44 Forms (1/2)

Cultivation Fever ozzybanks 34980K 2022-07-20

”The Four Styles of this technique refer to four attack patterns,” Crow explained, ”the first three can be done individually, but all four need to be done sequentially to execute the final form.

”I will only show you the first two, as the last two are specifically methods for inflicting damage,” he gave Father a wry smile, ”so you don't have to worry about being my sparring partner.”

Father breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing his neck as if remembering past pain.

”Now,” Crow began, ”onto the first form. This is called 'Extending Slice,' and it excels at surprising your opponent.”

He started spinning the chain on his right side, before whipping his whole arm in an arc. As the chain came down in front of him, he planted his right foot far forwards.

The chain slashed diagonally, and for a moment, he looked like he would fall over. But just before the chain hit the floor, he spun around his front foot, leading the chain in a sweeping wave around his body.

As the spin finished, he planted his left foot forward and brought the sweeping chain back into a controlled spin.

”That attack has a lot of extra length because you use your whole arm and body. It's also an attack that puts you two steps forwards while forcing your opponent back.”

The technique seemed amazing, but I couldn't help but worry about leaving my back open during the spin. Someone like Tai could close that gap in an instant, crushing me before I had a chance to react.

”Um, Crow, what if someone hits you in the back?”

”A good observation. Ideally, this technique should only be used against a single opponent within your range. If they are forced to back off, they won't have time to strike during the exposed phase.

”However, if there is another enemy shooting projectiles you use a second chain. Carlo, if you would shoot an arrow at me?”

”My pleasure Crow.”

Father summoned a golden bow and drew back an arrow. Crow began spinning a second chain, then performed an Extending Slice in Father's direction.

Father let the arrow loose as soon as Crow's back was turned, and it streaked in a golden flash towards him. As Crow's second chain swept behind him, his wrist flickered, and the chain formed a purple spiralling cone behind him.

The arrow stopped within the spiral, and as Crow's spin came to a halt, I could see it caught in one of the chain links.

”That was an advanced move that also uses the Body Protection Whip Technique,” Crow explained, ”so I wouldn't recommend trying it any time soon.”

I was stunned by Crow's versatility. Absorbing projectiles even when his back was turned? With two chains, Crow seemed invincible.

”What about a close combat fighter?” I asked, wondering the extent of Crow's skill.

”To begin with,” he replied, ”never use a technique like this when a brawler, like your father, is out of range. If you are not at least pressuring your opponent, there is no point.

”Moreover,” he continued, ”if your opponent can both retreat and attack within the time it takes for you to spin once, you're probably outmatched. This technique gets faster as you get stronger, so at full speed, it looks like this.”

Crow started spinning, building speed. The chain began to howl as wind rushed through the open-chain links.

When he executed the technique, he disappeared into a blur, then reappeared two steps ahead. It looked as if an oscillating disc of light had blinked into existence around him.

”If you do mess up the technique, and your opponent closes in on you, there is still a simple solution. Carlo, if you would?”

”Crow… please…” Father complained.

”I'm just an old man,” Crow egged Father on with a cheeky grin, ”how much can it hurt?” he paused, putting on a mockingly sad expression, ”It's for your dear son.”

”Fine!” Father answered with an exasperated sigh. As he walked up to Crow, he stared daggers at me, ”I hope you enjoy this.”

Father stood outside Crow's range and unleashed his full power. His hulking mass of flesh glowed a mottled gold, twitching as if ready to burst. Crow wound up a single chain to a howling whirl, preparing himself.

He performed the technique with the same speed as before, but Father somehow found a gap. He dashed forwards, cracking the flagstones underfoot, but Crow was prepared.

He executed a blindingly fast back-kick which cracked into Father's sternum, sending him skidding across the patio. Father grunted in pain, released his techniques, and coughed violently.