Vol 3 Chapter 141 (1/2)
Chapter 141
I approached as close to the formation as I could, as my nerves wore down
Advancing through the West Petra great forest that divides the nation’s borders, I position myself in a place where I can use clairvoyance to confirhold built at the base of the Arakabe mountain that continues into the commonwealth
For troops to pass through here, there’s an unavoidable need to utilize the lone highway piercing the great forest
Passing through anywhere else is harsh, it’s a rough section of nature
In turn, the fatigue would be considerable if a forced h
This feat is possible precisely because this is iment
「Everyone, good work」
「Captain as well」
「Nn, thanks」
I’m handed dried meat so, I bite into it
As the border fort is, constructed with a structure designed to seal that path, this place has functioned as the absolute line dividing both countries since ancient times
And as such, the principality that held back the co in a difficult battle
「There is also soup!」
「I’ll have」
The vice-captain, was distributing rations to everyone while see happy
Even though she’s the vice-captain, she’s like a maid-san
They’re all normally, maids?
「Is there enough?」
「One sto work」
「It’s totally not enough is it!」
「Nn, I’ll sponge off master, when I return」
Even in noro on by throwing food away
The unit’s children, all have empty stomachs
To thethe children of the church, what’s called causing everyone to hunger is the thing I most can’t tolerate
「Everyone’s status is?」
「Everyone is bri with vitality, do not worry!」
That will come to be relied on
It’s gone smoothly up until now
There are searchers using ic and pri with clairvoyance and these children’s attentiveness
I gaze at the narrow cliff span that’s our objective
The child who’s the vice-captain followed that gaze and, sed her breath
「……The fort, is incredibly close……isn’t it」
It certainly does make you nervous
There will be no support from our allies if an uproar happens and, enemy reinforcements will come quickly
「If it isn’t a span of that degree then, they’ll be able to pass even if it collapsesSorry, I’ve had you accoerous mission」
「No no no!」
「After this is……I believe ill encounter enemies even if we’re careful」
「I’ll ask one more time but――――do you have the resolve?」
I purposefully, ask coldly as if shooting it toward her
「……If we thought fighting was impossible, ould have been circulated to a rear support o around asking each of us in turnAre you not putting on a strong front, is it not because you’re afraid of being spoken poorly of, while guiding us with real kindness」
Everyone of the unit is nodding
「But originally, ere raised to be used and discarded as combat slaves, ere children without a place to beSlandered, rebuked, scorned……the one who deigned to employ that without discrimination, in a place where the sun reaches, was ojousamaOjousama and the head maid are, always asked to take on er but, what about, ojousama herself……? Doesn’t she always, seem to come close to death!?」
Perhaps she was excited, she was crying a little
「I don’t want to be, luggage……We, want to serve a purpose for ojousama!」
That deter of the sort that other people could find fault in
「That so……」
What, they’re just like me
They shouldn’t, stop
「Inspect our equip」
「Hai, captain!」
Everyone did a powerful salute
Put fire crystals in and blast it to seal the highway――there’s nothing but to create a landslide
To start with until we arrive there, ht
To confuse the eyes of countless ene except to fade into the darkness
It’s not siraphy
「Be careful」
「Ha, hai」
We cli step could send you plu for air
The sound of wind, the sound of trees rubbing against eachother, the movements of animals, all of that shaves away nerves and stamina
We won’t survive if we’re found, each of us has our spirit deteriorate under that sort of pressure
Having entered the entrance, the terror when advancing through endless darkness, must not cause such as paralysis
Even if you beco people, you won’t beco killed
Because the act of being killed, only happens once
There’s no way to get used to it
「……It’s a convenient thing though」
Having done the work of an assassin, do I have the sort of personality that feels terror
I strainthe woodland mountain within deep darkness
What strikesvoice
The cliff wall that I had confirht there
――Let’s go
I give the signal, to everyone fro after me from behind
I assume they’re totally exhausted but, everyone advances forward fro a sound
This night has a crescent moon
I hide ht
My wish is, I want to co
The squad setting the fire crystals in the cliff and, the squad conducting the s split up
Only time moves forward, due to the unfamiliar terrain, of an unseen landscape
The work is taking tiets impatience and, becomes yet slower
Without scattering them about, we have to set the necessary a their proper positioning
Our salvation is, the fact that the torchlight that see toward us
It’s alright, even if they come to ascend our cliff now, the ill have room to spare――――
「Ufufuu, ahahahahaa! Fou~~nd you, who ht be, the child that’s up to mischief?」
――I messed up!!
The voice is directly above me――――from the sky!
「……Ill natured elf!」
Blond hair lit under the o that directs her irritation toward people, her eyes dyed with the color or insanity
There should be no mistake
「Wha~t, Alice isn’t here then? Nn~~? That deroup with an uncouth dwarf and, a dirty beastman is it?」
She has an accurate grasp, on our side……
It’s the same as master’s……an elf’s eyes!
This is rather……bad
It’s not the case that eren’tas above us, but……this person, suddenly appeared
「Fuun? You’re rather few in number arren’t you? Even if you’re used in huh but……ufu! Well I assume it’s fineBecause it’s a bother to use allies isn’t it? In various ways」
「It’s our first ti directly but……trash」
Her head is broken
More i, what to do?
If I don’t become calm……this is, the boundary between life and death
「Those who go beyond the era are, not understood……Haa, I wanted Alice diidn’t I」
「……You’re saying such a thing but, surely you came out because master wasn’t here? You’re, afraid」
The elf’s face perceived with clairvoyance was, distorted
「You were terrified right? ……Of, master’s shi+shou」
「You’re free, to rae in that sense of o down on the strongest is, unacceptableIt isn’t a cheap titleBut I think you know that firsthand?」
「A blockhead dwarf……as if you know!」
Magic systeht sky
That number is, easily 3 times our number
The chiainst at Wilside master
「Nee dwarf? It really would be better for so deep in a cave, getting agitated, aren’t you a ridiculous race to haveyour life workAra, on that note? You’re someone who’s often with that red de, perhaps she could be used as a prostitute or the like?」
It’s a fact that dwarfs spend day and night hunting demons
There are circumstances
As such, there was a sense of unease while being with that person――at first
「……Certainly, that person is a short teh but……」
I turned my eye, to my vice-captain
She moved her head and, I confirm that forceful nod
At this point, there’s no doubt
The strong gazes of everyone in the unit are, supporting me from behind
「To a level that soood person」
I quickly, release an arrow
I suppressed unnecessary movement to the lower limit but, a chimera flew in front of Carmel and covered her
The chimera that had an arrow splatter its stomach as it stabbed into it falls from the sky
「How pitiable, quite the barbarian? To do so so sudden」
「Well said, while using life as a shi+eld so easily」
Okay, preparations, complete!
「Acknowledged!! Everyone, retreat! Cover one another, whilethe formation!」
Everyone of the unit really is agile, adroit, they began the retreat without waste
These children, I’ll recoet back
「Ahaa? There’s no way you’re escaping right? You, shi+tbags!」
Ah, she snapped
Even though so a『hunt』
For the type that formulates schemes, she’s of the direct mold
I continuously release, covering arrows
Go rout the chi to encircle the unit
Even so to the extent of their overwhelardless of what is done
They’re gradually encircling us
「――Ojousama’s 3rd unit, please don’t look down on it!」
The vice-captain’s weapon is, a staff
The weapon of 6 shaku froantly, handled like a part of her body
There’s no blade but, even boulders would break if hit so, it’s a fine weapon that can be used freely without chipping its blade
That girl goes and adds one blow upon another to the chimera
Speed, strength, her staff technique’s quantity of experience, all of them are at a level that opens the eyes
It’s not just that girl,
girl, the children of the unit use ether with their various fortes
They’ve become reliable!
In that case――
「Would you kindly not get conceited? I’ll offer a display of, alcheic! ――Gate of order that connects to the other world’s sky, bear truth and do not breakRain down logic here in this place――――Arrow Rain!」
――This ic!
shi+ning spears clouded with a gray color, pour down from the sky
Should, I assume the rain should be avoided?
Such a superhuman feat, is impossible, if it’s not shi+on
Guardbut to rely on luck for the rest
My shoulder, ate one hit
Rather than saying it hurt, it’s a burning sensation of the sort that made me want to scream
I also hear the groaning voices, co from everyone in the unit
「……Losses, are?」
I don’t want to look, at my own shoulder
It’ll just lower my spirit so, later is fine
More i is it, that there’s no response from the vice-captain who should have been nearby?
I turn around and, my throat froze up
The factor called, luck, is always present
It’s fine to say that vice-captain’s actual ability, is number 1 in this unit
But『it just so happened』that, an attack with『no way to avoid it』ca a nearby child――――her chest was pierced
「Ahaa, ahahahahahahahaa! That face, it’s great! It’s finally, gotten fun hasn’t it? Creeping like a caterpillar suites youNow then? Chiood okay? Because they’ll be used as experi forward to it……」
The freak raising a voice with elation, doesn’t matter
The chi down on us as well
「――Me, to cover me……Aaah!」
The youngest child of the unit, turned pale while e the vice-captain
……I, see
Truly, the children of master’s place are……benevolent master and servant alike……
Since long ago, my concentration has been more impressive than anyone’s
In battle, in judging the situation, concentrate on calculating the steps forward from here――
Whether chimeras or Carmel, their disposition is twisted so, they won’t come and deliver an attack all at once
「――Team leader, present? Safe?」
「Ha, haii! I aht!」
The unit’s, next child in rank
「Losses are?」
「……In, light injuries 6 names! He, heavy injuries 1 name, others 4 names, no losses!」
「Children who can use Heal?」
「It, it’s, me!」
The child who embraced the vice-captain, squeezed her voice out while tre
「Breath is……?」
「Ah, eh――Aah! It’s there!!」
Perhaps she didn’t confirhter
To begin with――it wasn’t such a situation either
「Fall back into the forest, while applying Heal with your full power」
「Ha, hai! Take formation, so as to protect the injured!」
The teahtens
Using Heal on that injury, it’s difficult but……I want her to be saved
「Discussion ovver? It’s about ti time?」
A twisted sh for her mouth to rip her cheeks open
Tor and fun and it can’t be helped, that sort of face
Starting with master, there’s no mistake that elves are a beautiful race
But, that’s no good
It’s broken
What is done, to make people that distorted
No, I also――it’s not the case that I slept in a warh food to fill my stomach and, received my parent’s love
The one who bent to her environment was, me myself