Part 57 (2/2)
1 The full forh German, as compared with _sokjam_ in the _old_ Moeso-Gothic
2 The appearance of the _r_ in Icelandic
3 The difference between the Old Saxon and the Anglo-Saxon in the second person singular; the final _t_ being absent in Old Saxon
4 The respective powers of M in the first, of S in the second, and of T (or its allied sounds) in the third persons singular; {296} of MES in the first, of T (or its allied sounds) in the second, and of ND in the third persons plural In this we have a regular expression of the persons by ns; and this the history of the personal terular_--That the original sign of this person was M we learn fro forms: _dadami_, Sanskrit; _dadhami_, Zend; _[Greek: didoive_ The Latin language preserves it in _suaissem_ The form _im_=_I am_ occurs in Moeso-Gothic; and the words _stoh Gere
_Plural_--The original sign MES _Dadmas_, Sanskrit; _[Greek: didomes]_, afterwards _[Greek: didoive_ The current forh German
These forms in M may or may not be derived from the pronoun of the first person; _lish, &c
_Second person singular_--The original sign S _Dadasi_, Sanskrit; [Greek: didos], Greek; _das_, Latin; _dasi_, Slavonic Preserved in the Gothic languages
_Plural_--The original sign T, or an allied sound _Dadyata_, Sanskrit; _daidhyata_, Zend; [Greek: didote], Greek; _datis_, Latin; _d[ou]kite_, Lithuanic; _dashdite_, Slavonic=_ye give_ Current in the Gothic languages
These forms in T and S may or may not be derived from the pronoun of the second person; _tva_, Sanskrit; [Greek: su], Greek; _thou_, English
_Third person singular_---The original sign T _Dadati_, Sanskrit; _dadhaiti_, Zend; [Greek: didoti], Old Greek; _dat_, Latin; _d[ou]sti_, Lithuanic; _dasty_, Slavonic=_he gives_ Preserved in the Gothic languages
_Plural_--The original sign NT _Dadenti_, Zend; [Greek: didonti], afterwards [Greek: didousi], Greek; _dant_, Latin=_they give_ In Moeso-Gothic and Old High Ger examples are from Grimm and Bopp To them add the Welsh form _carant_=_they love_, and the Persian _budend_=_they are_ {297}
The forms in T and NT may or may not be derived from the demonstrative pronoun _ta_, Saxon; [Greek: to], Greek; _that_, English, &c
-- 350 The present state of the personal inflection in English, so different froht about by two processes
I _Change of form_--a) The ejection of _-es_ in _-mes_, as in _sokjam_ and _kollum_, compared with _prennaular, ale of _-s_ into _-r_, as in the Norse _kallar_, compared with the Germanic _sokeis_; d) the ejection of _-d_ from _-nd_, as in _loven_ (if this be the true explanation of that form) compared with _prennant_; e) the ejection of _-nd_, as in _kalla_; f) the addition of _-t_, as in _lufast_ and _lovest_ In all these cases we have a change of forarisoes_, _I is_, one person is used instead of another In vulgarisoes_, one nuarisms like _I be tired_, or _if I aarisave_, one tense is used for another In all this there is confusion There is also extension: since, in the phrase _I is_, the third person is used instead of the first; in other words, it is used with an extension of its naturalIt has the power of the third person + that of the first In the course of time one person may entirely supplant, supersede, or replace another The application of this is as follows:--
The only person of the plural nu in is the second; as _sokei_, _prennat_, _kalli_, _lufia_; the original ending of the first person being _-mes_, or _-lo-Saxon, the _first_ person ends in , as _lufia_ Has _-ed to , or has the second person superseded the first? The latter alternative seems the likelier
-- 351 The detail of the persons seeular--The word _call_ is not one person more than another It is the simple verb, wholly uninflected It is very probable that the first person was the {298} one where the characteristic tere it is replaced by the second: _Jeg taler_=_I speak_, Danish
_Thou callest_, second person singular--The final _-t_ appears throughout the Anglo-Saxon, although wanting in Old Saxon In Old High Gereneral in Notker In Middle High Gerh German it is universal--Deutsche Grammatik, i 1041 857
_He calleth_, or _he calls_, third person singular--The _-s_ in _calls_ is the _-th_ in _calleth_, changed The Norse form _kallar_ either derives its _-r_ froe, or else the for the first
_Lufia_, Anglo-Saxon, first person plural--The second person in the place of the first The salo-Saxon, third person plural--Possibly changed from -ND, as in _sokjand_ More probably the second person
_Loven_, Old English--For all the persons of the plural This form may be accounted for in three ways: 1 The _-h Old German became _-n_; as it is in the Middle and Modern Gerinal _-m_ are lost In this case the first person has replaced the other two 2 The _-nd_ may have become _-n_; in which case it is the third person that replaces the others 3 The indicative form _loven_ may have arisen out of a subjunctive one; since there was in Anglo-Saxon the foruages the third person replaces the other two: _Vi tale_, _I tale_, _de tale_=_we talk_, _ye talk_, _they talk_
-- 352 _The person in_ -T--_Art_, _wast_, _wert_, _shalt_, _wilt_ Here the second person singular ends, not in _-st_, but in _-t_ A reason for this (though not wholly satisfactory) we find in the Moeso-Gothic and the Icelandic