Vol 2 Chapter 51 (1/2)


The tides of the battleground have been decided, in a good turn of events they say

The White Dragon's defeat upsidely rose the ton troops, and had slumped the enemy's

Further thein the front lines ―― the s for the enemy forces

…… Rather though their commander had been done in, a stem of comeback potential still remains

”Klan, should ithdraw to the back?”

”…… Yes, I see Thinking ahead, going further would end up being a hindrance to the soldiers -wa”

Perhaps having thought of the sa, Klan obediently nodded

Thank goodness, I ondering hoas going to discharge the high energy and enthusiasm

”――――Why, leaving so soon? Having especially prepared the stage, ay' wanted to be given more amusement”

From behind, I felt paralyzed from head to toe and then shuddered at the voice

A voice that was heard before, a very mischievous sort of voice

The identity ―― hispered close and into my ears

Suddenly from behind me, a hand headed towards ently

I was ele

”Li …… bra …… ”

――――Shoot, she was here!

White hair and red-eyed, a 360° God of Death look-a-like of a senior ic disciple

Dark-tanned skin, wearing the sareatly exposed chest which I saw, and is glued to my back

And behind me from my shoulders, it carried my chin

Nearby I heard a long h

However, the Alice being held from behind felt no excitement

Nothing but chills

I expected her

I expected her, yet!

But knowing that

The truth is now, no matter as done, from here on I have to recoup

Fro the situation, my back was detained

Was this Transfer Magic?


”Shaking, are we? Ahaha! Aren't you a cute junior disciple! I do know, Alice Thyn doings I knew! Ay' am a person who is well-informed!”

”y-You! Let go of Alice!”

Klan, initiated her sword

”Stop! Don't make a move ……! Absolutely don't!”

It's impossible

It's impossible

I don't mean to say Klan is weak

Libra is sierous, as Til had heeded

An all or nothing attack isn't necessary

[Think,] hoe recover from the situation?

What we need, is to be calm


What should we do?

”Klan would you quickly …… retreat? ne?”


I was afraid but, I gaveface to Klan

As I aotiation e worries me

…… Of course, the light ofout also worries me

”Rejection -wa, Alice Yield the privilege of negotiating to me”

Klan has a good head

Probably, she knew and understood everything when her eyes met mine

The sas sheaved into the scabbard, Klan unexpectedly loosened up her shoulders

…… Can I rely on the statement that Klan seems to fully understand?

”A,hahahahahahaha!!! Great wouldn't this be! Fun wouldn't this be!”

”I' aton Could I inquire your name as well?”

”Sure! Ay' a sister of this disciple, and the world's second strongest ician

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This is good, she see fun

I can feel the air around Libra

As it currently stands, she perhaps has scheme of some sort……

”So then, Libra That's sooing to spare Alice, there h, would you concur?”

”Ahaha, that would be done on a whi you know, s this head that's in puzzlement, ay' wouldn't even have my mind in it!”


My scruff of the neck was defenseless to had Libra's hand snaking around it

Bad feeling ……!

”That would be bad -wa, Libra? Alice's safety is for reatest interests The instant that collapses, the meltdown of this discussion, concluded Afterwards ―――― by any ways and means available to me, I will have no other option but to dismember then quarter your limbs -wa”

”For a human to quarter a person such as I, in this world this is but one! Well, as interesting this is, I wonder for thou it is impossible!”

As if without hesitating, Klan shrugged her shoulders at the unmindful Libra

”So, would you allow me to use any means then, or so to say -wa? Libra”

Klan's violet pupils had begun to change to what had disguised a hidden nature

Uneasiness ran through me as I witnessed it

Fro ever more uneasy

Truly, this will be OK …… right?

”Heh! Whether having Alice killed, and thou being killed, or perhaps you will drive me to a corner …… were you such a conspirator? Fun, wouldn't this be! Interesting, wouldn't this be!”

”Having accepted my condition makes me happy -wa Since my’n wish have been conveyed, I would like to inquire your wish, Libra”

”That so …… oh I got one!”

”――Ah …… !”

With a playful toned voice in the second instance, Libra's hand abruptly grabbed hold ofthem

Inside and under the outer hide of the breastplate piece, Libra's hand slid in

”Stop …… p”

”Ahaha, ay' have become a little excited! At the center of this battlefield stanched of blood, doing it together with ood wouldn't it? ne? Wouldn't you think? That being said, Alice's Rape Show has a nice ring to it don't you think!?”


You've got to be kidding me!

Fine, going to go and do that?

I will resign to stabbing each other right now this instant!

”――What are you saying, Alice being handed to men for that is sheer folly Alice's existence is already for the sake of beco my prostitute If she will be used for that purpose, return her to I' immediately, Libra” [Yes, So Klan can make Alice her prostitute]

”These are nonsensical negotiations!” [Alice]

Your head is all right, ne, Klan!?

I can put my trust in you, ne!?

”Ahaha! A very down to earth and fun person aren't you! If you are that crooked, ay' may just love you!”

”That pleases me -wa, Libra However, I' fir” I will also include I will not yield here In exchange, outside of my firm request, I will hear to any other that can be done by the standpoint of humans? Constructive conversation has it not? Libra”

”I see!”

With a laugh, Libra stopped groping my chest

Ha~~~~~ Free at last ……

………… Because of that rough play, I got a bit empty-headed I think

”Then―― initiate ith the Republic, do you accept ne!”

”―― A big thing you said there, Libra”

A war against the Republic?

Just, what sort of objective is that ……?

Republic ………… shoot, if that happens Saira will cry!

Considering this, it would still be unjustifiable!

”I', will not hesitate going to war against the other side if they come at us first -wa To pay back spontaneous sparks is a doctrine of us, are you pleased with this reply? Libra”

”Ahaha! Nay? Oh I aton!”


As her line of sight ly cold from what I could see

This girl was ………… !

”Whether those words were lie interests h ―― let us go, Aminas!”

Aminas …………?

Suddenly, a third person's naon was defeated, a person rose

Its gaze stared past us and payed us no concern, and folloalking behind Libra

As if its relationshi+p was to be at its master's side


White and black-spotted hair

Long slits and rounded eyes, those emerald eyes

A sliender-less appearance

Tied pursed mouth that never spoke unnecessary words

And, had injuries to the back abdomen and on the neck

”Could it be …… that, white dragon!?”

A realization from intuition

Even so, though, logically speaking hadn't we fatally wounded it!

And his name …… wasn't it Sirius?

”…… What are you saying?”

Seeing a figure that of which rese could be, this is …… !

Overwhelly bad!

There is no roootiations with this drawback!

Fro around?!

Well, in actuality I guess since I' onto my life it seems that has been the case ……

”I for ne! A certain a reat fun, little disciple! And here you see, theof souls, is perhaps the objective of the experiment!”

――Objective of the experiment?

Hearing those words, blood rose to my head

”―― What did you say?”


Libra responded in an inquisitive tone, reacting to e in behavior

”What? Ahaha! The sake of my objective depends on souls But these souls you knoould have noif one personally kills for them Wonder why? But that's why I incite others This sireat isn't it! I have a desire for souls so promptly distribute them! …… Well it is the limit of humans ne? One doesn't know for why one n, it matters not ne!

Really, for goodness sake these words ……!

”You saw it as it was …… and you knew”


A need for souls Noother people

Wouldn't that, spread disaster?

”――Oh! I was in a spot where I wanted to say more, but you have come? I have placed several dummies in the royal capital, yet you were not in house arrest? The usual, you are a scary person!”

Libra looked up to the sky The peaceful sky that bluely lit was disturbed soalloped towards us

Like a hawk it dove down at great speeds, whereas then blue ice shot froround it crashed on

The ice revealed a torrent that bleith deterure stepped forward


”Ah, you …… the [Ice And Snow]”

To this figure, Klan let out a voice

The person here, Tilbell Ainshura

It cannot be