Chapter 1 (1/1)

West blue, Ishiria island, roku town

No name, that's what all the street-kids called him. And why should they call him any different? After all he never knew his parents and apparently they hadn't seen fit to gift him at least a name before dropping him off at the local orphanage. There he had spent the first few years of his life and when the hunger from the little meals grew too strong for him he would head out and steal some food from the local marketplace which was usually a very crowded place to begin with. He had often wondered when he was little why their little town was so full of people despite there being nothing of notice to be seen and yet the town nearly exploded from all the people that came to buy and sell. When he was 5 years old he finally began to understand why. The underworld. Or at least that's what the a.d.u.l.ts would call it in hushed voices thinking nobody would hear them.

From what no name had understood of ”the underworld” so far it was a place or rather a concept of a system, since it had no set place, where you could obtain literally everything there was. At first it was an exciting experience for no name to hear of such a thing but through his contacts with the drags of society he soon learned that the world was even crueler than what he had come to see as his reality. Drugs, weapons, devilfruits, and even humans became nothing more than a means to a profitable end. And so he came to learn of the true evil that every human possesses deep deep down inside them: Greed. Be it greed for money, power or the acceptance of other people opinions. It was a harrowing experience learning of all these things at such a tender age which lead to no name reflecting on himself.

It was once said that a human being starts building his character by imitating the people around him and intergrating their views into himself. In no names case though, since he had nobody to really look up to and only the drags of society as rolemodels he skipped that phase and started to construct himself his own view of the world. At first it was nothing but a simple reflection of what he observed and disliked all around him but soon it became an ember of craving which over the weeks grew into a burning inferno of craving to transcend all he had observed. Now the question grew inside him how to achieve such a thing after all if you have an illness and swallow some medicine the pain may go away but that doesn't mean that the origin of the problem vanished as well. And so the weeks passed and no name grew increasingly restless, not finding any clue on how to proceed in his mind, no matter how hard he thought about it.

One day nearing his 6th birthday, or at least what he thought his birthday to be since he didn't know any better, he woke up in his room much earlier than usual. After washing his face and munching down his breakfast in the little diningroom of the orphanage he walked down the coridor in the direction of the exit contemplating what to do this very day, when he heard a frustrated voice coming from the matrons office door which wasn't completely closed.

”What the hell do you mean they are pulling the funding from the orphanage? Where else would the higher ups find malleable younglings for their organisations?” No name, who identified this voice as the matrons, felt a shiver run down his spine as he registered the matrons words and what they meant. Pressing himself close to the wall next to the door he listened intently so he wouldn't miss a single word of their conversation.

”Sorr' Penny but there is nothing I can do 'bout it. As far as I understan' it some big shot organisation from da grandline has taken over the littl' ones from our Blue and integrated them into their folds. They decided to restructure our towns system and it resulted in 'e closure of this orphanage.” The man told the matron in a snarly deep voice which resulted in a frustrated grunt from the matron who obviously wasn't happy with the mans words.

”So, what happens now then?” She asked him.

”You'll close the orphanage and help me with m' organised sales in the harbour.” He replied.

”Urgh, great. Sailors, how I love those stinking drunken morons!” the matron cursed in reply which elicited a snarling bout of laughter from the man.

”Well come on then m' sweetheart. I'm not wastin' even more money argueing with you here.”

The man replied and started walking towards the door. No name of course bolted, not wanting to get caught in the aftermath of his eavesdropping.

As he reached his room the words of the a.d.u.l.ts fully reached his brain and he had no choice but to come to the conclusion that he would soon be another one of those homeless drags in the town but still, he refused to become another pawn in the underworld which he had grown to despise so much.

'I'll get by somehow. Not like I haven't stolen food for myself regularly anyways.' No name thought to himself and let a little grunt escape from his mouth as self fashioned reply to his own thoughts.

'Better get packing then. Who knows if the matron lets us keep any of the things from here or not.'

With that objective in mind no name took a thin blanket and spread it out on the floor. Next he grabed his pillowcase and ripped it into thin threads by using his teeth. Afterwards he gathered his things, like an extra pair of trousers he had found in an alleyway and a shirt he had stolen from a vendour after his old ones grew a little too small. The clothes were followed by some small things that he thought may become usefull in the days to follow and finished the pile with the stored away bread he had smuggled from the kitchen, should he ever get hungry, which was not very rare since he had always been a tall kid for his age, when he had compared himself with the rest of the children at least.

From there he grabbed the stripps from the pillowcase and laced the blanket together at the top, creating a little bundle, which he swung over his shoulder. Opening the door and walking out he threw one last glance into his old room, turned around and walked out of the orphanage just as the matron screeched to all the kids to gather in the dining room since she had something important to announce to them. Just as he stepped down the last step he heard faint whining from inside the orphanage but didn't so much as grimace in reaction to it and kept on walking towards the market place to hunt for some warm food as a second breakfast, not noticing an old brown pair of eyes which kept following him down the street always keeping him in view.