Part 7 (1/2)

”How could I be that?” asked Dot, eagerly

”Never wear kangaroo leather boots--never use kangaroo skin rugs, and,”--here it hesitated a little, as though the subject were a most unpleasant one to mention

”Never do what?” enquired Dot, anxious to know all that she should do, so as to be iaroo-tail soup!” said the Kangaroo, solemnly

”I never will,” said Dot, earnestly, ”I will be an improved Human”

This conversation had been so serious to both Dot and the Kangaroo, that they had quite forgotten the perilousness of their position Perhaps this was because the kangaroo cannot think, but it quickly juer

Whilst they had been peeping at the corroboree, and talking, the dingo dogs that had been prowling around the ca the trail, had set up an angry snapping and howling

The instant this sound was heard by the Kangaroo, she h the bush, Dot could hear the sounds of the corroboree give place to a noise of shouting and disorder: the dingo dogs and the Blacks were all in pursuit, and Dot's Kangaroo, with little Dot in her pouch, was leaping and bounding at a terrific pace to save both their lives!


It was fortunate that the Kangaroo could not think of all that e for the wonderful feats of ju she performed Poor little Dot, whose busy brain pictured all kinds of terrible fates, was so overcome with fear that she seeht, the aroo did not attempt to continue the upward ascent, but followed a slope of the rugged hill, leaping fro to escape where the trees and shrubs would have prevented herbounds But the clouds had left the s easily followed every movement, as they pursued the hunt on a s to hurry on, so as to cut off the Kangaroo's retreat at a spur of the hill, where, to get away, she would have to leave the rocks and descend towards them In thesnaps froing the aniaroo

But what pained her ood friend, as she put such tremendous power into every leap she s, and scattering stones and pebbles, in the wild speed of their flight

Then Dot's busy little brain told her another thing, whichquite clear that the poor Kangaroo was getting rapidly exhausted, owing to her having to bear Dot's weight Her panting beca, and so did her sadlips fell on Dot's face and hands Dot knew that her Kangaroo was trying to save her at the risk of her own life Without the little girl in her pouch, she et away safely; but, with her to carry, they would both probably fall victiaroo!” she cried, ”put et killed yourself!”

But all Dot heard was a little hissing sound froain!”

”You will be killed,”voice, as another great bound brought thearoo had to pause

In thatThey were perched on a rock, and the ht was a deep black chas into the darkness below In front was the same wide chasreat yawning cleft in the earth, was a wild spread ofplace To the left was a steep slope of sy land that fringed the cliffs of the chasm The only retreat possible was to pass down this declivity, and try to escape by the sedgy land, and this is what the Black huntsmen had expected It was a very weird and desolate place; and everything looked dark and disht, as it streaht Dot could see the Blacks hurrying forward

Already one of the dogs had far outrun the others, and olfish gait and savage sounds, was pressing towards their place of observation

The panting, tre, also, and leaped down fro As she dropped to earth, she stooped, and quickly lifted Dot out of her pouch, and, almost before Dot could realize the aroo hopped forward to the front of a big boulder, as if toHere the poor hunted creature took her stand, with her back close to the rock Gentle and tiht for her life against fierce odds, it was brave indeed of the poor Kangaroo to face her enemies, prepared to do battle for the lives of little Dot and herself

So noble did Dot's Kangaroo look in that desperateher naturally frightened nature by a grand effort of courage, that it sees or men should be so cruel as to take her life For a o hound seemed daunted by her bravery, and paused a little way off, panting, with its great tongue lolling out of itsin the ht For a few seconds it hesitated to make the attack, and looked back down the slope, to see if the other dogs were co the ascent, and the shouting Blackfelloere further off still Then the dog could no longer control its savage nature It longed to leap at the poor Kangaroo's throat--that pretty furry throat that Dot's arly, and it was impatient to fix its terrible teeth there, and hold, and hold, in a wild struggle, until the poor Kangaroo should gradually weaken frohts filled the dog with a wicked joy It wouldn't wait any longer for the other dingo hounds It wanted to aroo all by itself; so, with a toss of its head, and a terrible snarl, it sprang forward ferociously, with open jaws, ai at the victiether Tears strea with sobs, could only wail, ”Oh! dear Kangaroo! aroo!” and she ran forward to throw herself upon the dog and try to save her friend

But before the terrified little girl could reach the big rock, the dog had aroo, instead of trying to avoid her fierce enemy, opened her little ar in its eagerness, and owing to the nature of the ground,It failed to reach the throat it had aiaroo had seized the hound in a tight e and trying to free itself, and the Kangaroo holding it firmly Then she used the only weapon she had to defend herself fro sharp claw in her foot

Whilst she held the dog in her ar claw, tore open the dog's body The dog yelped in pain as the Kangaroo threw it to the ground, where it lay rolling in agony and dying; for the Kangaroo had given it a terrible wound The other dogs were still some distance below, and the cries of their companion caused them to pause in fear and wonder, while the Blacktheir spears and boos

It was quite iaroo were, they were hearoo saw at a glance where lay their only chance of life

She picked up Dot, placed her in her pouch, and without a word leaped forward towards that fearful gulf of darkness and foa waters As they neared the spot, Dot saw that the hunted ani to try and leap across to the other side It seemed impossible that with one bound she could span that terrible place and reach the sedged morass beyond; and still more impossible that it should be done by the poor ani Kangaroo, leave me here, and save yourself You can never, never do it carryinglike ”try,” or ”we'll die” She could notof the waterfall, the whistling of the wind, and the scattering of stones as they dashed forward, made such a storrassy fringe of the precipice, where the Kangaroo was able to quicken her pace, and literally seemed to fly to their fate

Then ca Dot held her breath, and a feeling of sickness caiddy, and she could not see, but she clasped her hands together and said, ”God help aroo!” and then she felt the fearful leap and rush through the air