43 「BloodFallen」 (2/2)

”Hm?” Casually smiling at the man put in charge of her punishment, she tilted her head to the side.

”I could always remove your romantic intentions towards 'Ainz-sama' as your punishment.”

”Re-re-remove my romant...” Shalltear's eyes were wide again as she took a step back from him. ”You wouldn't dare! I'll tell Ainz-sama! He won't let you!”

”He put me in charge of your punishment for you folly. Fighting him, hurting him. What use is your affections if its going to get him killed?” Jack asked coldly seeing as giving her personal objects to Ainz didn't seem to change her attitude.

Shalltear frowned as he was guilting her, and he was definitely making it work. ”Stop it,” she said as he was circling her. Eying her, telling her how much damage she had caused, how much resources were spent to bring her back. Resources they didn't know if they could ever replenish.

”Your love for him, it creates tension between its members. Specifically Albedo from what I've heard...” In a split second he was behind her, in another he was in front of her.

She was tying to keep up with him, practically dancing in circles as she watched him move about. ”Stop… Don't...” She placed her hands on either side of her head. ”That's not fair! I want to have Ainz-sama! That old hag doesn't deserve him!”

Jack raised a brow slightly at this, he was pretty sure Momon had no real interest in her in that aspect.

Using his ability to flash step behind her, she spun around to meet him. The moment she did however, she was greeted by the sight of a crystalline skeleton with glowing sapphire jewels for eyes. Yet his skin was still there, just transparent.

Her eyes widened as she stared, he was exquisitely shiny like a necklace, but at the same time moved so fluidly as he placed a hand on the top of her head. His fingers would knot into her hair and he'd pull her closer to him, staring down at her with his practically expressionless jewels.

She was tempted to try and swat him away, yet everything in her mind kept her from doing so. Her beloved Ainz-sama had ordered her to behave as this man punished her. She gulped up at him.

Her lips twisted into a grin as she stared up at him, her chin pressed against his cold chest plate. ”And how exactly are you going to 'desexualize' me?” Her entire personality practically consisted of being a living walking and talking sexual innuendo due to the fact that she was based on plenty of H-Game characters.

”Hm...” Jack stared back down at her, her red eyes were glowing. She was trying to charm him and yet it was doing nothing and she knew it wouldn't work. ”Perhaps… I'll break you instead. I'll break you in until you start functioning normally again.”

”Bre-break me!?”

”Yes, break you.”

”What is the meaning of this?” The sound of bifocals being pushed to one's nose could be heard quite clearly. It was none other than the local Devil himself, Demiurge. His eyes shifted between the two of them. How Jack's fingers were knotted in Shalltear's hair and her face was red as a beet. She wasn't resisting and she surely wasn't in control of the matter.

Jack just causally looked at the devil dressed in a suit and tie. ”'Ainz-sama' asked me to carry out her punishment.” He grinned at the man who pitched his head higher.

”Very well,” Demiurge grinned as he looked over Shalltear, trying not to laugh at her misfortune. ”Explains why she isn't resisting or taking charge. Normally she'd try and cut off your hand.”

Shalltear balled up her hands, tempted to push him away from her.

Briefly raising his brows, not really surprised, he lead the seemingly innocent Vampire out of the bar and into the corridors of the Great Tomb. His eye followed everyone the passed.

”Your Jack Cipher, right?” Bloodfallen asked as she tried to turn her head to look at him, but her head was being held in place by his hand. He'd tighten the grasp on her hair and she'd squeal in practically ecstasy before he yanked her back to him. ”I'll set you up with Aura!” She drooled, flailing about.

Jack's eyes flickered to her as she was looking at him from the corner of her eye.

After several minutes they found themselves in one of the bedrooms of the forty one supreme beings. It was her creator's room, Peroroncino.

”Wh-what are we doing here?!” As she was shoved forward, he closed the door behind them and gestured to a full length mirror.


”You can't be serious!”

”Undress and stare at yourself, accept what you've done, accept it or you will continue to hurt your beloved Ainz-sama.” While earlier he was clearly toying with her, he found that it would just be easier to make her see her wrong doings.

The Vampire glared at him as she began to untie the back of her dress, letting it fall to the ground, along with the victorian birdcage which kept the skirt form of her dress.

With a frown, she centered her eyes on the mirror. Looking over her petite form, just seeing the truth made her perplexed. Her arms traveled up to cover her chest and she quickly felt two fingers on her forearm. Looking over at him, he shook his head.

”He saved and brought you back, after being forced to kill one of his most prized children,” Jack proclaimed as he folded his own arms over his chest. ”Having to kill you hurt him most. More than the five hundred million gold he had to use in order to resurrect you.”

Her eyes began to look away from the mirror out of guilt.

”Don't look away,” Jack walked over and grabbed the top of her head with his hand and kept her facing the mirror. ”This is your punishment... And I will be here for all of it.”