Part 29 (1/2)

The Regent Arnold Bennett 30210K 2022-07-20

”And the --every cent of it, in cash”

”Here is thehis pocket-book from his breast ”Every cent of it, in the finest brand of bank-notes!”

He flung down the notes with the iesture of an artist; then, with the caution of a ain

”The whole circued to have been given would have to be examined,” said Mr Slosson

”I shan't ht”

”There is such a thing as undue influence”

”Miss Euclid is fifty if she's a day,” replied Edward Henry

”I don't see what Miss Euclid's age has to do with the ht ht be a forgery”

”It raph letter written entirely in the late Lord Woldo's hand, enclosing the option”

”Let me see it, please”

”Certainly--but in a court of law,” said Edward Henry ”You know you're hungry for a good action, followed by a bill of costs as long as froht,” said Mr Slosson ”He has already given me the most explicit instructions Mr Wrissell's objection to a certain class of theatres is well known”

”And does Mr Wrissell settle everything?”

”Mr Wrissell and Lady Woldo settle everything between theuided by Mr Wrissell There is an iinally connected--er--with the stage, she and Mr Wrissell are not entirely at one in the conduct of her and her son's interests Nothing could be further frohts dwelt for a few moments upon the late Lord Woldo's picturesque and far-resounding ive me Lady Woldo's address?”

”I can't,” said Mr Slosson, after an instant's hesitation

”You mean you won't!”

Mr Slosson pursed his lips

”Well, you can do the other thing!” said Edward Henry, insolent to the last

As he left the premises he found Mr Rollo Wrissell, and his o acquaintance, Mr Alloyd, the architect, chatting in the portico Mr

Wrissell was caler, excited and deferential

Edward Henry caught the words ”Russian Ballet” He reflected upon an abstract question oddly disconnected with the violent welter of his sensations: ”Can a ood practical architect who isn't able to sleep because he's seen a Russian Ballet?”