3 Awakening 2 (1/2)
Alyx for the first time after that nightmarish experience, was able to truly see where he was with his own eyes. He was unable to adjust to his new body and everything around him appeared to be a jumbled mess like a Van Gogh painting. He felt pain wrecking his whole body when he tried to move but he was happily enjoying it. Alyx was no masochist but he was truly happy to feel pain as it meant he was alive and his struggles had borne fruit. He was lucky that the nightmare ended where it did or else he was even afraid to think about the consequence of giving up.
It took him some time to get used to his new eyes. He started appreciating the colors visible to him even in that state. He was mentally at his limit and had already given up at the last moment, so he decided to enjoy this second chance at life to its best. Enduring that nightmare for so long was already a miracle only made possible due to his mania.
He surveyed his surroundings and found to his surprise that he was in some highly advanced lab with all kinds of fancy machinery and not some hospital. There are various equipment attached to the capsule he was on and the displays in the room are showing various data and graphs. He was unable to make sense of his surroundings. The lab was a mix between organic and mechanical structures. The equipment was seamlessly integrated with the wall giving it a futuristic look but it was very difficult to distinguish between different parts of the lab. He was able to tell that they are organic only because of it pulsing from time to time, which spooked him out.
*cough* * cough*
When he tried to speak he barfed goo from his mouth and nose and was unable to speak for a long time. It was a very painful experience, his lungs were on fire from his exertion. During his body's creation he was immersed in a capsule containing solution made up of bots which regulated the process. They are now being ejected from his body. The bots are very small and when grouped together appear as a slimy goo.
'Kristen, Arya where are you?' These are the only thoughts on his mind and wanted to meet them.
Ever since his eyes adjusted to the surroundings he was looking for any signs of his family but he was unable to find them anywhere. The long unending loneliness had only increased his love for what he had in his life. While recovering from his nausea he waited for some time but there was no response and no personnel was coming to check up on him.
”Hello doctor? Kristen? Arya? Anyone?” The only conclusion he came to was that he was in some medical facility and his family members should be nearby.
He was trying to move but his body was lethargic and he found it very difficult. His body was sticky and covered in some kind of transparent goo, which was now mixed with his earlier barf of same color. When he noticed that the goo was wriggling his heart skipped a beat recalling all the scary movies he watched. Alyx didn't know about the bots and seeing the goo wriggle freaked him out. He immediately tried to remove all the goo from his body as fast as possible. He got out of the capsule in fright.
”Don't worry it is part of the procedure.” The same voice echoed again. He did not know where the voice was coming from. He can't see any speakers and was unable to pinpoint the source of the sound.
Alyx was very angry at the treatment he was receiving. ”What kind of shitty service is this? Where is everyone? How can you just leave a patient alone without any guidance?”
”A robot will come and lead you to the initiation hall, follow its instructions.” The voice announced after sometime.
'What robots? So that's why there are no hospital personnel. But such treatment is still not acceptable.' Alyx thought to himself.
”What initiation? Is the treatment still not complete?” He was only met with silence again.
A few moments later a strange humanoid robot much more refined than the ones in any movie he saw appeared before him. It would be indistinguishable to humans if not for its strange alien like features.
'It appears to be modeled based on a female but it's hard to say with those alien features' thought Alyx.
'Why is the staff made up of such bizarre robots?'
Alyx was slowly getting suspicious of all these.
'No matter how much humanity developed this is bizarre. WAIT, did humanity make contact with aliens, then that explains everything.' Alyx was coming up with his own hypothesis, for him everything was like a dream. He just wants to return home for now and find out about everything later.
'Maybe the head of this department has an alien fetish.' Alyx chuckled.
The android remained silent for a moment and gestured Alyx to follow it.
”How can I move around naked? Let me take a bath and get me some clothes before that.” Alyx tried to cover his privates. Although he was desperate to meet his family he wanted to be at least clothed.
Even after listening to Alyx the robot remained stationary and silent for some time. Finally it seemed to understand and made a strange gesture with her arm.
Immediately afterwards a disk shot out from one side of the lab and attached itself to Alyx's chest. Alyx was unable to understand what the disk was for. The disk landed on his body but did not injure him. After attaching to his body the disk slowly dissolved and covered his entire body for a moment before turning into a uniform similar to the android. As Alyx was standing all the slimy substance on his body was removed by the clothes on him. He felt refreshed.
”Whoa cool it even has a cleaning function. Just how far did the technology advance.”
Later Alyx followed the android and while walking he was slowly getting used to his new body. He asked several questions to the android but it remained silent. He was very excited to meet his wife and daughter. He was also curious about everything around him and looking at everything like a child. He was fascinated with the progress humanity made and was dreaming if immortality was achieved and what he will do with it. The path taken was a straight one and there were no diversions.
He finally reached his destination and was greeted with a huge and spacious hall devoid of any decorations.
”Alright before I begin the initiation and remove the restrictions on your body, congratulations for being born.”
Before Alyx could understand the purpose of the hall, he heard the voice again. Before he could make any sense of it he felt something go off in his mind. He was hit by a severe headache and just fell into a fetal position clutching his head.
”What have you done to me?” He shouted at the voice.