33 Discussion (1/2)
Only an hour or so had passed, so I had plenty of time left in the day. Finding a place with dense qi was important, but I wanted to take some precautions first.
Taking in other sources of qi had obvious effects on my soul. From the cultivation novels I read, I knew that it was crucial to maintain balance between different types of qi.
I realised that I didn't know what types of qi there were in this world, so I decided to go to the library to find some information.
Xiao Ru payed me no attention as I walked in, and I got to searching. It only took a few minutes to realise that I wasn't going to find what I wanted.
None of the sections mentioned anything to do with cultivation. Instead, this library seemed dedicated to the other subjects that Dong had mentioned.
Master had said not to disturb him… but teaching me about these things was definitely his responsibility. If I wanted to learn more, I needed to be a bit pushy.
I felt a smattering of strange looks as I walked to the vault, knocking on the door loudly.
No reply. I waited for a minute or so before knocking again.
”Master, are you there?”
After another minute of silence, I realised this wasn't going to work.
”Master, I made progress on your technique!”
After a pregnant pause, I heard clunks from inside, and the door cracked open an inch.
”Ya what?”
Master's voice crept out from inside, and I forced myself into the gap, bursting into the vault.
”Oi! Get out!”
Xiaogui appeared from around the pillar, a crackling yellow glow in his eyes,
”Sir, is there in an intruder… oh. Nevermind.”
The glow faded and he turned to walk away.
”Oi! Xiaogui! There is an intruder! Get 'im out!”
”Sir… that is your disciple…”
”And I don't want 'im in 'ere!”
”Would you like me to change my identification parameters for student Oscar Schwarz?”
”Yeah! Change it to cheeky little brat!”
”Sir that is not…”
I stopped their argument with a few words,
”Master, I need to tell you about my cultivation.”
”Hm,” he scowled at me, ”go on then, what's so important ya had to come 'ere.”
”Um, can we sit down?”
Master clucked his tongue and frantically scratched at his beard.
We sat down in master's room behind the vault, and I described what had happened. When I finished, master looked at me expectantly.
”And? What else ya got?”
”Um… that's it.”
”Ya had to burst in here just to tell me that!? Ya could 'ave just waited a week!”
”But master, I need to know more about cultivating.”
”Look brat,” master seemed to be holding back an intense anger, ”I hate those other twat teachers as much as anyone. But not everything I said in that room was a lie.”
”I'm not gonna help ya like that. I don't have the time. So, get out and figure it out yerself!”
I thought quickly, and interjected.
”Can I at least read the books in here?”
”No! Yer gonna disturb me.”
”What if I stay really quiet? I can just ask Xiaogui for help!”
”Xiaogui doesn't have time fer ya…”
”Sir, I am well equipped with knowledge of every book in this vault.”
Master spun around and shouted at Xiaogui,
”No interrupting!”
I turned to see Xiaogui standing there, his face motionless. The air was thick with tension, as master realised what he had done.
”Xiaogui… I'm sorry… I didn't mean to…”
”That's quite alright Sir.” Xiaogui delivered his line in a chilly monotone, ”I will seal off the vault, so you are not interrupted at all. By anyone.”
”Xiaogui! That's not…”
Xiaogui beckoned for me to come out of the room, and I followed.