7 「Data」 (1/2)
”We're being watched...” Lukrut noted, a hand on his jeweled dark short sword.
They had left the Carne Village about over an hour ago. They were moving at a snail's pace, walking, taking their time. There was no rush to get back to the City, at least in Cipher's case.
Glancing over at the ranger, Cipher raised a brow slightly.
”Really? How many?” He questioned the one of three blond men, observing the dirt under his nails. In the game this never happened, yet now his nails were sullied.
”At least twenty, it's not monsters. Their movements, they're sophisticated. Far more than that of a Goblins.” These observations made the lich nod in agreement. This adventurer wasn't all that bad.
Peter glanced over at Cipher then over towards Lukrut. A frown printed over his lips. ”We should pick up the pace.”
”If we do that they might think we're on to them and pounce. We're in the middle of a lot of flatland, they could've set traps ahead.” Dyne advised as he walked beside Ninya who was moving along in the back of the group of six.
Ninya nodded, agreeing with Dyne.
”They're on foot. No horses. They reach of bloodlust and...” The corner of Cipher's lips twitched slightly. If the group watching them knew of Ninya's sex, she would wish they'd just kill her.
”And?” Peter smirked seeing the facial expression on Cipher's face.
Using 「Telepathy」Cipher called upon Momonga. ”We're being watched by militants. I don't think they're with either Country. Be advised. I'm sure they're part of a larger group.”
”Eh-- Cipher? Another group...? Thank you, we'll look into this quietly. Do what you see fit.”
”Thank you Momonga.”
Ending their conversation, Cipher began to scratch under his chin, before looking over at Peter. He could leave them all here to die, but that wouldn't fit his personality. Leaving people to needlessly die, it didn't feel right.
”Something wrong Cipher?” Ninya asked as she peered passed her friends towards the man.
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”Debating on what?” Peter's smirk disappeared when he came up with the assumption Cipher was debating on whether or not to leave them to their fate.
”To kill them or not.” Cipher's eyes locked with Peter's, a dull look in them.
”Do you really have to think about it?” Lukrut asked as he appeared a bit relaxed as they were with someone who was potentially several times stronger than any known army. ”You didn't hesitate to kill those knights back there. Even though they weren't really Imperial Knights to begin with.”
”You have a point,” Cipher retorted with a snicker of his own. ”Self-Defense is a must.”
”Plus, you're only wearing enough armor to protect your chest shoulders and neck. How do you expect to defend against all of them” Peter asked with a brow raised, only for the group to look at him as their defense wasn't all that much different. If anything, they had less armor than him.
Cipher didn't give his commentary much of a response, even though he was right in a way. The only difference though was that his armor was Divine-Class while the rest of the party's was surely lacking in class. It wasn't something he enjoyed to think about either. This meant if he wasn't paying attention, they'd die. He couldn't have that.
As everyone was slugging their thoughts into the back of their minds, a single bolt from a crossbow clashed with the ground in front of the group.
Cipher and Sir Gallifrey who were in the front came to a stop and just observed the bolt. It was made of wood and iron. It was virtually useless against the two of them, which made them chuckle.
Grinning to the side, Cipher looked to the approaching unit of twenty or so people. Each of them had a weapon, some of them even had pickaxes. Each one varied in wealth and prestige.
「Greater Identification」As he looked over the people, he could see how much weaker they were than himself. He saw their names, their professions, past professions and their skills. If he was actually looking for a fight, he'd be disappointed. However, it was clear they were much more powerful than the silver ranked Adventurers accompanying him.
”Handover all that you're worth!” One of them shouted, ”And you just might leave alive!”
The men flanked the entire group, eventually surrounding and encircling them within minutes.
”I'd like to tell you to do the same.” Cipher's gaze was even more hollow than before. His capacity for murdering these people were growing, just as they're in his presence.
”Oh!? AHAHAHA! Is that so?” The man stepped forward from the bandits, licking his lips.
Peter leaned towards Cipher and whispered, ”These guys. They're the Death Spreading Brigade. They're wanted for a profound amount of gruesome crimes.”
”They're not very good at coming up with names... Are they?” Cipher frowned, not really caring for the crimes. He mostly cared that they were getting in his way, and obstructing his path.
Seeing his reactions to the bandits, made the Swords of Darkness smile faintly. Did this mean he could take them on, or was he just being a brat? They were hopeful though they would be wiped the floor and rid of.
”Boss, those four are adventurers. These two, I don't see a rank on them.” One of the men reported aloud, chuckling. Thinking they got it good, believing the two were nobles or something along those lines.
”Hm... Then you must be nobles? Being escorted by Silvers, pft... Pathe--”
Cipher began to raise his hand from his side, his open palm facing the sky. The man had been cut off by the sudden feeling of energy and dust rising from the ground. Blue light began to rise up from the ground around them. Before they knew it there was a large blue circle surrounding the bandits. The center where Cipher and the Adventurers were, had no such circle.
”What... What is this?”
”「Necrotic Zone VI」”
Before another word could leave the lips of the bandits surrounding the seemingly helpless group of companions, screams were all that could be heard.
Their skin, their eyes, their internal organs. They felt like they were on fire, being eaten away by magic itself. They grabbed at her faces, their arms. Some of them even tried to cut off their infected limps, but it only quickened their deaths.