Chapter 89 (1/2)

Redline, Mary Geoise

As Aokiji stepped out of the elevator that had brought him up to the holy city his haki registered a group of a few man running off, probably to inform the invaders of the newly arrived force but he didn't mind. He knew that Azul had probably already sensed his arrival as his haki was already rediculously strong in the admirals opinion.

Walking through the deserted city Aokiji followed his haki to the blinding light that showed him Azuls location, who didn't even bother to conceal his aura much to the admirals annoyance.

Not long afterwards he arrived on a scene he had hoped to prevent with his arrival but it seemed that hope had been in vain.

Azul stood before a group of three corpses that laid at his feet while Aokiji spotted something black, gripped by Azul get consumed in flames, making the admiral wonder what that was. Soon enough though his attention was brought back to the three corpses, undoubtedly Tenryuubito going by their specially designed clothes that would prevent the air of the normal people to touch their bodies.

As Azul turned around Aokiji was met by a blank face while the mans eyes turned from apathetic to burning in intensity making many a marine step back under its intesity. Not to mention the passive aura that surrounded the tall man that set every instinct inside of him on edge which made him wonder how his subordinates remained on their feet before this man.

”Do you know what you have just done Azul? Those were Tenryuubito! You just killed the leaders of this world in cold blood!” Aokiji asked the tall man that seemed to ponder the admirals words for a second. Truly, Kuzan knew that the Tenryuubito weren't good people but in the end it was his duty as an admiral to protect and serve them and thus he did the only thing he thought would help in this instance. Play for more time.

”Leaders? Don't take me for the common fool you meet on the streets, Aokiji. I have no leaders. And certainly not that disgusting perversion of a human being...” Azul spoke with a neutral face while spitting onto the cooling corpses of the three Tenryuubito at his feet, making Aokiji grind his teeth.

True the Tenryuubito were bad people but even then, didn't the dead deserve some respect no matter their deeds in life?

”You will have to answer for your crimes Azul and you will rue the day you decided to f.u.c.k with the world government. Mark my words, this isn't the end of it!” Aokiji grit out, though Azuls answer surprised him a little if he was honest with himself.

”I do hope so little admiral. After all, war with the world government is something that has been on my mind for a long long time now. The five f.u.c.ktards you call leaders should better prepare themselves for the more time passes by the stronger I become and it won't be long anymore until the past will come back to demand payment for past deeds that require satisfaction paid in blood!