Part 42 (1/2)

Scaramouche Rafael Sabatini 56540K 2022-07-20

When the royal procla that the deputies of the Third Estate should nuether, Andre-Louis had believed that the preponderance of votes thus assured to the Third Estate rendered inevitable the refored themselves

But he had reckoned without the power of the privileged orders over the proud Austrian queen, and her power over the obese, phleged orders should deliver battle in defence of their privileges, Andre-Louis could understand Man being what he is, and labouring under his curse of acquisitiveness, will never willingly surrender possessions, whether they be justly or unjustly held But what surprised Andre-Louis was the unutterable crassness of the ed themselves for battle They opposed brute force to reason and philosophy, and battalions of foreign mercenaries to ideas As if ideas were to be ied and the Court on one side, and the asseun

The Third Estate contained itself, and waited; waited with the patience of nature; waited a month whilst, with the paralysis of business now corip of Paris; waited a radually assembled an ariments, nine of which were Swiss and Ger in which the deputies sat But the deputies refused to be intin unifor but the purpose for which they had been brought together by royal proclareat thinker and nal: ”It is time,” said he, ”to cut the cable”

And the opportunity ca of July M du Chatelet, a harsh, haughty disciplinarian, proposed to transfer the eleven French Guards placed under arrest froaol of the Abbaye to the filthy prison of Bicetre reserved for thieves and felons of the lowest order Word of that intention going forth, the people at lastbroke into the Abbaye, and delivered thence not only the eleven guardsmen, but all the other prisoners, with the exception of one whoain

That was open revolt at last, and with revolt Privilege kne to deal It would strangle this ilie, a veteran of the Seven Years' War, i that the sight of a uniforh to restore peace and order, took control with Besenval as his second-in-coiiments whose very naiments of Reisbach, of Diesbach, of Nassau, Esterhazy, and Roehmer Reenforcements of Sere sent to the Bastille bethose crenels already since the 30th of June were to be seen themouths of loaded cannon

On the 10th of July the electors onceto request the withdrawal of the troops They were answered next day that the troops served the purpose of defending the liberties of the assembly!

And on the next day to that, which was a Sunday, the philanthropist Dr

Guillotin--whose philanthropic engine of painless death was before very long to find a deal of work--came from the assembly, of which he was a member, to assure the electors of Paris that all ell, appearances notwithstanding, since Necker was more firmly in the saddle than ever

He did not know that at the veryso confidently, the oft-dismissed and oft-recalled M Necker had just been disain by the hostile cabal about the Queen Privilege wanted conclusive measures, and conclusive measures it would have--conclusive to itself

And at the same time yet another philanthropist, also a doctor, one Jean-Paul Mara, of Italian extraction--better known as Marat, the gallicized form of name he adopted--a land, and there published several works on sociology, riting:

”Have a care! Consider ould be the fatal effect of a seditious ive way to that, you will be treated as people in revolt, and blood will flow”

Andre-Louis was in the gardens of the Palais Royal, that place of shops and puppet-shows, of circus and cafes, of ga houses and brothels, that universal rendezvous, on that Sundaywith it dismay and fury Into Necker's dismissal the people read the triumph of the party hostile to themselves It sounded the knell of all hope of redress of their wrongs

He beheld a slight young liness by a pair of nificent eyes, leap to a table outside the Cafe de Foy, a draord in his hand, crying, ”To arms!” And then upon the silence of astonish man poured a flood of inflammatory eloquence, delivered in a voice marred at moments by a stutter He told the people that the Gerht to butcher the inhabitants ”Let us mount a cockade!” he cried, and tore a leaf froreen cockade of hope

Enthusiasm swept the crowd, a motley crowd abond to nobleman, from harlot to lady of fashi+on

Trees were despoiled of their leaves, and the green cockade was flaunted froht between two fires,” the incendiary's stuttering voice raved on ”Between the Germans on the Champ de Mars and the Swiss in the Bastille To arms, then! To ar orks show came the bust of Necker, and presently a bust of that comedian the Duke of Orleans, who had a party and as as ready as any other of the budding opportunists of those days to take advantage of the randizement The bust of Necker was draped with crepe

Andre-Louis looked on, and grew afraid Marat's pamphlet had impressed him It had expressed what hio to the mob at Rennes This crowd, he felt must be restrained

That hot-headed, irresponsible stutterer would have the town in a blaze by night unless so man, a causeless advocate of the Palais named Camille Desmoulins, later to beco his sword, still shouting, ”To arms!

Follow me!” Andre-Louis advanced to occupy the improvised rostrum, which the stutterer had just vacated, tothat inflah the crowd, and came suddenly face to face with a tall man beautifully dressed, whose handsoreat soer

Thus face to face, each looking into the eyes of the other, they stood for a longpast thehed

”That fellow, too, has a very dangerous gift of eloquence, M le Marquis,” he said ”In fact there are a nurow froated with the blood of the martyrs of liberty Soon it may be your blood instead The soil is parched, and thirsty for it”

”Gallows-bird!” he was answered ”The police will do your affair for you I shall tell the Lieutenant-General that you are to be found in Paris”