9 「Braggart」 (1/2)
Brita and Cipher entered the Pharmacy, a potion in her hand which she held by its neck.
”So this is where you say the infamous--”
”Famous pharmacist lives with her grandson?” Cipher glanced over the walls, there were plenty of things in this building. His eyes immediately locked onto an inferior boy sporting a bowl-cut blonde hairdo that covers half his face just above the nose with hidden blue eyes who made his appearance.
”Welcome...” His eyes looked over the man dressed in a fancy getup and then towards Brita.
”Mister Nphirea Balear?” Brita asked as she looked him over for a moment. This was the boy who could use any magical item. This was one piece of information that she had shared with Cipher.
”Yes, do you have business with me?” He asked curiously, looking over at them, a plain smile over his lips. Just one of his eyes is poking out from behind his hair.
It kind of reminded him of one of those gothic-emo culture people from Earth, a trend from the early twenty-first century which never seemed to die out.
”I'd like to have something appraised,” Brita claimed with the man who had given her the potion right next to her. It was clear she wanted a second opinion of what this thing truly was. ”It's a health potion, according to this man here.” She'd point her thumb at Cipher.
Cipher in turn nodded his head in confirmation.
She'd then hold the glass vial out to the boy for him to examine only for his eyes to get wide and look at her before rushing to the back of the store.
The two of them casually followed after him until he opened those double doors. Cipher folded his hands behind his back, beneath his cloak while Brita let her arms flow at her sides.
As the two entered the back where an old lady would be now standing in front of a table with a big blue potion bottled on it.
”Take a look at this!” Nphirea planted the item on the table, the red color immediately catching her eye.
”Red?” She looked at it closely before looking to the two who entered the room.
The boy was excited, ”What do you think?”
Cipher not exactly understanding the excitement behind the whole red potion thing, just watched them intently. Wondering just what was going on here. Wasn't she only supposed to get this thing appraised?
”Well, lets take a look.” Her blue eyes searched the item. It appeared authentic. The design of the vial itself was impeccable, showing great craftsmanship and reflecting the worth of its ingredients.
She stepped forward and hovered her hands over the item.
”So this is the best pharmacist in E-Rantel...” Brita said quietly, pointing out an observation.
”Lizzie Balear, my grandmother.” The grandson seemed to be prideful to even be related to her. Even though he was submissive overall.
”「Appraisal Magic Item, Detect Enchant」”
The old woman cast a spell which caught Cipher's attention. She could use magic. It was another person with potential? Looking over her, he shook his head at the thought. She was far too old and venerable. Using the Memory Meld spell may end up killing her after a few uses.
Plus, she seemed more of a domineering individual rather than a submissive follower.
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”Ooh,” a sound of surprise and amazement arose from the woman.
”Well, Grandma?” Deadpanned by suspense, Nphirea asked with a low voice.
This was only greated by her soft creepy laughter. ”Nphirea! All potions turn blue in the manufacturing process, right?”
”Yes, that's right...”
”This item is a true potion that no one has been able to make until now!”
The moment she said this, Cipher coughed and turned his head away.
”Hm?” the Old woman paused for a moment, giving him a gander before looking to her grandson.
”It's a true potion of healing that exhibits the color of God's blood... I thought it was just a legend.” She was gravely serious about this. Though she took pride in 'discovering' it to be a true potion.
”This potion is equal to a second tier healing spell.” She informed them, and she wasn't necessarily wrong. It was definitely worth as much as a scroll that casts the same spell. ”And is worth eight gold pieces.”
Brita was just standing there with her mouth open, her eyes seemed almost lost by the news. A creepily wide smile was across her lips before she turned to look at Cipher.
”But thinking of its rarity, people who would kill you for this item will probably appear.” The old woman seemed to have shadows cast over her face as she said this, making it all the more serious.
That creepy smile twisted into that of horror at the idea of being murdered over this item.
”So what about selling this item to me? I'll buy it off your hands for 32 Gold coins.”
Sweat began to develop on Brita's face and Cipher was trying not to chuckle, covering his mouth with the back of his right hand.
Brita almost flinched, a hand forward as if she wanted to defend herself.