48 It is not in Your Place to be Selfish (1/2)

Silence pervaded between Chalice and Luke as they ventured out of the Amaterasu tribe territory. The tense air wrapped around them as they avoided each other's faces.

Chalice peeked through her lashes and gauged Luke's expression. She sighed for another time and then focused her attention on the road.

”You are not a murderer.” Luke's voice suddenly rang out and broke the silence. Chalice looked at him, disoriented at his voice.

”Huh? Sorry, what?” She asked. Unsure of what she has heard.

”You are not a murderer, my lady. What you have done does not change how I see you. Or how any of us sees you. You have done nothing wrong. It was either us or them. Our convictions instead were strengthened. This only proved that we have chosen the right master to serve. So we'd rather not have you believe that you are a murderer nor that you are alone in all of this. We are here for you. Do not be scared of losing control, my lady, because I promise to haul you back to sanity.”

Chalice looked at him blankly. His words were still trying to register themselves into her mind. She was partly afraid that they will think differently of her. That things will lead her to them feeling awkward around her. She was already used to their usual banters. It would really be unfortunate for that to change.

But Luke's last statement hit home. That was what she feared the most. Her losing control of herself, succumbing to the darkness which was thirsty for blood and laying dormant in her, biding its time.

She smiled bitterly.

”What if you can't bring me back, Luke? What then?” Chalice said in a rueful tone. She saw Luke stop in his tracks and dismount from his horse. She did so, as well. Suddenly, she felt the strong grip of his hands on her shoulders.

Chalice was met with his playful smirk and his intense eyes which held a firm conviction despite the pretend mischief.

”Then I will join you, my lady. We'll both be insane forever. I will stay true to my oath.” She blinked as the warmth of his voice tickled her ears. Chalice looked down to hide the smile threatening to break out from her lips.

It was only after a few moments that Luke let go of her, his smirk lost its curves and turned into a straight line. A sense of foreboding washed over Chalice as she watched the drastic change of his demeanor.

Luke's scathing tone made Chalice feel as if she was a child getting reprimanded for not sharing her toys. But she was also aware of why Luke pointed this out for her so harshly. This was a classic scenario of a servant needing to be firm and wise for his master was being completely stupid.

This was a feudalistic world. And she was someone who holds so much power in her hands, as of the moment. Power that was capable of dictating whether people would live or die. She had no time to be wallowing herself into the oblivion of self-despair and fear. Luke was right.