Part 13 (2/2)

Scaramouche Rafael Sabatini 22520K 2022-07-20

”Nor is that necessary Could I do less than I aed, Andre; nor does ry with you”

”I suppose he is”

”And you can hardly be surprised You were his delegate, his representative He depended upon you, and you have turned your coat He is rightly indignant, calls you a traitor, and swears that he will never speak to you again But he doesn't want you hanged, Andre”

”Then we are agreed on that at least, for I don't want it ood-bye, Andre Send me a hen you are safe”

She held out a hand that looked ghostly in the faint light He took it and bore it to his lips

”God bless you, Aline”

She was gone, and he stood listening to the receding clopper-clop of hooves until it grew faint in the distance Then sloith shoulders hunched and head sunk on his breast, he retraced his steps to the o Quite suddenly he checked, re with dismay that he was almost entirely without -place, and as long as he was in Brittany his peril must remain imminent Yet to leave the province, and to leave it as quickly as prudence dictated, horses would be necessary And hoas he to procure horses, having no le louis d'or and a few pieces of silver?

There was also the fact that he was very weary He had had little sleep since Tuesday night, and not very much then; andto one so little accusto rides Worn as he was, it was unthinkable that he should go far to-night He ne, perhaps But there he must sup and sleep; and what, then, of to-ht of it before, perhaps Aline ht have been able to assist him with the loan of a few louis His first impulse noas to follow her to the chateau But prudence dismissed the notion Before he could reach her, he o forth

There was no choice for hine, find a bed there, and leave to-morrow until it dawned On the resolve he set his face in the direction whence he had cone lay on the road to Rennes To go that as to plunge further into danger He would strike south again At the foot of soe there was a ferry that would put hie; and by placing the river between hier, he would obtain an added sense of security

A lane, turning out of the highroad, a quarter of a mile this side of Gavrillac, led down to that ferry By this lane so feet He avoided the little cottage of the ferryht, and in the dark crept down to the boat, intending if possible to put himself across He felt for the chain by which the boat wasthis to the point where it was fastened Here to his dislooht have known it The ferry was the property of M de La Tour d'Azyr, and not likely to be left unfastened so that poor devilsno possible alternative, he walked back to the cottage, and rapped on the door When it opened, he stood well back, and aside, out of the shaft of light that issued thence

”Ferry!” he rapped out, laconically

The ferryman, a burly scoundrel well known to him, turned aside to pick up a lantern, and came forth as he was bidden As he stepped froht fell on the face of this traveller

”My God!” he ejaculated

”You realize, I see, that I am pressed,” said Andre-Louis, his eyes on the fellow's startled countenance

”And well you rowled the ferryman ”Since you've been so foolish as to coain as quickly as you can I will say nothing of having seen you”

”I thank you, Fresnel Your advice accords with my intention That is why I need the boat”

”Ah, that, no,” said Fresnel, with determination ”I'll hold my peace, but it's as much as my skin is worth to help you

”You need not have seen et that you have seen it”

”I'll do that, monsieur But that is all I will do I cannot put you across the river”

”Then give me the key of the boat, and I will putI cannot I'll hold ue, but I will not--I dare not--help you”