50 Agreements (1/2)

Cultivation Fever ozzybanks 36530K 2022-07-20

I woke up to Xiaogui's face, hovering a few inches above mine.

”Sir, Oscar's awake.”

”Alright, get him over 'ere.”

”Sir, I can't–”

”Don't worry.” I interrupted.

I struggled to my feet and shambled over to Master's room.

”Thank you, Master. Thank you so much for defending me.”

”Yer damn right. Now it's time fer ya to pay me back,” he eased himself out of his chair and rolled up his sleeves, ”I know yer packing more of a punch than ya showed in court.”

”Um, my qi's not full yet.”

”Argh, who cares? Just show me what ya got.”


I commanded my qi to swallow his arm, taking control of it. With a flick of my wrist, I made him do a little wave. Master grimaced at his waving arm.

”I told ya, to show me what ya got! Do what ya did to blow up that brat's head!”

What the… even Master thought I did it? Was his opinion of me that low? More importantly, was it okay to tell him the truth? Now more than ever, I needed people I could trust, but Master was fickle.

No, even if it was just to protect his test subject, Master put his position on the line to stand up for me. He deserved to know the truth.

”Master… I didn't do that.”

”Brat, yer not in court anymore. Ya don't have to lie to me.”

”No, really.”

”What? Don't bullshit me.”

”It wasn't me, it was Tai.”

I told Master everything I knew about the incident.

”So, yer telling me that bastard killed the other brat, just to frame ya?” he cackled and clapped his hands, ”Impressive! He'd make a mighty fine disciple!”

Master caught the look on my face, ”I'm joking, I'm joking. He's already got a mentor… Anyway, so ya broke through to Elite Grade just like that? Maybe there's some hope after all. Go and cultivate a bit. Come back 'ere when something interesting happens.”

”Master… I can't cultivate anywhere.”

”Why–Oh. I guess yer a bit screwed if Tai attacks ya…” he thought for a second then waved his hand, ”Bah, that's not my problem. I'm sure it'll be fine.”

”Master, please I–”

”I apologise for interrupting, but Mr Dong is waiting for you in the dining hall. It is best that you head back.”

”Xiaogui, please…”

”Come back later, Oscar. I don't think you should miss this meeting.”

”Okay… don't worry.”

As I headed out of the vault, a thought crossed my mind, stopping me in my tracks.

”Xiaogui, how do you know he's looking for me?”

”I monitor the school, so I am aware of everyone's actions.”

”Wait… did you see what happened in the isolation room?”

”Unfortunately, I have not been installed everywhere.”

”Where do you have access to?”

”Oscar, I think you need to–”

”Xiaogui, this is really important!”

”Very well. I have control over the main communal areas, but student and teacher houses are incomplete.”

”Like College?”

”Yes, I believe College runs on its own system. I cannot sense anything within it.”

”That's strange. Xiaogui, can I ask you a giant favour?”

”What may I help you with?”

”Can you record me, like you did in the Vault? If I get in a fight, it's all over, and I'm worried someone's gonna attack me.”

”That won't be any trouble at all.”

”Really? Thank you so much!”

”It is my pleasure.”

”And thank you Master for helping me!”

”Yeah, yeah.”

I ran out of the Vault to go meet Dong in the dining room. With Xiaogui monitoring me, I was free to go everywhere but College. If I got attacked, I could prove it wasn't my fault.

Dong was finishing his meal at his usual table. I was starving after a day and night of not eating, so I queued up to get a tray of food. I was nervous to meet him, but Xiaogui's watchful eye reassured me.

Dong noticed me come over and motioned for me to sit. He finished eating, then placed a thin book on the table.

”You're down for a year of volunteer work scrubbing the training halls, as you requested. Have the supervisor sign each entry in this book, or you'll violate your probation.

”If you get a single fight, or miss a single day of work, you're expelled. You'll never join the military again. Don't make me remind you.

”Oh, and make sure you come to the arena tomorrow morning. If you miss the first day of hunting season, you're done.”

With that, he left the dining hall. The jovial, gossipy Dong was gone. I clearly wouldn't get any more help from him, but at least he wasn't actively malicious.

I continued eating on my own, disregarding all the vitriolic stares. I didn't expect any less. This was something I had to get accustomed to.

”Big bro!”

Davide's call piqued my attention, and I saw him bounce over to my table.

”Davide! I haven't seen you in forever!”

”I know! School's been so boring without you.”

His bubbly energy was a much-needed break from the gloomy day.