Vol 2 Chapter 65 (1/2)



Chapter 65

c65: Hot Spring’s Proper Action

「Deshi+, why can’t we enter together! Come on in~」

Being badgered by Rin-chan, hurts my heart……

「I’m sorry I have, a mission that I must not fail to complete……」

For Rin-chan as well the time will come when she’ll understand

……No, maybe it must not come, fundamentally

「Because we’re staying for two days, toether, Rin-chan」

「Mu~, it’s a promise!」

And, while inflating her cheeks Rin-chan headed toward the hot spring with Ilya and the rest

Furthero play, it see once

She’s already wearing a yukata

And so it seeain with everyone

That they see themselves, that’s what’s most important

「Nyafu…… it feels good nya, Alice-san’s back, tomorrow I’ll wash it!」

「U, un」

Since Saira changed into a yukata I sensed an unexpected degree of allure for her age

The special trait of a yukata, looking down frole of white soft skin

I see…… yukata are―――― not ith underwear are they?

What a thing…… If the obi comes undone, there’d be a massive accident!

「……Be careful, Saira」

「? Hai desu?」

With a curious see face, Saira headed out of the room


It’s tio

To the last oneechan went, you’re really doing this? Or rather she just made that sort face, the words aren’t repeated


For one day at the hot spring travel lodge, an

Although it’s this way in every world, there isn’t any hot spring arranged so that the women’s bath is simple to peep into

To peep into the woh the thickly wooded back ood

Further there’s a river, that river has considerable width, and the flow is also fast

Beyond that, surrounding the hot spring as the bather’s final stronghold stands a towering bamboo fence

Without overco here then, arrival won’t happen

「Magic…… isn’t using that no good? Ilya and…… I feel like Eclair probably also has ic detection」

The path to the women’s bath, before that number one trial, the back mountain, I consider

When I did ic to clear it with ease

However an endurance challenge without ic, to clear the back mountain and the river and the fence, can I do it?

And there is, if I don’t proceed carefully…… Aim

Clairvoyance is bad

「What is this…… My nakaroup that absolutely must not be turned into an enemy」

However, I will not lose

Whatever enemy, I’ll exterminate them!

Encouraging the dull light of a heart within despair, I set foot upon the rugged mountain path

Fundamentally, what’s called nature without maintenance such that people can enter is wondrous

It isn’t particularly the case that this backlike an unreached precipitous cliff, even so deep grass grows underfoot and, the unthinned tree branches obstructed the e

As the inclination is also harsh, I advance through the trackless path while breathing roughly

The sun had set, however within the ht couldn’t reach, so shook

This darkness, maybe a normal human wouldn’t notice even after his eye adjusted but, I knew

Is it a bear?

Is it a monster?

No, impossible

Regardless of how it’s said to be within the mountains, this is inside a part of the city

It’s hard to think it’s a monster or the like……

If it coic

Approaching that shadow carefully―――― I became exhausted

「……What are you doing, old man」


The suspicious person with a physique like a bear…… was ossan

No, this is really a suspicious person isn’t he, since he was found in this place

「Though if you have an excuse I’」

「A, Alice-chan is…… not entering the hot spring?」

Letting out thick sweat ossan, strangely switched to a narrow eyed expression

「……If I’d entered, what are you saying would have happened」

「Not looking would…… be rude wouldn’t it!」

「Then should I report this to obasan」

「Please let me off!!」

Don’t cry, it’s annoying!!

「Haa…… if you turn back here then, I’ll let you off」

「Alice-chan……! As expected, too angeli――――Oguu!?」

As ossan flusteredly ca punch

「How is it, my punch? Unlike before, it’s effective isn’t it?」

「――It was, effective」

As ossan burned out to pure white, he collapsed at that place


shi+tー, if it’s this much I won’t be noticed……Will I?

It’s not the case that I fired off ic……

That ossan

It was quite the bone breaking course but somehow I traveled across the back mountain, and smashed a pervert

「Next is, the river is it……」

Perhaps because it was upstream, the water’s floas faster

Alongside that the river has considerable width so, this is dangerous

Though if I use ic one leap could reach the other shore, that’s like telling them please find me isn’t it

Here and there the tops of rock footing protrude frohtforward jump until the other side

Although difficult, coh the ility 4 to me this is preferable

「Stop this, doing this would make Saira sad!」

「I know! But……I am, I am!!」

Before the river, twoeachother


Approaching for the moment, I hit them from behind in the head as hard as I could



The surprised pair turned toward me

「A, anesan……!?」

As the two checked me, their faces were dyed in astonishment

「Really…… if you’ve come this far there’s no way to excuse your objective」

「Anesan…… sorry, but I……」

「Saira, ould she think about being peeped on? Please think of that child’s pure heart, and work your iination」

Wordless for a few ether

A veeery, guilty feeling filled up

「Anesan…… I really, seem to have erred…… the worst isn’t it」

「It’s good that you understand Takeshi+ and Kenji are at that age so, that sort of playfulness, can’t be helped Though it’s not good」

Saira is forbidden, Saira is

If your going to peep, if it’s not Eclair then

「That’s why I said, we should stop」

「Naa, even though you also, wanted to go peep on anesan if things ell!」

「Baa, you!」


「……Did you want to peek at, me?」

「That, that’s wrong! No…… that is」

Kenji became frantic, Takeshi+ also become frantic

「I, I also, if I could see anesan then」


Takeshi+, Kenji……

「Right in front of the person in question, don’t boldly announce you’re going to peep」



Bahtly pushed into the river

They didn’t knohat had happened, with that sort of face, the two fell into the fast flowing river

「A, anesaaaaaann!」

「Kuu, is this punishment!」

That’s it, this is punishment

They should flow to somewhere safely

The penalties of worldly desire, are strict


「Ah, can you two properly swim? Are you okay~?」

「It’s okay, anesan! I’ve awakened!」

「Aah, I’ll thoroughly receive my punishment, and train my body!」

That sort of reply came back

That’s youth isn’t itー

And so I, finally arrived at the final trial

Encircled in bamboo, the tall fence

Standing beforemy path, a black shadow and I confronted eachother


Though I would think, it’s impossible

Though he doesn’t seem like it, maybe?


「You, certainly have the right to re in this sort of place this can be ended with only circu is heavy」


Kurozukume, morosely fell into silence

「Mou…… Who struck your eye? Oneechan? Or maybe, Ilya?」

「……Are you, not going to enter?」


「No…… Forget about it」

Eh…… What?

「To answer, I was only on lookout」

「……U~n, that’s a painful excuse isn’t it」

「Fu, it is isn’t it I have no intention of defending myself」

Though he had a cool s enough to dieー

「But Solt-san also, really is a healthy boy isn’t he」

「Don’t speak, like I’m your junior」

「Fufu, does it hurt your feelings? So to peep, it’s cute……」

「That’s why, peeping isn’t…… it’s fine」

However, this fence is too tall and I can’t cliic



Saying that, this kurozukume’s back is tall isn’t it


「I understand, Solt-san, so, please let me ride your shoulders a little」


「Therefore, shoulder ride I, want to check on the other side」

As I pointed toward the fence, kurozukue face

Poorly expressing hie face

「You…… what are you saying? I assume this is impossible but, do you intend to peep?」

「No comment」

「……It would be fine to enter normally」

「Don’t complain about whether it’s four or five Do you want to be reported, or do you want to let ht to choose」