Chapter 129 (1/2)

Chapter 129

The sound of the e with the sound froht’s air

The fact that the evacuation has not been finished is clearly deht of people’s activities that still overflows beneath my eyes

And the red of infernal fire that has already seized the place of the twin moons’s calm purple color rises up into the western sky

It’s alh to s the moon

My heart is racing

This is already――a battlefield

「Nn, the sound of master’s heart, is noisy Nervous?」

The Ai her ear to my chest

There wasn’t a hint of tension in her carefree see voice

Seriously this child is quite the person

It’s not the case that surviving in a world where the sun didn’t reach was just for show

Landing on a tall building, the church’s tohere the bell cried out just now――I do one more jump

「Since I’m the same coward as always aren’t I I’m scared As expected I can’t obfuscate it can I」

I’ lives

But I think that’s normal

I must not become such that I’m able to do this in a manner where I breath normally

At that time, I won’t be myself anymore

「……That so But……it’s a kind sound」

She didn’t repri afraid in front of the battlefield but, Aily

As always a power that doesn’t compare with the small stature of Aim’s body……!


I ran out of air

I land on the pinnacle on a certain restaurant’s roof and catch my breath

「Koraa, I’ll suffocate you know!」

Because you’re strong Aim!

「As expected ofboard isn’t just for show is it」

Cutting board……?

Aier for some reason

With sleepy see eyes

「It’s okay, because small breasts are status」

「No, that is……」

Agreeing here would really look overly indecent

No but it’s the body I chose……

Aftera coain without saying anything

The battlefield coed to reclaimed my calm

Aim is a warrior who truly should be called experienced

My excess tension was released by our ridiculous exchange

「Master isn’t a coward you know You have a vessel that can become a hero」

「In h」

「Don’t mind」

「I don’t like itt……」

Aim’s intuition hits home doesn’t itt

「Furthermore……I’m more of a coward」

So exceptional

Her circumstances are her circumstances after all……even so

「I’ve said it haven’t I? Aim is my archer who I can rely on My world first, prided comrade」

「……Confession? Will you marry?」


「Nn, if this battle ends――」

「Wait a !」

That so thatinto battle after this

「Nn……in any case for the assesset 1 or 2 people’s worth the rest is extra」

I didn’t question the bravado in Aim’s words after she declared that

I try looking into the

face of the Ai to my breasts and, she seelint in her eyes and this side’s heart leaps

Reading , Aim makes a small smile

I see, there’s no need to worry as she’s――far tougher than me


――We’ve arrived then


I want to choose a place that’s as high as is doable but, I won’t take a spire like place with poor footing

As expected if the footing isn’t level then surely it would be hard to aim

「Target confirmed……Distance clear, weather is calm, wind is weak……visibility――clear」

Taking her distance fro posture

The bow that had been on her shoulder, Trick Shooter is calmly readied

I sed my breath as I was struck by the air said as the peculiar『space』of a person who’s resolving the path of their bow

As if Ai within a stopped space, the『 down those she sees

Reverberating, the sound of a pulled string comes

The htly dra of the sort that I definitely couldn’t handle, is being pulled tight without difficulty by the Aim with a body that’s smaller statured than my own

「A little up……fine adjustment to the left……」

Watching over her froh focus that I can’t breath

On that note, Ai I’ve seen from up close

I look forhile straining my eyes

My range of vision itself isn’t bad with ardless it’s too far away so I basically don’t know the target

At the least there isn’t the shape of an enemy that I can catch clearly with my naked eye at this distance

So in the western sky illuminated by flame……it’s at the level where I can just barely understand that sort of thing

「So shi+ny and bright……your a target」

However that doesn’t apply to Aim

A voice bearing a silent wrath descended, before the flame that makes it seem like you can hear the cry of the people, the city, the sky――


1 shot――faster than sound, Aim’s arrow that shook the air was released

An unworldly high pitched note following iht sky

There was a slight interval before impact

「Direct hit」

Endeavoring to be nonchalant, Aim put the results to her mouth

It wasn’t visible to me but, there’s no reason for Aim to lie either

That reality is plainly reported with a voice like she’s killing her emotions

「I’ll confir is me」

「……It’s alrighta reason to justify it」

Aim entered her preparations for the 2nd shot without hesitation

Whatever the reality may be, I feel that what’s called the sophistry hich to convince the heart is also important

……With th okay

「……I know I’ difficult and, even so for you as of now, I’ll have it forcibly seen through」

「Nn……Master, coercive I don’t dislike it you know」

Aihtly and, released her second shot

She didn’t say anything but,

but, I suppose it’s probably a direct hit

How much can we reduce their numbers from here……

「They’ve already noticed……fast reaction」

「At this distance!?」

Over there is bright, it’s dark over here

Therefore it’s a distance where we shouldn’t be found but……

However as Aiic and arrows flew haphazardly at us froe

Their aim is all over the place, unlike Aim it shouldn’t hit but this is what states that the enehtly is it

Be that as it ic……!

「……This will start a fire! A feat like burning only the target really is, impossible if you’re not at Eclair’s level!」

Their !

Since even if hypothetically Eclair released Fire in a forest it wouldn’t start so like a fire would it

In co has beco the city ablaze

……No, is their aim to expand the fire!?

This is war is it……


Causing lightning to rated portion of the building

There’s no y honed far beyond what it used to be expanded inpressure

「But so like a defensive battle, won’t be carried out with this number of people! Aim!」


Aim fired off countless shots one after another, before I finished speaking

I suppose they were probably all direct hits

The extent of the appearance of soht sky is, visible even to me

「――Tsu! Repelled……tough」

Mur, Aim stopped once

Drawing in a deep breath with her bowstring drawn, she shot her target once again


「……What, is that」

This is that『so down is here is it

「Is so?」

「It’s co directly at us」

「Understood, ignore that The other enemy troops」


If you’re co then come……I’ll be your opponent