5 Neo 1 (1/2)

Life After Death Great_Y 18960K 2022-07-20

”So what is your name?” Alyx asked for the first time since meeting Neo. Aons are individualistic and maintain minimum personal contact with others. So Neo did not notice that they have yet to introduce themselves.

”You can call me Neo. You can either take up a new name or continue with the present. Many just go with the code assigned to them at the birth. Your code is N****E01. Here N stands for the Martrioshka brain (MB) you are born on and E01 is your civilization code.” Neo replied.

Alyx was unable to imagine himself being called by a code like a prisoner so he chose to keep his own name so as to not forget about his origins and goals.

”Miss Neo, what is with this body of mine if I am an AI am I not supposed to be inside a robot or an android? Why don't I see any improvement in my computation or processing speed?” Alyx wanted to know answer to every question in his brain and know everything about Aons. Earlier he just skimmed through the information and got answers to most of his question but he still had many question.

”I don't have a gender you can just call me Neo. Your body is modeled based on your mental image so that you can adapt to it quickly. You have a narrow understanding about what is life and what is a robot so you might think that you current body is similar to the one in the simulation but is a very advanced body made based on study of many species of lifeforms. You can explore it later at your leisure.” Replied Neo without showing any emotion.

For Alyx this was all surreal. Neo interrupted his reverie ”Let's get you connected to the Aon web you can find answers to most of your queries there. I would like to tell you more but I have other responsibilities.”

*Accept connection to Aon web?*

'Yes' Alex thought.

*Registering using the Personal code*

*Please select a name for you virtual identity*

'Use Alyx'

*Connection established*

Alyx immediately wanted to connect to Aon web and start searching for more answers but he was interrupted by Neo, ”You can connect to the web later but let's first finish your initialization and this is the most important step. We have to make your connection with your body safe.”