Part 14 (2/2)
Rufus Choate was an occasional visitor in Washi+ngton subsequent to his brilliant senatorial career which ended in 1845 That I had the pleasure of inti this htest memories of my life His quaint huht utterances will never perish When a younger sister of ton in 1856 he called to inquire about her condition, and the tones of his syly said of Mr Choate that even one's name uttered by him was in itself a delicate co quotation, ”Keep step to the music of the Union,” which he uttered in his speech before the Whig convention of 1855 I have heard sohty power as an advocate, and it seeht have been suggestive of the harraphy of Mr Choate was equal to any Chinese puzzle; it was even more difficult to decipher than that of Horace Greeley I once received a note froed to call uponit He had a fund of hu public Once, in replying to a toast on Yale College at the ”Hasty-Pudding” dinner, he said that ”everything is to be irregular this evening” He followed this ree by reading a portion of the will of Lewis Morris, one of the Signers and the father of Gouverneur Morris This document was executed in 1760 in New York, and in it he expresses his ”desire that my son, Gouverneur Morris, may have the best education that is to be had in Europe or America, but my express will and directions are that he be never sent for that purpose to the Colony of Connecticutt, lest he should i so incident to the People of that Colony, which is so interwoven in their Constitutions that all their art cannot disguise it froarb of Religion, have endeavored to ihter which followed the reading of this extract was as _regular_ as the reular_ Itthis will, when his son Gouverneur was between ten and eleven years of age, and that his desires were respected, as his son was graduated froe in New York in 1768, when only sixteen years old His father, cold in the grave, had his revenge on the ”Colony of Connecticutt” and the hatchet, for aught we know to the contrary, was forever buried, while old Elihu's college still survives in New Haven
An anecdote relating to Gouverneur Morris still lingers in e, quite late in life, to Miss Anne Cary Randolph, his nephew, Gouverneur Wilkins, was generally regarded as heir to his large estate When a direct heir was born, Mr Wilkins was suan to speculate upon the naster, when Mr Wilkins quickly said, ”Why, _Cut-us-off-sky_, of course,” in ie number of Russian names
In 1852 John F T Crampton was British Minister to the United States and I had the pleasure of knowing hi presence, and it was rather a surprise to Washi+ngtonians that he evaded etown in an old-tirounds The proverbial tea-drinking period had not arrived, but Mr Craave afternoon receptions for which his house, by the as especially adapted In 1856, during the Crimean War, an unpleasantness arose between Great Britain and this country in connection with the charge that Cra soldiers in the United States for service in the British Arly, in May of the same year, President Pierce broke off diplomatic relations with him and he was recalled There was never, however, any severe reflection made upon hiland he was ht of the Bath by Lord Palmerston, and a little later beca In the autumn of 1856, while in Russia, he hter of Michael Williauished musical composer, from whom he was divorced in 1863
I frequently attended receptions at the British Legation, and I particularly recall those in the spring of the year when they took the form of _fetes champetres_ upon the well-kept lawn On these occasions the Diplomatic Corps ell represented, as well as the resident society I have heard a curious story about Henry Stephen Fox, the English Minister in Washi+ngton fro eleht and seldoly careless about some of the reasonable responsibilities of life which rendered it difficult for his creditors to secure an audience They, however, surrounded his house in the First Ward one evening and demanded in clamorous tones that he should name a definite time when he would satisfy their claims Fox appeared at a frontand pleasantly announced that, as they were so urgent in their demands, he would state a time which he hoped would ly nament”
One of the constant visitors at our home on G Street was John Savile-Lumley, as appointed in 1854 as the Secretary of the British Legation under Crae d'affaires_ in Washi+ngton I reentlelish race He was the natural son of John Luh, by a ton, he represented his country in Rome and other prominent courts of Europe, and, upon his retirement froe as Baron Savile of Rufford in Nottinghah one of Lord Ronald Gower's char Great Britain at the court of Leopold I in Belgiuer brother lived in London where, for a period, he acted as a sort of major-domo in society, and but few entertainments were considered complete without him
I have already spoken of the Count de Sartiges, who so ably represented the French Govern in this country when hein Washi+ngton they dispensed a lavish hospitality Just before he came to this country, the Count spent several years in Persia, which was then regarded as an out-of-the-way post of duty I recall quite an aiven by the Countess de Sartiges to which I was accoe Newell, brother-in-law of Willia enough to, become acquainted with all thethe rooine who has been sitting next to nized the well-known person of General Juan Nepoly portrayed the Indian type Some matrimonial alliances in Mexico at this time, by the ere more or less complicated; for example, General Almonte's as his own niece
The first Secretary of the French Legation was Baron Geoffrey Boilleau, who remained in this country for several years While stationed in Washi+ngton, he hter of Thomas H Benton, US Senator from Missouri and a political autocrat in his own State, another of whose daughters, Jessie Ann, was the wife of General John C
Fremont At a later day, both Boilleau and Fremont became involved in difficulties of a serious character in consequence of which the former, while Minister to Ecuador, was recalled to France, where, as I am informed, he was convicted and confined for a period in the _Conciergerie_ I aes upon which he was tried, but they had their origin in the negotiation of certain bonds of the proposed Memphis and El Paso Railroad In my opinion, however, no one who knew Baron Boilleau well ever doubted his integrity He was a man of decidedly literary tastes and, like e of business It seeislature of Texas a grant of state lands in the interests of the railroad just referred to, which was to be a portion of a projected transcontinental line froo and San Francisco It has been stated that ”the French agents erant bonds of this road on the uaranteed by the United States In 1869 the Senate passed a bill giving Freh the territories, an atte on hi been unsuccessful In 1873 he was prosecuted by the French government for fraud in connection with this misstatement He did not appear in person, and was sentenced by default to fine and iiven on the merits of the case”
Prince Louis de Bearn, Secretary of the French Legation, was a gentlely handsoay world He was never called ”Prince” in those days, but ”Count”; but in a letter now before me, written in 1904 by his son, as recently an attache of the French Eton, he claiht of birth He also states that the title was borne by his fa his official life in Washi+ngton, Prince de Bearn hter of Ross Winans of Baltie Hulsemann, the Austrian Minister, was a convivial old bachelor and was enial qualities He lived on F Street, below Pennsylvania Avenue, and was stationed in Washi+ngton for many years
Chevalier Giuseppe Bertinatti, the Italian Minister, coton as a bachelor He did not occupy a house of his own, but lodged at the establishners Fifty years ago and more, the members of the Diplomatic Corps, with few exceptions, lived either incontrast withmansions now occupied by the official representatives of foreign lands His mission was a diploenie Bass, a handsomefro his American bride with hie, Count Bertinatti issued invitations to a large dinner given in honor of his _fiancee_ When the gala day arrived, Mrs Bass, though quite indisposed, was persuaded to be present at the dinner, but, feeling decidedly ill, she retired from the table and in a short time became much nauseated When this state of affairs was explained to General George Douglas Ra, his quick sally was, ”a Bass relief!”
Baron Frederick Charles Joseph von Gerolt, who William of Prussia, is still affectionately recalled by his few survivors who cling to early associations His departure froretted than that of son residents whom I remember, as they hadthat they were regarded almost as permanent residents The Misses Bertha and Dorothea von Gerolt were graceful dancers and were very popular Dorothea married into the Diplomatic Corps and accompanied her husband to Greece I have heard that Bertha became deeply attached to the Chevalier A P C Van Karnabeek, secretary of the Netherlands Legation, but that, owing to religious considerations, her parents frowned upon the alliance She accordingly deteretown convent where she became a nun, and was known until the day of her death in 1890 as ”Sister Angela” Baron von Gerolt was an intellectual man and, prior to his career in the United States, his name was much associated with Baron Alexander von Humboldt; but as neither he nor Madalish scholars when they first arrived they naturally depended upon others for instruction I can vouch for the truth of the statement that upon one occasion they were advised by reet those wholad to see you”
Mr Alfred Bergation, married Lily Macalister, a Philadelphia heiress, who, in her hood, returned to this country and mans was a devotee to society and was particularly fond of dancing She was a _petite blonde_, and, even after it ceased to be fashi+on, she wore her light hair down her back in e M Robeson, President Grant's Secretary of the Navy, saw her for the first ti, he exclaiht fantastic toe” She hton, as considerably her junior, but did not long survive the alliance
Many members of the Diplomatic Corps of this period married American women Baron Guido von Grabow, one of the secretaries of the Prussian Legation whom I knew very well, married Mrs Edward Boyce, whose hter of President Zachary Taylor and ell known and beloved by old Washi+ngtonians Her ement to persistent suitors He was deeply in love with her prior to her first e, but she rejected hietown family Mr Boyce lived only a few years, and her subsequentand happy
Alexandre Gau, _Chancelier_ of the Prussian Legation, arded as a reuist and pianist Her wedding took place in our G Street home in the same room where five months later her funeral services were held Mr Gau did not long survive her and was interred by her side inIsland
Don Calderon de la Barca, the Spanish Minister to the United States, together with his wife, as Miss fanny Inglis, and her sister, Miss Lydia Inglis, were presiding social spirits in Washi+ngton forfinancially eirls which was ably conducted These sisters were e One of Mrs McLeod's pupils was Mary E Croghan, a pro school on Staten Island when Captain Edward W H Schenley of the Royal Navy, a Scotch relative of Mrs McLeod, cauest she felt that, as he was an elderly man, he would prove to be quite iirls I met Captain Schenley about this same time in New York, and his ”make up” was of such a remarkable character that it was a favorite _on dit_ that, when he was dressed for standing, a sitting posture was quite an ihan must have discovered fascinations in this Scotchman as she eloped with him from Mrs McLeod's school and after a brief period accoland, where she spent the remainder of her life Mrs McLeod was severely criticised by her patrons for carelessness, and her school was sohan's usto De Cueto was another Spanish Minister, whoiainst Spanish possessions, and especially Cuba, was a favorite pastime of American citizens and rendered the position of the Spanish Minister in Washi+ngton one of delicacy and difficulty Residing in Washi+ngton during De Cueto's tenure of office was a Cuban named Ambrosio Jose Gonzales, who, in the Civil War, became Inspector General of Artillery in the Confederate Arard As he ell versed in music and had a re selections fros frequently heard in drawing-rooms was ”Suoni la Tromba,” from Bellini's opera ”I Puritani di Scozia,” which had been interdicted by the Spanish Govern an infor with my sisters and myself at our G Street ho He seated hi various airs for us Finally, not knowing that ”Suoni la Tro the song De Cueto was politely attentive, and at its conclusion had the politeness to applaud it Iine, however, h ain De Cueto's presence, proudly adding that he had looked the Spaniard full in the eye when he uttered the word _libert[)a]_
Mr Jose de Marcoleta, the Nicaraguan Minister to the United States, was an elderly and punctilious Spaniard He was indefatigable in the observance of all social duties, and I met him wherever I went He was a bachelor but, soon after his arrival in Washi+ngton, announced his engagement to Miss Mary West of Boston, who unfortunately died before her wedding day I am under the impression that he eventually married another American I remember once when he called to see us I asked hiua, which was then an almost unknown country My surprise can hardly be described when he told me he had never seen the country which he represented, but was a native of Spain
Baron Waldemar Rudolph Raasloff represented Denmark in a manner creditable both to his country and our own He told me that some years previous to his mission to Aineer and was engaged on work in New York harbor, ”blowing up rocks” Possibly he was thus eerous obstacles to navigation in that vicinity
The well-known ”Octagon,” as the old Tayloe hohteenth Street is still called, during ton was closed Many superstitious persons regarded it with fear, as its reputation as a haunted house was then, in their opinion, well established I have been told by the daughters of General George D Ramsay that upon one occasion their father was requested by Colonel John Tayloe, the father of Benjaht, when he was obliged to be absent, as a protection to his daughters, Anne and Virginia While theviolently General Raate, but failed to unravel the reat alar-room and declared that it was the work of an unseen hand As they continued to ring, General Ramsay held the rope which controlled the bells, but, it is said, they were not silenced The architect of the Octagon was Dr Willianed the plans of the first capitol in Washi+ngton and as the controlling spirit of the three Coress to acquire a ”territory not exceeding ten overnment These men were Daniel Carroll, Thomas Johnson, first Governor of the State of Maryland, and David Stuart Most of this land, which included Georgetown and Alexandria, was primeval forest and ned chiefly by Daniel Carroll, Notley Young, Sareat difficulty in dealing with Burns, ned nearly all of what is now the northwestern section of the city, as he was a closefisted and hardheaded Scotch roundly paid for theument with hiton, realizing the gravity of the situation, rode up several times from Mount Vernon to discuss the situation with ”stubborn Mr Burns” At length, in despair, he remarked: ”Had not the Federal City been laid out here, you would have died a poor planter” ”Ay, mon,” was Burns's ready response, ”and had you no res ye'd ha'e been a land surveyor the noo', an' a hty poor ane at that!” It is further related that Washi+ngton finally succeeded in winning Burns over to his way of thinking, and that the canny Scotchely he was to profit by the transaction, actually becaave to the Commissioners, in fee simple, his apple orchard which is now the beautiful Lafayette Square
In passing through Lafayette Square, I have often sat down upon a bench to rest near the ”wishi+ng tree,” a dwarf chestnut so well known to residents of the District, and I have been impressed by the many superstitious persons, both men and women, who have stopped for a moment and silently stood under its branches Many are the credulous believers in its power to satisfy human desires, and the season when its branches are full of nuts is regarded by these as a specially propitious time for their realization With many persons this tree is the basis of their only superstition
I re very hard to obtain a position in one of the departed, ca and made the wish that to her and her family meant the actual necessities of life
She then sat down to rest upon a near-by bench before going hoed in conversation with a pleasing looking woman, to whom she poured forth her heart as she related her hopes and disappointovernment position As her listener was a sy woirl received a notice to go to a certain department for examination It seems that her companion under the tree was the wife of an influential Senator, as so touched by the young woman's efforts, as well as by her childish faith in the ”wishi+ng tree,” that she took pleasure in seeing that her great desire was gratified
At this tiaed in quite openly Edward Pendleton's resort, a luxurious establisharded as quite _a la mode_, and I have heard it said that he had able assistance froed in this sport was called a gao, seems decidedly more appropriate I oo voluhteenth century, entitled ”The Gaae, drawn by horses with brilliant trappings and followed by blooded hounds, coursing the length of Pennsylvania Avenue, while its owner see hearts which had contributed to all her grandeur Cards were universally played in private hoa one of its chief devotees I have often thought how e,” as there was nothing that gave hi the ”dummy hand”