Part 61 (1/2)


_Present_ _Praeterite sing_ _Praeterite plur_

Scine (_shi+ne_) Scean (_I shone_) Scinon (_we shone_)

Arise (_arise_) Aras (_I arose_) Arison (_we arose_)

Smite (_smite_) Smat (_I smote_) S form_ _Praet--Pl form_

Rise Rose [51]Ris

Abide Abode -- shi+ne Shone -- Smite Smote Smit

Ride Rode [51]Rid

Stride Strode Strid

Slide [51]Slode Slid

Glide [51]Glode -- Chide [51]Chode -- Drive Drove [51]Driv

Thrive Throve [51]Thriv

Strive Strove -- Write Wrote Writ

ClimbClomb -- Slit [51]Slat Slit

Bite [51]Bat Bit

On this list weobservations and statements


1 That, with the exception of the word _slit_, the _i_ is sounded as a diphthong

2 That, with the exception of _bat_ and _slat_, it is changed into _o_ in the singular and into _[)i]_ in the plural forms

3 That, with the exception of _shone_, the _o_ is always long (or independent)

4 That, even with the word _shone_, the _o_ was originally long This is known frolo-Saxon form _scean_; Moeso-Gothic, _skain_; Old Norse, _skein_

5 That the _o_, in English, represents an _a_ in Anglo-Saxon

6 That the statement last made shows that even _bat_ and _slat_ were once in the salo-Saxon for _aras_, _smat_, _bat_, _slat_

_Twelfth Class_

-- 375 In this class _i_ is generally short; originally it was always so

In the singular form it becomes _[)a]_, in the plural, _[)u]_

_Present_ _Praet--Sing forun

Spin [52]Span Spun

Win [52]Wan [53]Won

Sing Sang Sung

Swing [52]Swang Swung

Spring Sprang Sprung

Sting [52]Stang Stung