Part 25 (2/2)

Scaramouche Rafael Sabatini 30200K 2022-07-20

You will realize that for fifteen livres a ifts as mine

”There is an alternative,” said M Binet, darkly

”There is no alternative Don't be a fool, Binet”

Binet sat up as if he had been prodded Members of his company did not take this tone of direct rebuke with him

”Anyway, I make you a present of it,” Scaramouche pursued, airily

”Exercise it if you please Step outside and inform the police that they can lay hands upon one Andre-Louis Moreau But that will be the end of your fine drea to Redon, and for the first ti in a real theatre Withoutto Redon or anywhere else, in fact I aeray, until we have an equitable arrangement”

”But what heat!” complained Binet, ”and all for what? Why must you assuement was made, I had no idea how could I?--that you would prove as valuable to me as you are? You had but to remind me, my dear Scaramouche I am a just man As from to-day you shall have thirty livres a enerous man”

”But you are not ambitious Now listen to me, a moment”

And he proceeded to unfold a sche terror

”After Redon, Nantes,” he said ”Nantes and the Theatre Feydau”

M Binet choked in the act of drinking The Theatre Feydau was a sort of provincial Coreat Fleury had played there to an audience as critical as any in France The very thought of Redon, cherished as it had coave hierously ambitious did it seem to him And Redon was a puppet-show by comparison with Nantes Yet this raw lad whoo, and who in that time had blossomed from a country attorney into author and actor, could talk of Nantes and the Theatre Feydau without changing colour

”But why not Paris and the Comedie Francaise?” wondered M Binet, with sarcasot his breath

”That may co, my friend”

But Andre-Louis detailed the plan that had been forround for Redon, and Redon should be a training-ground for Nantes They would stay in Redon as long as Redon would pay adequately to co hard to perfect themselves the while They would add three or four new players of talent to the company; he would write three or four fresh scenarios, and these should be tested and perfected until the troupe was in possession of at least half a dozen plays upon which they could depend; they would lay out a portion of their profits on better dresses and better scenery, and finally in a couple of months' time, if all ell, they should be ready to make their real bid for fortune at Nantes It was quite true that distinction was usually de at the Feydau, but on the other hand Nantes had not seen a troupe of ier They would be supplying a novelty to which all Nantes should flock provided that the ere really well done, and Scaraed himself--that if matters were left in his own hands, his projected revival of the Colories would exceed whatever expectations the public of Nantesto the theatre

”We'll talk of Paris after Nantes,” he finished, supremely matter-of-fact, ”just as ill definitely decide on Nantes after Redon”

The persuasiveness that could sway aM Binet off his feet The prospect which Scara, and as Scara objection in ato think the matter over

”Redon will point the way,” said Andre-Louis, ”and I don't doubt which way Redon will point”

Thus the great adventure of Redon dwindled to insignificance Instead of a terrifying undertaking in itself, it becareater In his momentary exaltation Binet proposed another bottle of Volnay Scaramouche waited until the cork was drawn before he continued

”The thing reht, and speaking casually, ”as long as I areed Our chancefor both of us”

”For both of us,” said Scaramouche, with stress ”That is as I would have it So that I do not think you will surrender me just yet to the police”