Part 12 (1/2)
Married--at Belleville, Virginia, at the seat of Col Mayo, General Winfield Scott of the US Army to Miss Maria D
Mrs Scott's record as a belle was truly remarkable, and in the latter years of her life when I knew her very intireat beauty Her accomplishments, too, were extraordinary for that period She was not only a skilled perforuist of considerable proficiency, while her grace of reatly to her social char Polk's administration she attended a levee at the White House, and as she passed down the line with the other guests she received an enthusiastic welco that for a while Mrs Polk was left very much to herself It was Mrs Scott rote in the album of a friend the verse entitled, ”The Two Faults of Men” Two other verses ritten under it several years later by the Hon William C
Somerville of Maryland, at one time our Minister to Sweden, and the author of ”Letters from Paris on the Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution”
Wo right they say, And nothing right they do
That uish, too
They watch each other wondrous well In everything they do
But if we ht, And never say what's true, What precious fools you woo General and Mrs Scott traveled with their youthful fah Europe, and while at the French Capital Mrs Scott attended a fancy-dress ball where she represented Pocahontas and was called _La belle sauvage_ I have talked to two elderly officers of our Arruder, the latter subsequently of Confederate fame, and both of theeneral ad after Mrs Scott's death, I was visiting her daughter, Mrs Henry L Scott, for the last tihter Maud, when the latter was invited to a fancy-dress ball given to children at the residence of General George Herbert Pegraown for her to wear, when Mrs Scott brought out the historic fancy dress worn by her ave it to me It seems almost needless to add that the child wore the dress, and that I have it now carefully put away a my treasured possessions Many years subsequent to Mrs Scott's visit to Paris, her sister, Mrs Robert Henry Cabell of Richmond, published for the benefit of a charity her letters written fro inning of the Mexican War the Scotts were living in New York but, for a reason I do not now recall, Mrs Scott decided to spend a winter during the General's absence in Philadelphia She secured a portion of a furnished house at 111 South Sixth Street, and in the spring of 1847 I was invited to be her guest The evening of the day of e John Meredith Read, a descendant of George Read, a Signer froent request of Mrs Scott I went to this entertainhter Cornelia were indisposed and she wished her household to be represented Judge Read was a er and some years later I renewedmy visit in Philadelphia, Mrs Scott was suddenly called away and hesitated about leaving us two young girls in the house alone, her younger daughters being absent at school Finally, she eton, New Jersey, with Miss Susan Wallace, a friend of hers and a niece of the Hon Williaton's last adether a satisfactory arrange people and we becaton ent just the sareat American victory and the public ith enthusiaslad event on a certain evening, and Cornelia Scott and I decided to return to Philadelphia for the festivities We carefully planned the trip and took as our protector a faithful colored hter of Miss Wallace, also accompanied us, and as another co _Gee_ who was over, we found to be very troublesome We made the trip to Philadelphia by water and landed in an out-of-the-way portion of the city Owing to the dense crowds assembled to view the decorations, illue and consequently were obliged to walk, while, to cap the clih the croe lost Miss Griffith General Scott's name was upon the lips of everyone, and his pictures were seen hanging frohter of the hero as the cause of all the enthusias elboith the nored I may state, by the way, that Arabella Griffith subsequently became the wife of General Francis C Barlow and that, while her husband was fighting the battles of his country during the Civil War, she did noble service in the Union hospitals as a member of the United States Sanitary Commission, and died in the summer of 1864 from a fever contracted in the hospitals of the Arer than I had originally anticipated, and unexpected eather found aret and asked her to send me some suitable apparel Her letter in reply toof an idea of New York society of that period As she was quite a young girl her references to Miss Julia Gerard who,” who, by the as only a young arded merely as the silly utterances of extreme youth:--
Dear Sister,
I received your letter and as it requires an i you one I believe in inia Wood's [Mrs John L Rogers] the following evening I ith [Willia broker] and had quite a pleasant tiinia whose nahter, myself, Mr Galliher, Mr Rainsford, Mr Bannister and Mr Pendleton [John Pendleton of Fredericksburg, Virginia] I was introduced to the latter and liked hi talk with him His manners are entirely too coquettish to suithis shoulders and roll up his eyes--perhaps it is a Virginia custohter of Ja lovely, etc I told hiht her awful, that she had such an inanireat rate! I expect he thinks I a to the opera ”Lucretia Borgia” is to be perforine howI was at the Moore's [Dr Williaht me home His sister [Cornelia Bucknor, subsequently the wife of Professor John Howard Van Ae] was there, Beek Fish [Beekman Fish], Bayard Fish, Dr [Adolphus] Follin, old Leslie Irving and Frank Van Rensselaer Miss Moore told o to the Acadeo to the Ke to have it on Monday I dare say it will be very pleasant and old Chrystie will be there E
My hat has come home, and it is very pretty; it is a sherred blue crape, without any ribbon--trimmed very simply with blue crape and illusion mixed and the same inside
Mrs William Le Roy has been to see you Ma thinks that you had better come home when you first expected--on Tuesday or Wednesday I ao to the Kembles as you have a dress to wear
You can tell Adeline [Adeline Camilla Scott], if you please, that Mr Pendleton wants to know the use of sending her to school when her head is filled with beaux and parties I told him her mother did it to keep her out of mischief
Bucknor says he thinks it is ti fever will cos there will be noto the Bucknor's soet hio along Beek Fish will be there the sa with his flute He told Eton of Philadelphia] had written thehted to see you
Leslie Irving told me that he had seen a letter in the Commercial Advertiser from Thomas Turner [subsequently Rear Ad it to you, but he thought some one else had probably done so I hear that they [the Fishes] are to have a party
The Bankheads [General Ja to spend the summer at West Point Pa and Jim are better Pa rode out yesterday and walked out to-day He has been in a great state of exciteo that he was killed and he was afraid it was true Vera Cruz, I believe, is taken I cannot write any longer, I'm so tired I will send Cornelia's [Cornelia Scott] purse by H Forbes [Harriet Forbes, Mrs Colhoun of Philadelphia]
Saturday April 10th
Pa thinks it is time for you to come ho to you You see you never will takeyour pink dress with you but you would not I suppose I shall not hear fro longer
Elizabeth, New Jersey, was a quaint old tohose inhabitants seedens and Chetwoods, with a sprinkling of De Harts There was a stea between Elizabethport (now a part of the City of Elizabeth) and New York, and ere its frequent patrons Ursino, the country seat of the Kean fahborhood As I remember the beautiful old home, it was occupied by John Kean, father of the late senior US Senator frorandfather had h Livingston of New York, and resided at Ursino After the death of her husband she married Count Julian Niemcewicz, as called the ”Shakespeare of Poland” and who came to America with Kosciusco, upon whose staff he had served She was also the grandmother of Mrs Hahborhood, was ”Abyssinia,” owned and occupied for a long period by the Ricketts fahly decorated by one of its artistic members I am informed that it still stands but that it is used, alas, for mechanical purposes!
I recall with intense pleasure another of uest at the home of General and Mrs Scott in Elizabeth Isabella Cass of Detroit, daughter of General Lewis Cass, was also there at the same time She attended school in Paris while her father was Minister to France and received other educational advantages quite unusual for woton at a subsequent period she was regarded as one of the reigning belles She married a member of the Diplomatic Corps from the Netherlands and lived and died abroad A constant visitor of the Scott fareat pleasure was Thoinian by birth and a near relative of General Robert E Lee; but, though possessing the blood of the Carters, he re His as Frances Hailes Paluest of the Scotts in Elizabeth was the erratic but decidedly brilliant Doctor Williah Mrs Scott was a Mayo, they were not related He was from the northern part of the State of New York, while Mrs Scott, as is well knoas froinia Doctor Mayo, however, was an ardent admirer of Mrs Scott and made the fact apparent in much that he said and did He was the author of several works, one of which was a romance entitled ”Kaloolah,” which he dedicated to Mrs Scott When I ton he was on his first bridal tour, although pretty well advanced in years His bride was Mrs Henry Dudley of New York, whose hter of Nicholas Williae estate of Peter G Stuyvesant During Van Buren's adton
There was another Dr Mayo--Robert Mayo of Richmond--who, in some respects, created a teton and elsewhere He was a Virginian by birth, and at one tied in the presidential can of 1828 as an ardent partisan of General Jackson and during that period edited in Richmond the _Jackson Democrat_ He subsequently, however, parted company with his presidential idol, and in 1839 published a voluht Years in Washi+ngton,”
which is alninal letter now before me, written by Martin Van Buren to Governor William C Bouck, of New York, which has never before appeared in print, he speaks in an a manner of Dr