30 「Word to the Wise」 (1/2)

One more day to go and he'd be on his way to the Royal Capital of the Re-Estize Kingdom to meet with the Six Noble Families and their Royal Masters. So he believed he would have to spend his days here in the village in a way that he could only approve of.

Standing beside Ninya in front of the graves of their friends, and the empty grave of his sister, he kept his hands folded behind his back. HIs blue plume moving about with the wind.

”What's with the helmet?” She asked in a quiet humble tone, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She needn't turn her head to look at him as he had the sun at his side.

Sniffling slightly, she could feel his warm gaze upon her.

”I visited our hostage's family estate and saved her sister's from a life of slavery and an early grave.”

”Our hostage?” Ninya's voice cracked as he had tried to involve her in the whole blackmailing of Arche's team and taking her into custody. ”Don't involve me in that you goof. Just rude.”

”Eh,” Jack tamely shrugged at the fact that it was rude to involve her in such a thing. ”Anyways, have you tried out casting magic, I'm sure you know quite a few more spells. Yeah?”

Ninya blinked several times before nodding, ”I cleansed the cemetery with a holy ward, I didn't know I could use that spell until it suddenly came to mind...”

Jack slowly nodded at this thinking, she probably got that from the Third Seat of the Black Scripture.

Now he was beginning to wonder, what would happen if he had someone drink all of these potions he had gotten. He continued to think to himself as the two of them just stood there for a little bit.

”Do you like music?”

”Like.. Singing? A Bard's Tale?”

”Yes and no, kind of.” Jack chuckled a little as he looked over at her thinking about what he could share with her. Before the Servers shutdown, he had an entire collection of Twenty First Century musics in his jukebox, an item which allowed players to insert their own music into the game and listen to it as they played. It was essentially a virtual MP3 player with speakers.

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”Hmm...” She finally turned her head towards him, squinting her lashes to shield her eyes from the sun.

Reaching into his item box, he pulled out an item that looked similar to that of an iPod, an item which was considered well off obsolete and a collectors item by the year 2138. He clicked the center button and the screen lit up with the YGGDRASIL Music splash screen.

Leaning closer to him, her shoulder pressing into his side as she rested her cheek on his arm. Her gaze traced the glowing corners of the screen in amazement. ”What do those letters mean? Is that a magic item?”

”It says YGGDRASIL Music, it's the name of the Operating System for the device.”

”Operating System...?”

”It's magic,” Jack didn't feel like explaining how a computer worked, let alone what an operating system was to someone who didn't know what a computer was in the first place. It was just easier to say it was a magical item then to say a scientific marvel.


As he pressed the center button again, the Splash screen disappeared and an image of armored women on the backs of flying horses appeared.

The moment the sound of Richard Wagner's ”Ride of the Valkyries” sounded, the sides of Ninya's head began to tingle pleasurably from the sudden stimulation. She had never heard an orchestra before, so this alone was amazing to hear.

”Is it some sort of recording, and playback, magic item?” Ninya asked as she looked up at him then back to the device, resting on him even more listening to it.

Aura who was sitting, hidden, in a tree could hear the music from where she sat. Only to glance down and see the two of them together looking at a device.

”Hohoho~” Moving into a squatting position, she hopped down from the tree as the music played and landed several feet away from them at the bottom of the trunk. ”What kinda music are you two listening to?” She seemed excited, squealing a bit, as she quickly took onto their position.

Glancing over towards Aura who was coming to them, Jack raised a brow, ”Classical from the… Nineteenth Century.” He said with a light nod.

”Nineteenth Century?” Ninya looked up at him not aware of the calendar system that was used on Earth, let alone the Commons Era or Christian Era.

”I'll explain later,” Jack said as he moved his arm around her head, in a hug, so she could rest her head against his chest.

Her eyes softened from the excitement as she could hear the oh so faint beating of his heart, even though the beating of his heart was entire simulated by his magic. She couldn't tell the difference between this and the real thing despite it not being as loud as a normal heart. It was soothing either way.

Aura watched them closely, before creeping on up to them and peering at the device in his hand.

The words present were in one of the many languages belonging to the Supreme Beings. Though it wasn't Japanese, at least not this song. ”What's the name, what's the name~!?”

”Hm? It's called the Ride of the Valkyries,” he smiled quietly at her curiosity, ”Valkyries are Female Warrior Spirits who choose whom is slain and lives during battle.” He added some context considering there weren't any such beings in the game, or in this world, for as far as he knew. ”Essentially they're Angels of Death who take women as their hosts.”

Aura laughed a bit at this, her eyes were excited just by the explanation of what Valkyries were.

Ninya didn't really mind the presence of the little Dark Elf which was there. Though she was curious of where it came from. ”So... Who are you?” Who blue eyes centered on the two different colored eyes that looked right back up at her.

”Aura Bella Fiora!” Aura shot up two thumbs up in an awkward, but typical, stance of hers. ”Friend of Jack, I serve Ainz-sama.”

”That's a pretty name,” Ninya complimented her before looking up towards Jack. She was worried on the inside, not quite the out. It could be seen in her eyes from the mention of the Overlord. However he shook his head slightly, dismissing the need to worry, which caused her to smile a bit more as she'd return her attention to Aura.

”I thank you in place of my creator!” She bowed with one hand under her abdomen before standing straight back up again, childishly and full of zeal.

Despite the girl's alignment, Ninya was assuming this child-like Elf was someone to cherish. She even saw a little of herself in the girl, due to the fact she dresses and acts like a boy.

”It's Time!” Bukubukuchagama's voice erupted from the watch on the wrist of Aura.

”Bukubukuchagama's voice?” Jack immediately narrowed his eyes on the girl's watch, which belonged to Ainz. He was curious of why she had it.

”Yes~! Anyways, Imma go get me some lun--”

”How about you join us? I have some mixed meat patties and curly fries, or preserves for a sandwich.” He'd snicker quietly seeing her eyes immediately going wide the moment he had said he had mixed meat patties for burgers.

”How'd you...”

”I read your profile, amongst other things.”

”Profile?” Ninya was getting confused with this whole creator thing and now the word profile. It was as if this little Elf was created by someone with other means than natural birth.

Aura smiled from ear to ear and posed her upper body to the side slightly while looking up at the tall man. Just what did he mean by amongst other things? Her arms were positioned like that of an arrow's points by her sides.

Her eyes then wandered over to the Headstones which were here and was drawn back to the idea that Ainz, or Momonga, had a mausoleum of the other supreme beings. Her eyes rested on however the grave marked as Eve Graham, once again with the Language of the Supreme Beings written beneath the name. ”What does that say?”

”Beloved little sister and lost hope.”

Aura froze for a moment. Little sister? She took a step forward before noticing the pebbles on each of the headstones. Was it a custom of the Supreme Beings to do this? She had no idea. She didn't disturb the pebbles at all.

”Your little sister?” Aura asked before looking over towards him, frowning for one of the few times she had since her arrival in this world beside her Guild Master Ainz.

A sharp breath escaped his nose, ”Yes,” his right lower lid also twitched as he said this. ”Losing her was the reason why I came to YGGDRASIL in the first place. So she's also the reason I'm here now.”