17 「Shadows」 (1/2)
”Can't I take my time with just one of them?” Clementine brought the blade towards her face, licking it while keeping a wide smile across her lips. Those smiling eyes were like those of the devil's.
Khajiit brought his staff forward just as Peter charged forward with his weapon at the ready.
Clementine parried his blade to the side with her own, and with a step forward, elbowed him in the chest; causing him to stumble back. ”Hah!” With the widest grin, she went to drive her weapon into his chest, but just as he was about to do so a shadow demon burst out from the ground and received the blow.
”What!?” She'd snarl as Khajiit opened his mouth slightly seeing the Shadow Demon protecting a human being. He was admittedly quite confused.
However as she tore through the shadow demon, she went to attack Lukrut as Peter backed off to assist Dyne on his assault on the man behind them.
”We have to get Nphirea out of here!”
”You're right. We can't let them turn the City into a mass of the undead!”
Lukrut tried to parry Clementine's jab, causing the blade to rip through his leather vest, and just graze his skin. Wincing as he took a few hops back, he kept his dagger at the ready.
Khajiit frowned as the swordsman and the Druid closed in on him. ”「Acid Javelin」!” He'd cast a bolt of acid towards them. The Druid deflected it away from his face with his mace, not being able to get out of the way due to the lack of room. The acid splashed in all directions, burning his arms and legs.
Peter lowered himself and lunged forward with the intent of running the necromancer through.
However just as he attempted to do so, ”Gah!” He felt the heavy butt of the wooden staff buried into his chest and he was thrown backward with the breath knocked out of him.
”Rah!” Dyne brought his mace up from a lower angle in an attempt to hit the bald man with the blunt force of his weapon.
Lukrut who was almost back to back with Dyne now trying to avoid being stabbed, was kicked directly into the back of the druid.
This caused his attack to fumble and Khajiit wasn't dull enough to not take this opportunity seriously.
”「Acid Javelin」” A bolt of acid left the evil sorcerer's hand, splashing onto the Druid's face. Causing him to scream in agony as he was being burnt by the acid. He fell to the ground, trying to hold his face as he started to convulse.
Peter called out for his friend, ”Dyne!” As he got back to his feet, he ran for the enemy, tripping over Lukrut who was sit on the ground after being knocked into their spell caster friend.
”Mister Dyne...” Nphirea could hardly handle what was going on. They were trapped, this was a massacre.
Cashing into the nearby table, Peter turned to look at the woman running directly at him. Just what level was she? His eyes rested on those copper and low ranked badges from adventurers which acted as decorations for her armor.
Anger boiled up inside of him.
He didn't want to die here, and he knew if he died here, plenty of others would die as well.
Would Momon come here and save the day?
Would Cipher, Jack, make a sudden appearance and save the day?
Lifting his weapon up from the surface of the table, he swung it hard with one hand intending to tear her head from her shoulders. However with ease the hero-level villain smacked the weapon with her Stiletto, causing his arm to cross his chest. With wide eyes he could do nothing before she rammed her weapon in through his chest, pinning his arm to his torso.
Letting out a gasp of pain, blood began to trickle down from his mouth. She had missed his heart, but she had gotten one of his lungs.
His vision began to blur, he couldn't hold back a cough. His free hand he felt for his sheathed dagger.
He couldn't close his mouth, he couldn't concentrate. The pain shot through ever pore in his body. His eyes, his thoughts, they were slowly losing their cohesion. No, that wasn't it... He looked down at the weapon and it was still in his chest, but she was no longer holding it any longer.
”Draw your sword,” an extremely large smile was across her face. ”And kill your friend,” she'd gesture towards Lukrut who was pressingh is back against the wall.
Dyne was on the ground, he wasn't moving.
Peter, his eyes were glowing a reddish pink. He was smiling, happy, it looked as if he was feeling really good despite blood soaking his shirt. He brandished the short sword, the very symbol of their friendship and camaraderie.
”Peter!” Lukrut shouted as he pushed himself up the wall with his own dagger at the ready. His eyes moved to the two villains in the room, and then to the slowly encroaching friend of his. He swallowed hard. ”Peter, get a hold of yourself! We're supposed to meet up with Ninya later!”