their weapons made up for it.

Anhur, their first king, is still king. He was the second person to beat the dungeon, but he did it with no help. Like Kerym, he's planning to pass down his crown to his son and retire.

It wasn't only them that grew stronger, some monsters were also feared by the four races. Myrdinth, Champion Of Dragons was a dragon that instead of enlightening, chose to evolve. He kept evolving, becoming stronger. Currently, he resides in a dormant volcano, only leaving when he gets hungry.

There are many other things that happened, but these are the most important.

Meanwhile, Hoemis, the god of destruction, was in the city of the Lolleons. He walked through the streets, looking around. A divine aura was coming off of his body, indicating he wasn't normal.

Hoemis was looking for someone to fight, but everyone he saw was weak. Even the people who were supposed to be strong didn't look strong. He approached a woman to ask her a question. ”Excuse me, but who is the strongest around here?”