Vol 2 Chapter 100 (1/2)
Chapter 100
Is this sweet even for me?
While thinking that sort of thing I pick out the bones from the fried fish that came out for the inn’s breakfast
I thought that shefish with chopsticks but, Rin-chan used her chopsticks more normally than I had expected
Maybe she was originally raised in a region where chopsticks were used commonly
「Hai, Rin-chanIf there are bones take the them okay?」
Having observed my fish preparation ith a is it ready yet is it ready yet Rin-chan nodded energetically
「Hahaa, Alice-san is like a mother-san isn’t she!」
「Since if Makina also leaves her carrots I’ll have her cover their proper price」
It’s not cruel you know
Let’s eat without leaving any food
With the event of her co at the carrots, while groaning 「Eh~」 and the like in front of the table
「Kyui kyui!」
「Ah~, hai haiPlease wait a little, since I’ it now」
Kyuu also ca of my clothes’s sleeve
It’s fine either way but this fox doesn’t have even a fragment of wildness do you, Kyuu
Can you really become like that nine tails like that?
Please bite into so like a fish whole from the head
I put the fish that I prepared’s body that was bought at a general store yesterday in a bowl for Kyuu’s use and put it at my feet
As Kyuu is growing so he needs lots of food the boith a whole fish was dived into at a high speed
As expected, having an ani I can’t let be the case isn’t it
「You’re totally a mother-san nya」
「She is isn’t she」
Let’s try thinking about this a little
Provisionally if I had still been in inal body, would the conduct like what I just did have changed?
The answer is NO
It’s not particularly the case that the currentby my body
This is how I a male or female
「A father doing his best」
「Nya? What is that, all of a sudden?」
「No, I cahout the world, please don’t mind it」
Beside Saira who had a curious face, Makina and Rin-chan quarreled over the carrots on their plates
「Saa saa Rin, how about I give youand robust」
「I~don’t~want to! I’ll beco even if I don’t eat carrots」
「I coree with that opinion but, I currently, don’t knohat to do with these carrots!」
「Your goods are for you to eat!」
「Gu, that’s proper logic but……Even so I hate carrots!」
「Rin also doesn’t need them~!」
……What are you doing with a child as your opponent
Finishi+ng the check out, today there’s quickly heading toward the royal capital
It seems the royal capital is further to the east from this town
It’s a distance of one day when going by riding together on a carriage but, at Makina’s suggestion we ca
is also here and, since she had a sort of extremely proper opinion that it would cause a bother if we rode a carriage together
I want to think that she doesn’t particularly have an ulterior er
Maa, actually the sort of suggestion she gave was to go not by carriage but horse but……the people here all don’t ride horses!
「Is Makina’s country of origin here?」
While walking the sa a conversation to Makina as she walked beside me
She ca with us by flow but, since there are toothis child so
「That’s rightBut since I have a traveling lifestyle because of my travels, the sort of sense that ht be distant」
……She didn’t bring ht but, the answer that came out was rather dyed in hardshi+p wasn’t it
Saira, Rin-chan and Kyuu alking together ahead of us while ere like that
Kyuu is chasing after a setically kicked and, it’s a somehow pleasant scenery
「That sort of scenery is adht doesn’t it」
Makina narrowed her eyes with a complicated smile
This child……she’s a beautiful person isn’t she
No, that’s currently totally unrelated though
「That is……Makina has, that sort of glittering memory?」
「Of courseIt’s because of that that, I get a feeling like havingback」
「So that’s how it is」
To say that when re like a treasure isn’t it
Froood if that happy time in her childish heart had continued forever so there are also times when tears come out
Because she was young, I understand that don’t those things continue throughout her life
Probably, Rin-chan as well
「I well, wanted to become a person ould protect this sort of sceneryProtecting so person」
「Isn’t the current Makina, sufficiently strong to be able to do that」
「Haha, thank youBut you see, there’s no thEither way 『at that time』, it should becoh」
Ah I see, I thought that Makina resembles someone
But whether it beco normal
Everyone, is holding soret
And so for Makina that h
Maybe she guessed about the feelings I couldn’t speak of, Makina laughed lightly and smiled
「Don’t make such a face Alice-sanThere hasn’t been a ti like I’m a pitiable person you knowJust as I said earlier, I also have lots of warm memoriesSince that’s why I do my best」
「Is that so……」
Even if you say that with a sad seehtens the chest doesn’t it
「Ha haa, then here’s a suggestion! Today Alice-san, sleep together withthat I’ll be happy!」
That’s that is it, a request for feminine skinshi+p is it?
Is replying that’s fine~ correct?
「I, I suppose so~, if you’d like shall we enter the
the bath together too?」
「Is that okay!? Yattaa!」
I, dug rave?
「Deshi+~, carry me!」
「Hai hai」
Having enjoyed walking on the mountain Rin-chan came up beside me before I noticed and, requested a ride
Tosure what to do it was to the contrary a welcome way for the conversation to flow on
I give her a lift up with a yoisho
……Fuu, my exceptionally trained slender arms let up a scream
I can’t hold out for long, forgive me, Rin-chan
「Mo~, you’re letting Alice paht? You shouldn’t be carried right~」
「I don’t like Makina!」
「I don’t really care~ so there」
These two, they’ve gotten along like a dog and a ’s carrot incident
「Do you understand Rin? This ride isn’t so you’ll naturally receive, if you don’t protect it your ride will disappear」
「Deshi+’s lift will?」
「Right, Alice-san’s lift」
No the lift won’t particularly vanish though
If Rin-chan badgers h
「What would be good to do?」
Rin-chan, is really adorable isn’t she
Her appearance while thrusting her head out with see desperation is adorable so……
「Clause~, to becoh to not lose to anyone! Surpass Ice and Snow tomorrow!」
「I understand!」
……Do your best!
「Clause~, to have the strength of heart to stand against any sort of hardshi+p! If you stu as you don’t stumble you haven’t lost!」
「Rin, won’t lose you know!」
I met Saira’s eyes and se
「Clause~, to eat without being picky! Specifically don’t leave carrots!」
「Im~pos~ible! Makina also didn’t eat them!」
「I’ it’s fine even if you’re picky」
「Cheap~! I don’t like Makina!」
「Hehe~nn, I don’t particularly care~ so there」
There’s Makina sticking her tongue out andRin-chan as she puffs her cheeks with teary eyes
「Please stop that」
The chop I learned directly from my shi+shou, struck into Makina’s head
This tiue
Really now, I’d like if you didn’t go at a child of 5 years with your full power though
Let’s leave those two to themselves for now