Part 9 (1/2)
Leave care to a toad, and live _a la mode_!
Click-i-ti, click-i-ti-clack!”
They had no difficulty in following the Wagtail's directions They soon struck a creek they had been told to pursue to its end, and about noon they found themselves in very pretty country It reminded Dot of the journey they had rowths of fern and shrubs There were also great trailing creepers which hung down like ropes from the tops of the tall trees they had clis, and often Dot cla herself to and fro, laughing and singing, aroo
”Swing! swing! a bird on the wing Is notthe sky
Swing! swing! swing!
See how high upward I fly!
Here, , Down I co Is notherself backwards and forwards, and the Kangaroo ca very sweet about little Huaroo
In thediversions, a bird about the size of a pigeon, with the e, flew to the tree on which Dot inging Dot was so struck by the bird's beautiful blue-black glossy appearance, and its brightly contrasting yellow beak and legs, that she stopped swinging at once ”You _are_ a pretty bird!” she said
”I a, and we thought, therefore, that you probably enjoy parties, so I have come to invite you to one of our assearoo, we know, is of a somewhat serious nature, but probably she will do us the pleasure of acco you to our little entertain so,” said the Kangaroo; ”I have not been at any of your parties for a long time You know, I suppose, that I lost my little Joey very sadly”
”We heard all about it,” replied the Bower Bird in a tone of exaggerated, alaroo should think that it felt very deeply for her loss ”We were in the ht the news, and ere so sad that we nearly broke up our assembly But it would have been a pity to do so, really, as the young birds enjoy themselves so much at the 'Bower of Pleasure' But,” said the Satin Bird, with a sudden change of tone from extreme sorrow to one of vivacious interest, ”I must show you the way to the bower, or you would never find it”
Dot juuided by the Satin Bird, rown bush The bird was certainly right in saying that they would never have found the Bower of Pleasure without a guide It was carefully concealed in thetheir way through a thicket of shrubs, before reaching the open space where the Satin Birds'
boas built, they heard an increasing noise of birds all talking to one another The din of this chattering was enhanced considerably by the shrill sounds of tree-frogs and crickets, and the hubbub made Dot feel like the little Native Bear--as if her ”head was empty”
”This will be a very pleasant party,” said the Satin Bird, ”there is plenty of conversation, so everyone's in a good hu, or are they all talking?” enquired the Kangaroo timidly
”nobody would attempt to listen,” answered the Satin Bird, ”it would be is and crickets, so everyone talks”
”I should tell the tree-frogs and crickets to be quiet,” said Dot, ”no one seems to care for their music”
”Oh, without music it would be very dull,” explained the Satin Bird, ”no one would care to talk You understand, it would be aard, soht overhear as said”
As the bird spoke the trio reached the place where the boas situated
Dot thought it a ht In theof twigs, and upon that they had erected a bower about three feet high, also constructed of twigs interwoven with grass, and arranged so as nearly to meet at the top in an arched form
”It's a neer, and more commodious than our last,” said the Satin Bird with an air of satisfaction ”What do you think of the decorations?”
In a te and cricket band and the conversation, Dot and the Kangaroo praised the bower and its decorations, and enquired politely how the birds had ed to procure such a collection of orna bower birds came and joined in the chat, and Dot was surprised to see how different their plue was froer reenish yellow colour, with dark pencillings on their feathers, and had no glossy sheen like their elders
Each of theht hich to deck the bower One had brought the pink feathers of a Galah, which had been stuck here and there as Others had collected the delicate shells of land snails, and put them round about the entrance
But the birds that were proudest of their contributions were those who had picked up odds and ends at the caht fro from a cake of tobacco