Vol 2 Chapter 92 (1/2)

Chapter 92

c92: Interlude Ossan

My name is Nicole

An unnoteworthy adventurer

I ended up co down in this town ever since that shi+on’s birth, I’ve been in the town of Rinal for al blood as adventurer


Putting a towel on e in practice while wipingsweat

An adventurer’s capital is their body, negligence will not be tolerated――!

「――You! Haven’t I told you to stop shouting when you’re splitting firewood!! Think of the neighborhood disturbance already!!」

「O, ou……」


An angry voice rang across the lawn from within the house

tTaku, kachan’s rebuke is what resounded through the surroundings the most by far

While leaking idle co my work

After first lightly striking withdown at a stump

The firewood split while ringing with a slightly satisfying sound

This work beco

If one was a soldier it wouldn’t be bad to do this continuously

「However, girls who can’t hold a trifling axe are so that’re in this world I suppose」

I thought back to the silver colored girl who became a new family member

Watching shi+on split it easily with one hand, her face beca pure red

Alice-chan challenged firewood splitting countless tiain so, that wasn’t a pretense but real wasn’t it

According to the person in question, her abdomen has no power in it

Back muscles also lack power

If pulled up her ar or other?

Trying to think seriously about s, that scenery was pleasant, that

「Yossh, today’s norma cleared」

After splitting one ether and bundled it

「Ou kachan! I’ out to work for a bit!」

「Hai hai, you’re going to a bar right? Don’t cause trouble for others alright」

「He, obviously」

It feels good scooping water fro it over the head!

Since it’s after a job it’s exceptional!

「……Ah? No, kachan it’s not a bar you know! It’s work you know!?」

「Hai hai」

「You don’t believe me!?」

Men always have to endure the ridiculous and such don’t they

This level of dishonor or such, isn’t anything at all……

「Nee, mama! why did that person, cover himself ater while naked on the lawn!?」

「It’s because he’s Adele-san’s house’s dannsan」

「He~, so that’s what it was~」

Ooto daughter-chan, is this town still shallow?

A parent and child alking by so, I pleasantly greeted them

They cheerfully waved back

But I’m not naked but wrapped in the latest fashi+on of eastern style local specialty, fundoshi+ I say?

Come look closely okay?

This constricting and tight ass functionality is so like an irresistible masterpiece isn’t it

Does daughter-chan still not understand?

The bar before noon still has its doing preparations sign hanging off it

I violently force the fittingly worn down for this rural town store’s door open

Doing that a skinhead oyaji polishi+ng a glass at the inner counter turned toward or

「Oraaa! Haven’t I tooold you to open the door nicely! Do ya want to see that world!?」

The skinhead shopkeeper, is my old friend Fred

tTaku, noisy isn’t he

As always he has good vigor

「It’s o ru va――tsu!?」

A frypan ca into my face……!

Along with a bizarre voice even for me, I tasted a fluid that was fa into my mouth

That flowed into hout my body seethed



Kicking away the frypan that fell on the floor,at the other side of the counter

Fred glared back with his eyebrows strongly raised


「Whaz, that?」

「I said……it’s ht!!?」

Giving hiht, he received that palm from the front

「Like I know, fooooool! Like it’s me it’s me will paaass!!」

The opponent’s right punch counterattack, is received in the same way

Opening our clutched fists together to grapple, we moved on in that manner to a test of power



My upper arm muscles trained up by my habits twitched and pulsed

However that guy is, quite the ruffian so coth it was a whole 5 points

As always you really went and did it, Fred you!

「Besides which I’ve always been unable to like you! I thought you’d wandered into town and then you went and stole Adele-san!」

「Like I’d know! This is also fate I’ether!」

Besides which over here there’s also various stuff with kachan!

「On top of that shi+on-chan is beautiful and openhearted unlike you so, that’s another good woman!」

「Just what sort of thing, is unlike me!!」

She’s et it!

「Without being satisfied with just that, this ti just you represent this town’s men! Absolutely!!」

「Like I’d need your forgiveness, baldy!!」


As an adult I couldn’t neglect Alice-chan you get it!

If she’s treated coldly in the tohere she arrived at after being driven out of her village with no idea where to go, won’t she grow to hate humanity!

「I’m not bald!! It’s shaved!」

「It’s fine either way, baldy!」

「Want to be plucked!?」

「――You’re being noisy!! You idiots!!」



Our heads were struck with a frypan by, Fred’s ho had come out from within the store

Both of us held our heads in unison while dropping froony

「Really s to do for the town’s reconstruction too, so don’t make a commotion in this sort of place」

A cheerful woman with a lively personality on par with kachan and, peculiar red curly hair

That is Eleanor-chan and Teo-bou’s mother, Fred’s wife

Good woman isn’t she, if I say that to Adele or shi+on or such I’d be punished right?

I guess I’ll defer to the wife here

「Tee, oi, is theyet Fred」

「Ke, it seems like he just arrived」

Fred jerked his chin and, a youngster stood at the entrance bowing


「I a with you!」

A painfully rigid person I suppose

「Ou nii-chan, ma, let’s take it easy」

As such for the medicinal herb collection ht we turned to the matter of departure

From medicine for illness to medicine for injuries, the deh

With Rinal partway through reconstruction these are vital goods

It would be fine to harvest

harvest these medicinal herbs near town but, the difficult point is that it can’t be done so simply

If experienced adventurers don’t form a party and set out to collect theions

That is the area tinged with thens monsters

To say that that’s near Rinal, it’s in the vicinity of the entrance to the deep green forest

「Fuu, since if we go until we’re deep in then certainly no aht」

Alice-chan is a half elf

Possibly, she careen forest then

「Nicole-san and Fred-san as well, you’re strong aren’t you! I can’t lose here!」

This kingdoood child isn’t he

He’s also flawlessly completed the battles since before

Even though he’s young he’s quite so

Even though for souild’s support request, theyou know

「Has it been long since Rick-kun becaht?」

「No! It was just recently! I’ you see……」

He’s scratching his head as if he’s e the examination is strict

I assume he put in considerable effort

「I was just a soldier before but, after I obtained an objective, enough motivation to surprise even myself welled out」

「Isn’t that a good thing, what objective is that?」

「Hai, it is to aid Fairy of Silver Lightning-sama!」

Fairy of Silver Lightning?

That’s a nadom lately isn’t it

「What’s with, that bizarre name? Is she a princess-sama?」

「No! She’s different from princess-denka! I do revere princess-denka of course but, that great one……is lovely」