37 Drastic measures (1/1)
After the specimen was bought to the lab but it was still trashing about and before it could damage the lab glowing chains shot out from one side of the lab and surrounded the creature in a strong grip. It was then dragged and restricted to a table which emerged from the ground. The chains were not destroyed by the movement of the creature and were not harming it even though they are made up of energy as if they are restricting it not by using their physical toughness but by other means.
Even with the chains it was very difficult to stop the creature's movement as its body was squirming in a bizarre manner and it was trying to escape the bindings. When the creature was immobilized the entire lab came to life and all kinds of sophisticated equipment and machinery emerged from the wall, floor and ceiling of the room.
The size of the creature was around 30 meters but when compared to the size of the lab it was small and appeared as a normal fish waiting to be butchered. The fluids which were leaking from its body are collected and by one of the tube and are being analyzed to find out about its composition. Another machine started analyzing its tissue and other parts of its body. Each and every aspect of the creature is being analyzed at a very fast speed and all the equipment is working with great precision and accuracy.
All this data is being analyzed by other Aons on board and is also being sent to major figures in the field like Neo. This was a standard procedure followed to complete the task efficiently and maximize the benefits. If an Aon is interested in these creature they can order it for further experimentation if it was deemed as a lower intelligence life form.
During all the experimentation, the creature did not stop struggling but it was futile as it was unable to escape the bindings. Its eyes were ferociously looking at its surroundings and trying to learn about the situation as much as possible to escape the bindings. From an outside perspective it appears to be feral and bloodthirsty but Aons still did not rule out the possibility of establishing a communication.
When Neo received the information he just ignored it as he was very busy with his own research and when he is in that state he ignores the entire world. Even if it was some interesting specimen he could just get it later on from the black market and Aons won't destroy the entire species just because they are less intelligent but rear them as cattle if they are useful even in worst case scenario they would keep a sizable portion of the population alive for the purpose of experimentation or other uses. So there was no pressure on Neo to immediately look at the data being sent to him.
Not just Neo many of the top level Aons have the same mentality and unless their help is specifically requested, for a price, they would not take their precious time and help in something trivial which is irrelevant to them.
”Sir, we have tried many ways of communicating with the creature but it remained unresponsive. We have identified its genetic code and it hasn't been recorded by Aons before. Its genetic code is highly divergent from all the data we have so far. We assume it has evolved independently from all the life forms we know so far without any kind of intervention or exposure to other life forms.”Head of the research division of the fleet Informed Leo.
All life in the Aonverse encountered by the Aons has been recorded by them and it is very rare for them to encounter a life form which has no similarity to the existing life forms known to them. There are only few kinds of environment suitable for creation of life and the life evolved out of it would have similar characteristics to a certain extent if not an exact replica. In most cases for life to form in certain environment it needs outside intervention as the probability of life to form naturally is very low almost negligible. This intervention may be in the form of visit by some lifeform for resource exploration, introduction of remains of another civilizations, from rouge planet remains in the form of comets, meteors…etc.
Leo contemplated for some time and contacted the council on what to do next. After getting their response he ordered his subordinates to use drastic measures and extract as much data as possible from the creature before exploring the planetoid.
The drastic measures involve extraction of information forcefully from the mind of a life form. This is very dangerous as there is a hundred percent certainty of destroying the life form in the process. The process involves introducing thoughts and manipulating the perception of the life form by creating a virtual environment based on its thoughts real time.