11 Monster (2/2)

Cultivation Fever ozzybanks 28070K 2022-07-20

I would use the first stage of the Mind Integration Technique to become one with my soul. This time I didn't need to wait and sense the other soul. It was already within me.

I sat back and let him heal me. The vines had almost disappeared now, replaced by red qi. I prepared my mind and imagined a whirlpool into my soul.

The instant the last gap closed, I let myself be sucked in.

”What are you doing?!” The demon screamed. His voice was squeaky now that he was a wisp. ”Don't you want power?”

”I do. So, I'm gonna to take it all.”

I could feel the fleeting wisp inside me. It was a disturbing feeling, like a worm crawling under my skin. I imagined myself absorbing it, just like I had last time.

This time there was some resistance. It didn't just soak into me. I felt the wisp struggle and break free from my soul.

”You think you can capture me with your petty technique? You're too weak!”

I panicked when I saw it escape, and tried to reach for it, but my soul drifted too slowly to catch up.

Suddenly, a tendril of light darted out and grabbed the wisp, like a frog capturing a fly.

The tendril curled around the wisp and began to pulse. It drained globules of red qi with each pulse. The demon let out a ghastly screech.

”What is this?! What's happening?”

The demon seemed terrified. He writhed and wailed as the tendril leached his qi. With each pulse, his voice grew fainter.

”You… monster… ”

He let out one last dying breath, then turned to dust. The tendril unravelled, then snapped back into my soul. The demon's memories flooded into me, but I didn't have time to look at them.

A familiar, reassuring pleasure filled my body. I had achieved a minor breakthrough. My mind returned to my body, and I woke up in my cot.

Mother, father and Crow stood around my cot in a circle. Mother gasped in relief when she saw my eyes open. Relief turned to confusion as she saw me lolling back in ecstasy.

She tried to hug me, but father stopped her. He picked up my right hand and offered it to Crow. I looked at my wrist and was shocked out of my euphoria.

There was no wound, not a single scratch or scar. Instead, a tattoo resembling the bracelet circled my wrist.

Crow took my hand. I felt something passing into me, but it wasn't warm like any of the qi I had felt before. I channelled qi into my eyes to see what was happening.

Father's aura was all consuming. Strangely though, I saw drops of purple liquid rolling down Crow's arm. They seemed to fizz and shrink in the air.

I tried to rip my hand away, but Crow's grip was too strong. The purple liquid was rolling down my hand and into the tattoo.

The tattoo started to throb. After a few seconds, drops of blood seeped out of the tattooed thorns. The blood dripped in a steady patter onto the white sheets of my cot.

Mother gasped in shock.

”You didn't say this…!” she shouted at father.

”This wasn't… to…!” he replied.

I could barely understand what they were saying, but I knew something was wrong. Crow put his hand on my chest and closed his eyes.

I could feel his qi soak into my body. It was like a trickle of water, and it stung when it passed through me.

His qi touched my soul, then bounced away and shot out of my body. Crow recoiled and spoke a single word.

I hadn't heard it before, but I recognised the tone and could guess its meaning.
