Part 12 (1/2)
”Then ill he look like?” asked every creature in breathless excitement
”He won't look like any creature that ever lived,” retorted the S
Perfect silence followed this explanation, for every bird and ani to understand huaroo Rat broke the stillness
”If,” said the Kangaroo Rat, ”only a little horsehair can do that, surely the prisoner can i to wait for the horsehair Let's get on with the trial”
This idea was received with applause, and the S off in a huff; whilst the Kookooburra, on a tree near the Court, softly laughed to himself
Once more the Pelican took up his position to open the trial The cockatoo puffed hi as he could, fluffed out his cheek feathers, and half closed his eyes His solemnly attentive attitude won the admiration of all the Court, and the absence of horsehair was not felt by anyone The Welcoot over its ill tes; and the jury all put their heads under their wings and went to sleep
”Fire away!” screaan
”My duty is a most painful one,” said the Pelican; ”for” (”whereas,”
said the S) ”the prisoner known” (”named and described,” added the S), ”as Dot is now before you,” (”to be tried, heard, detere of cruelty” (”and feloniously killing and slaying,” prompted the S) ”to birds and ani to horse, , cat, heifer, steer, calf, oat, or other do the Cruelty to Aniht to trial on” (”divers,” whispered the S) ”charges,”
(”hereinafter,” said the S) ”to be named and described by the”
(”aforesaid,” interjected the S) ”birds and animals,”
(”hereinbeforedenizens of the Bush” (”and in no wise relating to horse, ain, when the cockatoo raised his crest, and screamed out ”STOP THAT, I TELL YOU!” and the Pelican continued stating the charge) ”Bush law” (”enacts,” said the S) ”that”
(”whereas,” prohts” (”whatsoever,”
put in the S) ”shall be according to the statute Victoria--”
”Victoria! Twenty to one against the field,” shouted the Judge
”Between you two,” said the Pelican, looking angrily at the S and the cockatoo, ”I've forgotten everything I was going to say! I shan't go on!”
”Never h, and no one has understood a word of the charge, so it's all right Now then for the witnesses”
As the S spoke, there was a great disturbance ast the creatures The swan, ducks, cranes, and waterfowl, besides honeysuckers, and s, and crying, ”Turn hi in ives me a headache!” and there was such a noise that the jury all woke up, and Dot covered her ears with her hands The cockatoo, seeing Dot's distress at the screa, but could not eneral riot, decided to speak for her; so he screaes, pears, lears! I say! what's the row?”
When quiet was restored, it was explained that the Opossuuiven some to the Native Bear, and Wallaby, and in consequence the whole air was laden with the odour of eucalyptus
”Oh, dear!” said Dot, ”it s eucalyptus leaves in Court is contempt of Court,” cried the S; and everyone echoed, ”Contempt of Court! contempt of Court!
Turn them out!”
”But they are witnesses,” objected the Pelican
”That doesn'tsmell!