Part 48 (2/2)
”Poor boy,” she said tenderly ”Only a woman's heart can realize what you ive you But now”
”Ah, but you don't understand, rounds for having lent a hand in the holy work of abolishi+ng Privilege, I think I should cut my throat My true justification lies in the insincerity of those who intended that the convocation of the States General should be a sham, mere dust in the eyes of the nation”
”Was it not, perhaps, wise to have been insincere in such a matter?”
He looked at her blankly
”Can it ever be wise, madame, to be insincere?”
”Oh, indeed it can; believe e, and knoorld”
”I should say,is wise that co that so complicates it as insincerity Consider a moment the complications that have arisen out of this”
”But surely, Andre-Louis, your views have not been so perverted that you do not see that a governing class is a necessity in any country?”
”Why, of course But not necessarily a hereditary one”
”What else?”
He answered her with an epigram ”Man, mada of rights but from such a parent Thus a nation's best will always predoreatly”
”But do you account birth of no iht trouble me” From the deep flush that stained her face, he feared that he had offended by as al did not come
”And does it not?” she asked ”Never, Andre?”
”Never, retted your lack of parents' care?”
He laughed, sweeping aside her sweet charitable concern that was so superfluous ”On the contrary, ht haveof myself”
She looked at hiently shook her head
”You do not want self-satisfaction Yet I could wish that you saw things differently, Andre It is aman of talent and spirit I could help you; I could help you, perhaps, to go very far if you would permit yourself to be helped after ht, ”helpme on treasonable astel That would certainly end in a high position for me”
Aloud he answered rateful,the ideals I have expressed, I could not serve any cause that is opposed to their realization”
”You are rievances Will you allow them to stand in the way of your advancement?”