33 「PriceOfAPrince」 (1/2)

”Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”

”What was that?” Gazef who was standing in front of the Royal Palace Gates with a few members of the Warrior Troop glanced around. The sound of music was filling their ears.

”Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.”

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Without warning a purplish blue gate of energy appeared, a portal, where it came from he didn't know! However he was quick to assume it was an enemy attack, likely from the Slane Theocracy. His eyes stared through the gate which swirled around in a circular motion. His hand was rested on the hilt and the other warriors present all did the same.

”Prepare!” Gazef called out and the men obliged, getting ready to draw their weapons should an enemy emerge from the portal.

However before anyone could even lift a finger, there he was. Jack walking out of the Portal with his hands up slightly, music emanating from his very being. Or more so the device sitting in his hand.

Following behind him was Ninya and soon enough the Blue Roses emerged with Climb in the rear.

”Sir Jack!” Gazef laughed aloud, ”It's a pleasure to see you again!” He immediately ceased hostilities after recognizing him and reached out a muscular hand to shake Jack's.

Jack shook his as well, the portal closing behind them.

”If you could take a portal back here, what took you so long?” Gazef was friendly as ever, though there was great meaning behind the question. Why would he put off the summons from the King and the Six Noble Families.

”Funeral Customs for my.. Friends...” Jack said with a dull look in his eyes, as if he was trying not to push his emotions out onto the men before him.

Ninya glanced away slightly when Gazef looked over to her. Noticing there was no other silver ranked adventurers with them. A slight frown appeared across his lips as he remembered the faces, no matter how brief, of those he had seen at Carne Village during the Sunlit Operation to assassinate him.

”You have my condolences,” Gazef sighed and gestured towards the Castle, before glancing over Jack for a moment. He looked like a warrior with the way he wore that helmet with the armor on his chest and pants. However he was quick to notice a serpentine staff on his back, and a sword at his hip.

He had come armed? Was that really necessary?

Seeing the expression on his face, Jack seemed to smile faintly and shrugged as he turned the music off. ”You can't blame me can you?” He made it appear as if he needed these weapons to defend himself against mere mortals, ”Considering the state of affairs.”

Gazef slowly nodded in agreement. Considering the Nobles already outed Ainz Ooal Gown as a spell caster they wanted to capture and bring under their control. It was clear that Jack would be quite a bit harder to take on, and he was making that clear, even in the face of Royalty.

”Anyways, I'm going to drop off my friend at a place in the residential district, if you don't mind. I'll be right back.” He smiled at him for a few moments before turning and putting an arm around Ninya.

「Greater Teleport」

Appearing in front of the mansion currently being rented out by Sebas and Solution Epsilon.

”I'm.. I'm going to be staying here?” Ninya stared at the house for a few moments before looking back over towards Jack. ”It's safe?”

”It is. Sebas is a good person,” Jack couldn't comment on Solution. She was a man eating slime and if the woman would dare lay a hand on Ninya or any of his friends and followers, he'd kill her without so much as a bat of the eye.

Ninya smiled hearing him assuring her that the person who lived here was a good person. She turned to look at the house again and laid eyes upon Sebas as he was coming out of the house.

He looked like an old man, but the aura that radiated off of him, made him appear super strong. Which he was actually really strong.

With great stride, the two parties met in the middle of the front lawn belonging to the property. ”Lord Jack, Lady Ninya.” Sebas bowed his head slightly to them, granting Ninya the title due to her closeness to the Supreme Being of another Guild.

”I.. Am to be staying with you?” She asked as she looked up at the man, before noting another woman waiting at the door. She didn't seem to have the same outward respect as Sebas. It was almost as if she was looking at her in disgust, or as a piece of raw meat. She couldn't tell which one.

”Before I go and report to the castle. Can you… Describe the noble which had taken your older sister? Perhaps I can learn of her whereabouts.” His eyes rested upon the girl for a few moments before looking to Sebas who raised a brow.

Minutes later, Jack rematerialized in front of the Gate to the Castle, directly where he had been standing before when he had taken Ninya away with him.

Gazef was there, waiting for him. The Blue Rose group had already gone on ahead, though Climb was also there alongside the man with the Warrior Troop.

”Shall we?” Jack asked as he stood there with his hands at his sides, his thumbs tucked into his belt above the short skirting of the tunic.

Gazef nodded and the three of them made their way in towards the castle. Making their way through the front doors and into the Grand Hall.

”The Nobles are likely going to try and use you to their own advantage.”

”I am nobody's tool.”

”I figured as much. You don't seem like the type to take being dominated lightly,” he appeared to laugh slightly at this.

Jack even managed to chuckle and nod. Freedom was everything to him. Being able to dictate everything about his actions was one of the things that made him strong. And it gave him pride in being free. Without freedom, power meant nothing. One could be the most powerful being in the universe, but once they were under someone else's authority, they were no longer relevant, as their power was in someone else's hands.

”Mind if I turn the music back on?”


”The sound you heard when I first appeared.”

”Oh,” Garef shrugged as he caressed his chin in thought. ”Not that anyone can really stop you.” He appeared rather sheepish at that. There would definitely be someone to say something about the music.

Shrugging back at him as he said that no one would really be able to stop him, he was right. No one could stop him from playing music. Even if they asked him to do so or tried to force him, it wouldn't be in their right interests to try.

Soon enough they entered the Throne Room with music blaring, the Royal family to the Right and the Heads of the Six Great Noble Families to the left.

Renner raised a brow at the sound which was coming from the unknown face which entered the room with Gazef. She liked it, the sound, the music. She found her head moving ever so subtly to the beat of ”Blood // Water” by Grandson. She found it oddly relevant in some way.

The Crown Prince however was wearing a frown on his lips, the angle of them twitching in annoyance by the sound. It definitely wasn't his taste.

The King seemed entirely indifferent though, as was the youngest Son, the second in line for the throne and also the more competent.

「Greater Identification」

With the silent casting of this spell, he was able to see all the information he needed. Down to the King's bum knee and the horrible personality of those present. Jack wanted to scoff at the company he was now being kept by. This was going to be really horrible, at least that is what he wanted to assume.

While Gazef knelt before his Majesty, Jack just stood there, not showing fealty nor respect as he had none for the man who had failed to reform the nation.

”Kneel before the Kin--” The Crown Prince went to order the man into submission, but was cut off by his own father who raised a hand to promote silence.

”It's alright,” the old grey haired man on the throne announced as he looked over Jack. He was young, or at least looked that way. ”Are you able to heal my knee?”

The Nobles and the Royal Family were bewildered by the King's question. It wasn't a demand, but a question. He wasn't ordering him to do it, but asking him, to see if he could.

Jack's eyes rested on the old man's knee. He needed a cane to walk around, which had to be annoying, even at his age. He nodded without speaking before raising out a hand. He didn't bother even to step forward or get closer to the man.

「Greater Healing」

A passive green light engulfed the floor of the room, little wisp-like lights danced around the room. And then, it all faded away and everything was back to normal.

The King's mouth was partially open, staring at his knee as he moved it without pain. He stood up and even did a few routine movements with it. No pain, no problems walking. ”Cipher was it?”

”Call me Jack, it's what 'friends' do.”

Ramposa the Third stared at the man before sitting down calmly in his throne. He had been healed by a man who uttered a simple two words. He had done something no magician under his employ could do. Heal the grave injury he gained in battle during the annual battle with the Baharuth Empire.

Jack's attention however was no longer on the King. Instead he was eying each of the Nobles, viewing their backgrounds, personalities and their affiliations.

Marquis Elias Raeven was an opportunist, patriot, and his primary weakness was his son. He was a major member of the Royal Political Faction as well as its hidden leader. Jack liked his given name and his overall personality. He would likely seem useful in the coming days.

Then there was Marquis Blumrush, which Jack accidentally read off as Bumrush. He was trying not to snicker aloud at this. Though he was quick to find that this man was a greedy and disloyal subject of the King. He was feeding information to the Empire, he was a mole, and apparently a well known one.

Then there was Marquis Pespea, he had a direct connection to the king, Jack didn't like his name, but found that he was a member of the Royal Faction and very influential.

Then there was Margrave, a very mundane common name. His colors reminded him of the Leader of the Blue Roses Warrior Priestess getup. With the bright blues, yellows and orange-reds. He appeared to be the most persuasive and a member of the Royal faction.

Then there was Boullope, Jack didn't even want to call him a Noble or a Marquis for that matter. He was a member of the Noble's faction and a notable individual alongside Blumrush that Jack was planning on purging.

Lastly was Count Lytton, a shameless man who only looks out for himself, while allowing those around him to suffer and not caring at all about it. It seems three of the six were due to be purged. The others could get by depending how he went about assuming control of the country.