35 Freedom (2/2)
After a few attempts, I managed it, but there was no release of pressure. This was confusing, as I was sure I had done everything right, but subsequent attempts confirmed it.
Perhaps the difference was intent. I had punched with the intent of sending force through an imaginary target, but now I was just thoughtlessly moving my muscles.
I centred myself and conjured an image of my foot bursting off the ground, sending my flying forward. This time, when I placed my foot down, a burst of pressure jolted me backwards.
I had succeeded, but it was difficult to control. I definitely needed more practice, and this wasn't the time for that.
I jogged the rest of the way, but it still took a lot out of me. My stamina was terrible, and I definitely needed to change that.
After around half an hour, I arrived at the entrance to Crow's cave. Two guards in green cuirasses stood to attention by the doorway.
”Hello sirs, how can I see Crow?”
”Who are you kid?” the guard on the left replied, ”are you from the military school?”
”Yes sir, I'm Oscar Schwarz, I'm one of the new scholars.”
”Schwarz, eh?” the guard on the right perked up, sounding surprised, ”rings a bell… I'll go ask Sir Crow, just wait 'ere.”
He disappeared into the cave, leaving me alone with the other guard outside the gate.
”So, kid, you're a scholar eh?”
”Yes sir.”
”What's it like being a scholar? My boy told me they're all monsters. I mean…” he cleared his throat, ”no offence.”
”No sir, none taken. I'm just a new kid, so I don't know much.”
The guard nodded thoughtfully, but still looked at me expectantly.
”I mean, they all seem really strong. I think everyone has a lot of pressure on them.”
”Must be hard for a kid. If you ask me, it's crazy to make kids fight so young. I never really liked all the violence,” he looked up to the sky and sighed, ”I guess that's why I ended up as a guard.”
”Oi, kid!” the other guard called out from the cave entrance, ”Sir Crow said he'll give ya a few minutes!”
”Wow, I guess that's a scholar for you,” the guard next to me leant over and whispered, ”Sir Crow's a very busy man, so be quick!”
”Yes sir!”
I jogged past and into the cave's entrance. The rock-hewn hall was just as tranquil as before, and the guard brought me to Crow's door, before walking off.
I knocked twice, and a small iron window slid open. Crow's wizened face peeped through, his eyes darting around the hall.
”Hm, he's gone. Alright, come on in Oscar.”
With a few heavy clunks, the iron bound door creaked open, and Crow ushered me in. He slammed the door behind me, then turned his back and walked to the shelves.
”So, what brings you here?” Crow fiddled with items on the shelves as he talked, peering into bottles before putting them back.
”Um, I had a few ideas and I thought you were the best person to talk to.”
”I'm the best person to talk to about a lot of things, which one is it? Pill making? Alchemy?” he slanted his head and gave me a cheeky grin, ”Women?”
”Actually, none of those things.”
”Hm, okay. Cut to the chase. You've only got a few minutes, or else those guards will suspect that I'm not all that busy in here.”
”Okay, well I was thinking of using the demon brand to absorb qi.”
”That's what it's for, so what's the trouble?”
”I'm going to be taking in a lot of qi… and I want to keep it balanced. And I don't have any affinities, so I want to use the strongest source.”
Crow stopped his tinkering, then turned his full attention to me.
”So, earth qi.. and unless you really want to be struck by lightning…” he perched on the desk and gave me a quizzical stare, ”so you want to cultivate here, with me?”
Crow wheezed a tortured laugh, then lowered his tone, ”I've known your dad for a while, but I've already done plenty to help you. The answer is no. Piss off.”