30 Techniques (1/2)
I paused in thought. Any technique that I wanted? Sure, that was liberating, but so much freedom was daunting.
”Come on brat, it can be anything you want! Think of something destructive! Something awe-inspiring!”
”I don't know… um… can I control space?”
Yin Xue cackled in laughter.
”Ambitious, I like it! Sadly, yer not quite eady for that yet. Try again when ya got Elite Grade comprehension.”
Yin Xue scratched his beard and mumbled to himself.
”Alright, maybe that was too much. I'll teach ya a bit about yer qi.”
Yin Xue folded his arms and tilted his head slightly.
”First, yer qi type. Ya got a unique qi affinity of 100%. That sounds impressive, and it sort of is. But what it really means is yer bad at using elemental qi.”
He began listing qi types, counting them on his fingers.
”Earth, fire, water, thunder, poison, light, shadow, ya won't be good at using any of 'em. Demon techniques are a little different, but if ya don't wanna go insane, don't bother.”
”Most military schools, includin' this one, specialise in unique qi, 'cause strong elemental affinities are pretty rare. So, yer in luck, cause ya can use most of these techniques… eventually.”
”Now, unique qi cultivators rely on generatin' their own qi. Ya got a good technique for that already; the Soul Forming technique is middle tier rare grade by the way.”
”What ya need, is a fighting technique. Ya got a lot of qi force, so ya don't need to focus on close combat like most of yer little friends will. Well, ya got any ideas now?”
So, I shouldn't use elemental techniques, but I didn't need to limit myself to direct physical contact. Father's spiritual weapon technique was an option… but it felt too indirect.
I had fantasised about sending shockwaves with a swing of my arm. Crushing a mountain far in the distance with a single clenched fist. I wanted qi itself to be the source of destruction.
”I wanna be able to send my qi anywhere, to attack anything.”
”Ya wanna do something like shooting qi bolts?”
”Mm… kind of. But I wanna control them.”
”Maybe somethin' like a qi familiar?”
”Not really. I mean, maybe later. I just wanna control qi outside of my body.”
”Hm. What yer talking about is a requirement for breakthrough to Elite Grade. Yer years from that, but...” Yin Xue smiled to himself ”I've got a little somethin'.”
His ghostly hands plucked two books from the shelves and dumped them in my arms. I read the covers: Piercing Beam technique and Dragon Familiar Technique.
”Those techniques there are complete top tier rare grade. Past Emperor's Scholars have gotten pretty damn famous thanks to them. And this one…”
A spectral hand dashed into the Yin Xue's messy room, then burrowed into a pile of papers. After a bit of rummaging around, it emerged with a tattered book, then brought it over to me.
”This is the Qi Manifestation technique… I think. It's a little project of mine. It's a precious ancient technique I'm tryin' to piece together.”
The title was weathered beyond recognition, leaving only small patches of flaking gold leaf. A dark ring was embossed in the centre and I traced my finger around it.
”Oh, that? That's a tea stain.” Yin Xue remarked.
I looked up, surprised at how he'd treated this 'precious ancient technique'.
”Long nights and all these damn books I just…” Yin Xue shook his head, ”never mind. I'm pretty sure this technique is epic grade, maybe even legendary grade!”
I stared at him blankly.